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    /Hook & Leben

50% Rolex Submariner book - Only for Klocksnack Members - .


Only for Klocksnack Members - 50% Rolex Submariner book ( € 210 instead of 420 and free shipping by Fedex ) . Furthermore, with your order you will receive the "Vintage Rolex" book for free and the Mondani Club fidelity card.

For taking advantage of the offer email: [email protected] or click here and add the coupon code ROLEXGRUPPEN during the order.

"Collecting Rolex Submariner" represents the very best book to know every detail of Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller and DeepSea and it comes the updated estimates of all published watches.
Text in English
264 pages
Free shipping by Fedex







With over 800 highest quality photographs, this book describes in a highly detailed way:

Submariner James Bond (ref. 6204, 6205, 6200, 6538, 6538 A, 6536, 6536/1, 5508, 5510)

Submariner No Date (ref. 5512, 5513, 5514, 5517, 14060, 14060 M, 114060)

Submariner Date (ref. 1680, 1680/8, 16800, 168000, 16803, 16808, 16610, 16610LV, 16613, 16618, 116610, 116610LV, 116613, 116618, 116619)

Sea-Dweller (ref. 1665, 16660, 16600, 116660)

All the possible variants are illustrated and described for all these references, as for example:

5 Marks of the “green bezel”, ref. 16610LV, Customized dials, 6 Marks of the ref.1680, Comex, 4 Marks of the ref. 1665 “double red”, 4 Marks of the ref. 1665, Faded, rare replacement dials, limited editions, bracelets and much more.

The book also provides the updated estimates of all published watches.

For taking advantage of the offer email: [email protected] or click here and add the coupon code ROLEXGRUPPEN during the order.