• VĂ€lkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete Àr nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se nÄgonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli Ànnu snabbare, mer lÀttanvÀnt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en trÄd pÄ diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frÄgestÀllningar.

    Tack för att ni Àr med och skapar Skandinaviens bÀsta klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

🧾 Officiella G-ShocktrĂ„den

Har inte hunnit kolla pÄ alla videos om Mudmaster Àn, hur man syncar osv sÄ ska kolla det sen nÀr jag fÄr tillfÀlle :)

Bjuder istÀllet pÄ en bild med svart band istÀllet för gröna. Kanske Àr lite för stealth :/ dock super nöjd med denna klocka!


Stealth Àr alltid rÀtt. Snyggt. GÀrna fler bilder vid nÄt tillfÀlle.
Den hĂ€r gĂ„r varm nu nĂ€r trĂ€dgĂ„rden ska fixas, garaget ska stĂ€das, bilen ska tvĂ€ttas etc. Jag trodde verkligen inte jag skulle gilla en plastig g-shock – men man ska aldrig sĂ€ga aldrig! Den har egentligen fĂ„tt sjĂ€lvklar handledstid sedan jag köpte den i februari.

Klistrar in en (smÄrolig och lite omstÀndig) beskrivning frÄn nÀtet:
”Description: Radio wave amplifier station DCF77
Citizen RCW / SU-3 antenna, what it is and what it is for.
Radio wave amplifier device of the Citizen brand for radio-controlled clocks that synchronize with the DCF77 station.

It works with all kinds of radio-controlled watches,
They do not need to be of the Citizen brand.
Necessary in those areas where the reception of waves is difficult.
Increase the ability to synchronize the clock.
If you live in closed buildings or in deep valleys between mountains it will be very useful.
You can use it with several watches at the same time.
How does the wave amplifier for radiocontrol clocks work?

It is a device that amplifies the reception capacity of the clock.
No need for power or batteries.
It does not consume electricity or clock resources.
It is placed next to the clock you want to synchronize.
It takes about 15 minutes to act.
We recommend doing it once a month.
How to use the Citizen Rcw / su3 antenna?

Consult the instructions of your watch model.
Find a window or the most open area of the house.
Locate the position of the transmitting antenna relative to your position. In this case Germany.
Place the Citizen antenna very close to the clock, so that it touches it lightly.
Set the clock to reception mode manually. To start receiving the time signal.
If you don't know how to force reception, leave it for 24 hours in that position to do it automatically.
How to know if your watch has synchronized?

Most watches have a button to verify receipt.
If you don't know how to do it, just check the time by comparing it with your mobile phone,
The time must match exactly when it changes to the next minute
I am going to buy a radio-controlled watch. Do I need to buy the Citizen RCW / SU3 antenna?

The need or not of the amplifier device depends on several factors:

Some radio-controlled clocks receive the signal better than others, depending on the brand, the technology used and the model itself.
If you live in the southern half of Spain, it is usually necessary.
You will need it if you live in a big city surrounded by big buildings.
It is essential in those homes that barely have windows or are in the lower areas of buildings or basements.
If you live near a powerful radar signal like an airport for example.
Does it really work?

Of course, it is manufactured by Citizen, the world's leading radio-controlled watch company.
We are so sure of its effectiveness that if it does not work you have 30 days to return it and recover your money.
Does it work for other watch brands?

Yes, radio controlled and other brands Casio watches are compatible.
If you have a Citizen Radio Controlled Watch, it is the best investment you will make, but also if you have a watch from other brands.
Although it was designed for the Citizen eco drive, we have proven that it is suitable for all types of radio-controlled watches.

Does it help the reception of waves from other transmitting antennas?

It does not amplify the signal of other transmitting antennas since it is designed for the frequency on which the German DC77 station works.
It does not work for stations in America or Asia.
Do you want to know what a radio-controlled watch is and how it works?

They are clocks that automatically receive the time signal from a broadcasting station, so they always show the exact time.
They have a small wave receiver inside, and every day the time is updated with the exact time of the atomic clock.
If you live in an area with little or bad wave reception, this is when you need this Citizen rcw / su3 antenna device, to improve reception.
Here is a great article from our blog that talks about how a radio-controlled clock works.
Is the antenna necessary to work?

The amplifying antenna is not necessary for a radio-controlled clock to work.
It is necessary to receive the signal well in places of difficulty.
It is not necessary to change the time, you can change the time manually.
It is very useful for winter and summer time changes, as it automatically does the same night of the change.”

Köpte den som en kul grej och inbillar mig att den faktiskt hjÀlper en del.
Grön Rangeman = check!
Problemet Ă€r vad han har pĂ„ den högra handleden...: paracordarmband med den pyttelilla kompassen som finns pĂ„ billiga vĂ€skor och diverse ”taktisk” utrustning, och som ALDRIG pekar mot norr :D:D:D:D:D

Den dÀr gröna Rangeman Àr fan cool! Synd med negativ display bara.
Ja jÀvlar det har han, alltid undrar om en sÄn dÀr nÄnsin visar rÀtt... verkar inte riktigt funka det dÀr. :)
Tacka vet jag Rambo kniven!!!
Klistrar in en (smÄrolig och lite omstÀndig) beskrivning frÄn nÀtet:
”Description: Radio wave amplifier station DCF77
Citizen RCW / SU-3 antenna, what it is and what it is for.
Radio wave amplifier device of the Citizen brand for radio-controlled clocks that synchronize with the DCF77 station.

It works with all kinds of radio-controlled watches,
They do not need to be of the Citizen brand.
Necessary in those areas where the reception of waves is difficult.
Increase the ability to synchronize the clock.
If you live in closed buildings or in deep valleys between mountains it will be very useful.
You can use it with several watches at the same time.
How does the wave amplifier for radiocontrol clocks work?

It is a device that amplifies the reception capacity of the clock.
No need for power or batteries.
It does not consume electricity or clock resources.
It is placed next to the clock you want to synchronize.
It takes about 15 minutes to act.
We recommend doing it once a month.
How to use the Citizen Rcw / su3 antenna?

Consult the instructions of your watch model.
Find a window or the most open area of the house.
Locate the position of the transmitting antenna relative to your position. In this case Germany.
Place the Citizen antenna very close to the clock, so that it touches it lightly.
Set the clock to reception mode manually. To start receiving the time signal.
If you don't know how to force reception, leave it for 24 hours in that position to do it automatically.
How to know if your watch has synchronized?

Most watches have a button to verify receipt.
If you don't know how to do it, just check the time by comparing it with your mobile phone,
The time must match exactly when it changes to the next minute
I am going to buy a radio-controlled watch. Do I need to buy the Citizen RCW / SU3 antenna?

The need or not of the amplifier device depends on several factors:

Some radio-controlled clocks receive the signal better than others, depending on the brand, the technology used and the model itself.
If you live in the southern half of Spain, it is usually necessary.
You will need it if you live in a big city surrounded by big buildings.
It is essential in those homes that barely have windows or are in the lower areas of buildings or basements.
If you live near a powerful radar signal like an airport for example.
Does it really work?

Of course, it is manufactured by Citizen, the world's leading radio-controlled watch company.
We are so sure of its effectiveness that if it does not work you have 30 days to return it and recover your money.
Does it work for other watch brands?

Yes, radio controlled and other brands Casio watches are compatible.
If you have a Citizen Radio Controlled Watch, it is the best investment you will make, but also if you have a watch from other brands.
Although it was designed for the Citizen eco drive, we have proven that it is suitable for all types of radio-controlled watches.

Does it help the reception of waves from other transmitting antennas?

It does not amplify the signal of other transmitting antennas since it is designed for the frequency on which the German DC77 station works.
It does not work for stations in America or Asia.
Do you want to know what a radio-controlled watch is and how it works?

They are clocks that automatically receive the time signal from a broadcasting station, so they always show the exact time.
They have a small wave receiver inside, and every day the time is updated with the exact time of the atomic clock.
If you live in an area with little or bad wave reception, this is when you need this Citizen rcw / su3 antenna device, to improve reception.
Here is a great article from our blog that talks about how a radio-controlled clock works.
Is the antenna necessary to work?

The amplifying antenna is not necessary for a radio-controlled clock to work.
It is necessary to receive the signal well in places of difficulty.
It is not necessary to change the time, you can change the time manually.
It is very useful for winter and summer time changes, as it automatically does the same night of the change.”

Köpte den som en kul grej och inbillar mig att den faktiskt hjÀlper en del.
- Kort o koncis beskrivning, bra!