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Looking for input on dial colors

Hello all...
What dial color(s) do you fell would look good in the following design? I was thinking Yellow or perhaps a dark green?


Thank you for your input.

I am a sucker for blue sunburst, so that one you got there looks pretty much perfect. But since you ask; how about grey sunburst? Looks good on a diver and looks good when matched with a grey suit or wool sweater.


Green dials feel more in sync with bronze/brass cases.


But since the name of the watch is "Midnattssol", I would go with something like this.
Senast ändrad:
I am a sucker for blue sunburst, so that one you got there looks pretty much perfect. But since you ask; how about grey sunburst? Looks good on a diver and looks good when matched with a grey suit or wool sweater.


Green dials feel more in sync with bronze/brass cases.


But since the name of the watch is "Midnattssol", I would go with something like this.

Great post and couldn't agree with you more. :)
I did an anthracite gray dial with the Baltic Shield so didn't want a repeat with this one. I do like the idea of a sunburst green similar to the blue.
Hmmmmmmmmmm............... got me thinking now.
Great post and couldn't agree with you more. :)
I did an anthracite gray dial with the Baltic Shield so didn't want a repeat with this one. I do like the idea of a sunburst green similar to the blue.
Hmmmmmmmmmm............... got me thinking now.
You could go green, but I am not sure about how it would look with an SS bezel. Can anyone find a pic of a dive watch with green dial/stainless bezel? My google-fu is not strong enough. Black bezel would work without a doubt though.
I may play with a rendering of a dark green sunburst dial and see how it looks. What about an accent color on the dial... gold?
I would just love it if you keep it green sunburst/white. But I am very partial to that particular combination, so do not take my word for it. My very first watch was a green sunburst/white numbers deal. This is what I wore as a seven year old kid. :)
I am wondering about a flat green vs. sunburst green? I am leaning towards sunburst similar to these blue. I would consider a no date option as well but not sure if the demand would be there for it.

