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    /Hook & Leben

Meistersinger news

Hi everybody,
Sorry not to write in Swedish but I'm afraid to still make a lot of mistakes.
I'm working for Meistersinger for almost the last 2 years in order to develop the brand in Scandinavia.
In my point of view, Meistersinger should become a success, especially here in Nordic countries where a strong culture for design exists.
What is Scandinavian design ? It is about tending to the most efficient and functional products. Skip the useless lines, the useless functions, the useless details to focus on the product's essence.
It is exactly what Meistersinger is also doing. Skip the chronograph that no one uses, skip the useless hand of seconds and even skip the exact minute since it is not that important to know that it is 10.33. What cares the most in this example is that we're around half past ten at the end, isn't it?
But I must confess that I'm a bit sad to see so many conservative behaviours in the watch industry: people who like the Meistersinger's message but they don't want to dare to bet on a new brand. Let's stay safe, let's stay in our comfortable zone with brands which have not so much to say but have a strong name recognization!
Some other markets are daring and are successful with Meistersinger. In the Netherlands for example, Meistersinger is distributed over 55 points of sales ! In Sweden ? Only 2 right now ! lol
I hope that people will open their mind and understand the nice message behind the single-hand watches of Meistersinger !
For the pleasure of the eyes, you can enjoy below the novelties 2017 ! :)





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Skip the chronograph that no one uses, skip the useless hand of seconds and even skip the exact minute since it is not that important to know that it is 10.33. What cares the most in this example is that we're around half past ten at the end, isn't it?

Skit i kronografer, den svepande sekundvisaren är helt onödig och vem fan vill veta exakt vad tiden är?
”Tidsavvikelse? Inte en aning!”
... sen för att krydda hela erbjudandet så slänger vi in en ”salthora” med.

Tveksam om du har kommit till rätt ställe nu :D
Jag hade den första som kom ut. Den saknar jag inte... Låg kvalité och finish, kändes billig.

Med det sagt, det är ju många år sedan... Helt övertygad om att kvalitén måste ha tagit ett rejält skutt uppåt på dessa år. För rätt snygga modeller på bild!
Hi everyone,
Yes, I've already got this comment that "Salthora" is not a good name for the Swedish and Norwegian market !
This is a German brand and they didn't know by choosing the name of "SaltHora" (latin words for Jumping Hours) that it will come up to a kind of issue, here in Scandinavia. But at least, it makes talk a bit more about it !!! :)
N°1, 2 and 3 are the original and iconic models, present since the beginning of the brand's history. N°1 is a hand-wound watch equipped with an ETA or Sellita caliber, N°2 is also a hand-wound watch with a robust Unitas movement, visible on the back side (sapphire glass) and N°3 is an automatic watch (ETA or Sellita).
For the quality of Meistersinger watches, nothing to feel ashame! It's a Swiss-made brand, equipped only with Eta or Sellita calibers. The Salthora watches have an additional module on ETA and the premium line (Circularis hand-wound and automatic) are equipped with a beautiful movement developed by Synergies Horlogères (2 barrels for 120 hours of power reserve), also a Swiss company. For those who have the luck to visit Baselworld, you're very welcome to come to our booth A45 Hall 2.0. Seeing the watches in real will probably convince you more if it is not already the case ! :)
A watch without a minute hand completly ruins it for me. I mean if i'm going to a meeting, using any kind on transportation or have any kind of schduled activity were it's a necessity to be on time this watch would be more or less useless....
Indeed, Meistersinger is not made for those days when you need to stress or just be on time for an appointment (even if the movement are reliable and accurate). Meistersinger invites you to relax and just to check approximately where you are in the day as people were used to do in the past with a sundial. It's a controversal message from our actual values which are asking us to be always more accurate, faster, quicker, etc.
At the end, for many people, minutes don't really matter, they want to know if they are closed to half past ten or closed to quarter to eleven. In this way, Meistersinger is giving a nice and relaxing answer ! But I understand that Meistersinger is not for everyone and that some people really need to know the exact minute.