• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Where are you on this curve

There is an interesting thread about Tim Mosso selling his JLC collection "to try to be a better person and friend"
Personally l think he lost to Teddy KGB ,
Anyway, it could be that he has hit the Right hand side of the 4 stages of watch collecting curve.. see below.
Where would you rate yourself on this curve.
I am at the Been There at the moment.
Definitely at the Seiko stage of the curve! However, I think Seiko and associated brands need a separate curve that perhaps would intersect the curve above somewhere further to the right...
I've been at "Been there" for a long time but I've recently gone back to "other shitty watches" again. That's where I find the most joy.
I've been at "Been there" for a long time but I've recently gone back to "other shitty watches" again. That's where I find the most joy.
Now there's an idea, appreciating other shitty watches.
I Dropped the idea of a sub for a Seiko monster first version , more character, indestructible, oh and did I mention indestructible , and may not be 904 stainless but built with super class... With a lume brighter than Kryptonite
My one watch till death, left hand side, right hand dide, unsellable Rolex DJ because it has no bracelet, watch industry full of shit...


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Now there's an idea, appreciating other shitty watches.
I Dropped the idea of a sub for a Seiko monster first version , more character, indestructible, oh and did I mention indestructible , and may not be 904 stainless but built with super class... With a lume brighter than Kryptonite

There’s just so many other shitty watches to explore, you never run out! :)
I kept a Submariner for about a year but I realized it said nothing about me and my passion for watches.
There’s just so many other shitty watches to explore, you never run out! :)
I kept a Submariner for about a year but I realized it said nothing about me and my passion for watches.
It is a fault of many who say sport a Sub or the like in a social occasions to class a person in the first two seconds of meeting by the watch they wear, I have had 20 dollar watches on nights out where the "oh you wear a Casio do you "? Line is not necessarily said but thought. To which I have virtually been ignored, but knowing the man makes the clothes and watch and not the opposite, I usually disappear knowing the level of company I am in, cheap watches are a very important part of horology , and people who show it as look at my watch really make me eye roll into a coma. Wear it because it gives you joy , not to impress others..... Ask Bill Gates ,, and his Casio
Interesting question, but bogus as it is obvious that the watch industry IS full of shit. Independents, vintage and Japanese manufacturers is where it's at.
But, in reality I bounce between Vintage, Seiko, one decent Swiss and death. ;)
I am at the "buy all Rolex" stage although I thoroughly enjoy my Seiko Turtle. I don't see myself venturing further up the curve though as vintage does not interest me...perhaps that will change though!