• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Den eviga Zodiac-tråden ni inte visste ni behövde

Vilken period gör mig mest styv?

  • Ju mögligare desto bättre, pre-dot är benchmark

    Röster: 45 26.2%
  • Dot-Zodiac är historisk viktigare än Dot-Com

    Röster: 50 29.1%
  • Fossils batteridrivna ful-period är da-shit

    Röster: 23 13.4%
  • Fossils automatiska ansträngning förenar förr-och-nu på bästa sätt!!!

    Röster: 54 31.4%

  • Totala väljare
7 dagar tog det tills jag fick den levererad! Kommer helt ny och inplastad :) levereras med box samt manual, dom skickade även med schyssta verktyg till att minska länken
Kan aldrig gå fel med en compressor.
Snygg på länk, ja utan också för den delen :).
Köpte en riktig Zodiac-beater, men tyvärr så linjerar inte kronografen, se bild. Vet någon hur man ställer den ( om det nu ens går..?)?

Riktigt cool urtavlani alla fall :)

Dra ut krona till läge 3 (längst ut). Håll övre kronoknapp intryckt till stora sekunden gör ett ärevarv. Knappa sedan stora sekunden till rätt position med samma knapp. Tryck nedre en gång kronoknapp för att gå vidare till visare sub dial. Repetera. Sedan tryck in kronan. Voilà!
Dra ut krona till läge 3 (längst ut). Håll övre kronoknapp intryckt till stora sekunden gör ett ärevarv. Knappa sedan stora sekunden till rätt position med samma knapp. Tryck nedre en gång kronoknapp för att gå vidare till visare sub dial. Repetera. Sedan tryck in kronan. Voilà!
Skumt, gör jag första steget så går kronografen igång (stora visaren) trots att kronan är utdragen till läge 3, dvs inget ärevarv...
Du trycker och behåller knappen intryckt till den gör frivarv.
Mmm funkar ej. Gör enligt följande:
1. Drar ut kronan tills klockan sekundvisaren stannar, dvs så långt det går
2. Trycker in översta kronografknappen och håller den intryck (hållt den intryck i ca 2 min)
3. Resultat: inget frivarv utan kronografen börjar ticka på som vanligt direkt jag trycker in knappen. Samma resultat oavsett om kronan är utdragen eller inte
Mmm funkar ej. Gör enligt följande:
1. Drar ut kronan tills klockan sekundvisaren stannar, dvs så långt det går
2. Trycker in översta kronografknappen och håller den intryck (hållt den intryck i ca 2 min)
3. Resultat: inget frivarv utan kronografen börjar ticka på som vanligt direkt jag trycker in knappen. Samma resultat oavsett om kronan är utdragen eller inte
Ok, trist. Då kan det vara något fel. Har ett verk som funkar om det konstateras keff.
@kalles888 mine arrived too. @Jeser90 not the LE but the dial color is much much better F2F.

A small review about the bracelet I found on the web.
The first cool aspect is that it’s 20mm at the lugs and tapers to 18mm by the clasp. Tapering mesh is not common at all, and has a very nice effect. The mesh itself is 3.5mm thick, with a very tight weave giving the feeling of being indestructible. Yet despite its sheer density, it still flexes well.

The clasp is one of the beefiest and most solid I’ve ever seen, and that includes luxury watches several times the price. It’s made of thick steel that has been very well machined and finished. It’s brushed on the top and sides and has polished bevels for a glint of light. The lock features the Zodiac logo and flips over, then snaps in place with a very reassuring sound. Once closed, there is no fear of it opening as it is very sturdy. Tucked away underneath is an extension mechanism that adds about a centimeter to the length of the mesh.

Sizing the mesh is easy too, as it features some incognito links towards the clasp. Rather than being plain steel blocks, they stamped in the texture of the mesh. At a glance, it looks like it’s all mesh, though closer up you can see it’s just a pattern. They feature pins that are easy to push through with a bracelet tool.
@kalles888 mine arrived too. @Jeser90 not the LE but the dial color is much much better F2F.

A small review about the bracelet I found on the web.
The first cool aspect is that it’s 20mm at the lugs and tapers to 18mm by the clasp. Tapering mesh is not common at all, and has a very nice effect. The mesh itself is 3.5mm thick, with a very tight weave giving the feeling of being indestructible. Yet despite its sheer density, it still flexes well.

The clasp is one of the beefiest and most solid I’ve ever seen, and that includes luxury watches several times the price. It’s made of thick steel that has been very well machined and finished. It’s brushed on the top and sides and has polished bevels for a glint of light. The lock features the Zodiac logo and flips over, then snaps in place with a very reassuring sound. Once closed, there is no fear of it opening as it is very sturdy. Tucked away underneath is an extension mechanism that adds about a centimeter to the length of the mesh.

Sizing the mesh is easy too, as it features some incognito links towards the clasp. Rather than being plain steel blocks, they stamped in the texture of the mesh. At a glance, it looks like it’s all mesh, though closer up you can see it’s just a pattern. They feature pins that are easy to push through with a bracelet tool.
A real beauty. So nice i have tears in my eyes. Im on the beach so it can be sand but i am almost sure it is the Super sea Wolf.
@kalles888 mine arrived too. @Jeser90 not the LE but the dial color is much much better F2F.

A small review about the bracelet I found on the web.
The first cool aspect is that it’s 20mm at the lugs and tapers to 18mm by the clasp. Tapering mesh is not common at all, and has a very nice effect. The mesh itself is 3.5mm thick, with a very tight weave giving the feeling of being indestructible. Yet despite its sheer density, it still flexes well.

The clasp is one of the beefiest and most solid I’ve ever seen, and that includes luxury watches several times the price. It’s made of thick steel that has been very well machined and finished. It’s brushed on the top and sides and has polished bevels for a glint of light. The lock features the Zodiac logo and flips over, then snaps in place with a very reassuring sound. Once closed, there is no fear of it opening as it is very sturdy. Tucked away underneath is an extension mechanism that adds about a centimeter to the length of the mesh.

Sizing the mesh is easy too, as it features some incognito links towards the clasp. Rather than being plain steel blocks, they stamped in the texture of the mesh. At a glance, it looks like it’s all mesh, though closer up you can see it’s just a pattern. They feature pins that are easy to push through with a bracelet tool.
Nice...very nice
@kalles888 mine arrived too. @Jeser90 not the LE but the dial color is much much better F2F.

A small review about the bracelet I found on the web.
The first cool aspect is that it’s 20mm at the lugs and tapers to 18mm by the clasp. Tapering mesh is not common at all, and has a very nice effect. The mesh itself is 3.5mm thick, with a very tight weave giving the feeling of being indestructible. Yet despite its sheer density, it still flexes well.

The clasp is one of the beefiest and most solid I’ve ever seen, and that includes luxury watches several times the price. It’s made of thick steel that has been very well machined and finished. It’s brushed on the top and sides and has polished bevels for a glint of light. The lock features the Zodiac logo and flips over, then snaps in place with a very reassuring sound. Once closed, there is no fear of it opening as it is very sturdy. Tucked away underneath is an extension mechanism that adds about a centimeter to the length of the mesh.

Sizing the mesh is easy too, as it features some incognito links towards the clasp. Rather than being plain steel blocks, they stamped in the texture of the mesh. At a glance, it looks like it’s all mesh, though closer up you can see it’s just a pattern. They feature pins that are easy to push through with a bracelet tool.
Damn beautiful watch and stunning dial! Wow :)