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    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

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    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

It's true... Books are the Best for Watches

Being a father of 5, Christmas, is a crazy time for TOMTEN... but a strange thing happened this time.
I... ME...TOMTEN, actually found a gift under the tree.
It was a book, about watches , called "A man and his watch "
Having read it now, twice, it is now my "take everywhere book. It is about the size, weight a laptop so no worries for me there
This watch book, many will have heard of it, features 78 of the watches owned by famous people/watch icons
It tells the stories of how these watches became what they are
Question:: which is more important ... Paul Newman or his DAYTONA?
BET YOU have never asked yourself that!!
The book has many of that type if thought provoking issue between the covers.
The quality of the pictures and stories of each piece's story is , makes this book by far, one of the best, and interesting Horology books out there.
For a test, I downloaded the PDF that is available to look at that. But it does not hold a candle to the real book..
Here us a pic below with the full review and links to all the chapters when you get to the page.
Hope you enjoy this as much as me.
OBS. This cost 40€ on Amazon, so I am sure you can get a copy here in Sweden for ..say... under SEK 3400... .... An Irish joke ....
The book seems really interesting. Have to pick up a copy at some point.
Here's a YouTube video from when the author Matthew Hranek visited Hodinkee.
