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    /Hook & Leben

Intressant artikel


Kul artikel. Verkar som en stekarsub ligger i lä där. Kan dock tänkas att RM livsstilen kan kosta lite att hålla igång, förutom klockan alltså.


"His statement brings to mind the story told to me by Laurent Picciotto, the legendary owner of Paris’s watchmaking mecca, Chronopassion. Says Picciotto, “I had a customer walk into my shop. And just for fun, I showed him one of Richard [Mille]’s early watches — I believe it was an RM 002. Anyway, he put it on and he just stared at it. Then he asked me the price and I told him. He looked at me, visibly upset, and started to yell at me — I mean, really curse at me. But at the same time, he took out his credit card and handed it to me. The watch was so seductive that he could not refuse to buy it, but he was upset that I had made him spend so much money. He was still looking at the watch and shouting at me as he walked out the door. This is the effect of a Richard Mille. It is one of the most powerfully seductive timepieces on earth.” Fantastiskt :)


Den fick mig dock att googla graffitikonstnären + Richard Mille. Snurrade runt lite och snubblade över den här, i mina ögon, svincoola klockan.
Slänger in några bilder:




Tack för att du dela artikeln, fick en underbar morgon läsning och ett plötsligt stort sug att införskaffa sig en RM:shifty:. Har alltid tyckt att RM har varit lite fula och vräkiga, tar dock tillbaka allt, framtill nu. Funderar på sälja min själ till djävulen om ens det hjälper...


RM osar nyrikt... Inte speciellt nice tycker jag :)

Hade mycket hellre tagit en PP Grand Complications av något slag eller liknande... Det osar klass ;)


Har bara sett RM live i ett butiksfönster men det räckte för att man skulle stå där och dreggla som ett fån :D


"His statement brings to mind the story told to me by Laurent Picciotto, the legendary owner of Paris’s watchmaking mecca, Chronopassion. Says Picciotto, “I had a customer walk into my shop. And just for fun, I showed him one of Richard [Mille]’s early watches — I believe it was an RM 002. Anyway, he put it on and he just stared at it. Then he asked me the price and I told him. He looked at me, visibly upset, and started to yell at me — I mean, really curse at me. But at the same time, he took out his credit card and handed it to me. The watch was so seductive that he could not refuse to buy it, but he was upset that I had made him spend so much money. He was still looking at the watch and shouting at me as he walked out the door. This is the effect of a Richard Mille. It is one of the most powerfully seductive timepieces on earth.” Fantastiskt :)