• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Nyt Omega fickur....

Det er en maskine som urmakere bruger til at måle klockans funktion.

Rate: måler præcision i sekunder/døgnet

Amplitude: måler hvor godt den svinger, teoretisk max. er 360 grader, men alt over 300 på en gammel klocka er bra

"Amplitude is the measure of the amount of rotation in the swing of the balance wheel, in either direction, usually expressed in degrees. In a running watch, the balance wheel swings or rotates clockwise and counterclockwise. Each swing in either direction is called a “beat”. Amplitude is the number of degrees of rotation of the beat. Amplitude is higher, typically in the range of about 270 to 315 degrees, when a watch is lying flat or in the “dial up” or “dial down” position. Amplitude usually falls when the watch is in a vertical position, primarily due to increased friction. Amplitude can also fall as the watch winds down and the mainspring delivers less power. Amplitude that is too high or too low, or that changes too much in different positions, can indicate a problem with the movement."

B.E: beat error er om den tik-tak'er præcist = 0 ms

L.A: jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvad det betyder

Beat: Beat pr. hour er frekvensen i beats pr. hour (eller VPH V = vibration)

"In a watch movement with a balance wheel, one vibration is a single swing of the balance wheel. A vibration is one-half of an oscillation, or a semi-oscillation. So, one swing of the balance wheel in either direction, for example clockwise, is one vibration or semi-oscillation, and two swings, for example clockwise then counter-clockwise, is an oscillation.
The frequency of a watch movement can be expressed in Hertz (Hz) or in vibrations per hour (vph), which is also sometimes referred to as A/h. The frequency in Hertz is the number of oscillations per second. Double the hertz figure to get the number of vibrations or semi-oscillations per second. Multiply that number by 3600 (the number of seconds in an hour) to get the vph.
The most common frequency for modern mechanical wristwatch movements is 4 Hz, or 28,800 vph. A watch ticking at 4Hz makes 4 oscillations per second, or 8 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so this watch would tick at 480 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per minute. Multiplying the 480 vibrations per minute by the 60 minutes in an hour yields the 28,800 vph figure. Since this watch ticks 8 times per second, a chronograph in a 28,800 vph watch can time events to the nearest 1/8 of a second.
Following this formula, a watch with a rate of 2.5 Hz or 18,000 vph can time events to the nearest 1/5 of a second. A rate of 3 Hz or 21,600 vph yields accuracy of 1/6 of a second. A watch with a rate of 36,000 vph or 5 Hz can time to the nearest 1/10 of a second."

Mvh. Thomas
Det er en maskine som urmakere bruger til at måle klockans funktion.

Rate: måler præcision i sekunder/døgnet

Amplitude: måler hvor godt den svinger, teoretisk max. er 360 grader, men alt over 300 på en gammel klocka er bra

"Amplitude is the measure of the amount of rotation in the swing of the balance wheel, in either direction, usually expressed in degrees. In a running watch, the balance wheel swings or rotates clockwise and counterclockwise. Each swing in either direction is called a “beat”. Amplitude is the number of degrees of rotation of the beat. Amplitude is higher, typically in the range of about 270 to 315 degrees, when a watch is lying flat or in the “dial up” or “dial down” position. Amplitude usually falls when the watch is in a vertical position, primarily due to increased friction. Amplitude can also fall as the watch winds down and the mainspring delivers less power. Amplitude that is too high or too low, or that changes too much in different positions, can indicate a problem with the movement."

B.E: beat error er om den tik-tak'er præcist = 0 ms

L.A: jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvad det betyder

Beat: Beat pr. hour er frekvensen i beats pr. hour (eller VPH V = vibration)

"In a watch movement with a balance wheel, one vibration is a single swing of the balance wheel. A vibration is one-half of an oscillation, or a semi-oscillation. So, one swing of the balance wheel in either direction, for example clockwise, is one vibration or semi-oscillation, and two swings, for example clockwise then counter-clockwise, is an oscillation.
The frequency of a watch movement can be expressed in Hertz (Hz) or in vibrations per hour (vph), which is also sometimes referred to as A/h. The frequency in Hertz is the number of oscillations per second. Double the hertz figure to get the number of vibrations or semi-oscillations per second. Multiply that number by 3600 (the number of seconds in an hour) to get the vph.
The most common frequency for modern mechanical wristwatch movements is 4 Hz, or 28,800 vph. A watch ticking at 4Hz makes 4 oscillations per second, or 8 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so this watch would tick at 480 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per minute. Multiplying the 480 vibrations per minute by the 60 minutes in an hour yields the 28,800 vph figure. Since this watch ticks 8 times per second, a chronograph in a 28,800 vph watch can time events to the nearest 1/8 of a second.
Following this formula, a watch with a rate of 2.5 Hz or 18,000 vph can time events to the nearest 1/5 of a second. A rate of 3 Hz or 21,600 vph yields accuracy of 1/6 of a second. A watch with a rate of 36,000 vph or 5 Hz can time to the nearest 1/10 of a second."

Mvh. Thomas

Stort tack för ett oerhört bra svar! :)