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Auktionstips de luxe: Ronnie Peterssons Heuer Carrera i guld, gåva från Jack Heuer

Vad tror ni den landar på?

Ingen aning, men det faktum att både mottagaren och givaren är historiskt intressanta personer borde väl kunna dra upp värdet en del. Det som kanske drar ned det kan vara att RP var svensk. Hade han varit från ett stort klockland hade den säkert blivit ännu dyrare.
Hoppas att den säljs med Ronnies dotters goda minne. Han var min idol när jag var liten.
Ronnie, Ingemar och Björn...
Jag vet att vi har en separat tråd för auktionstips men tycker den här klockan förtjänar en egen tråd och all uppmärksamhet den kan få. En del av svensk racinghistoria säljs på Sothebys den 14 maj - http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2016/important-watches-ge1601/lot.161.html

Ronnie Peterssons Heuer Carrera i 18k guld, en gåva från Jack Heuer. Loten inkluderar även en guldtacka till Jo Sifferts minne (omkom 1971) som Ronnie Petersson fick vid Nürburgrings Grand Prix 1972.


Oj! Tack för att du delar med dig att detta imponerande! Jag sprang i Ronnie Petterssons kvarter innan jag blev tonåring och umgicks med Ronnies granne, lillgrabben Stanley. Vad kan det gå för tro? Är den nåbar?
I think its worthy of a huge "WOW" !!!!
An amazing piece of history & desirable across a number of collecting fields. Clearly i see the appeal of this watch to the Swedish people as Ronnie was unbelievably talented & widely popular whilst alive & then suffered the fate of many of the great of that time & his name is now immortalised amongst so many racing legends.
Although a fan of F1 i am no expert, i think i will step in with my knowledge of vintage Heuer and tell you a little about the watch.

The 18k automatic Carrera's of the 70's are given the model number 1158. It is the same size & proportions as the stainless steel version which is known as an 1153. There were a number of distinct execusions of dial that came in the 1158 during its very limited number production period from 1969-1977. Estimates to the number of these produced vary but it would be fair to guess a max. of a few hundred in total.
Jack Heuer was known to give 1158 Carrera's as gifts during this period to certain F1 drivers ( namely Ferrari drivers ) & some race team officials & also valued Heuer employees.
The bracelet on this watch certainly looks genuine ! These are Milanese style & were not available in the first few years of the model run but due to demand from particularly american customers they were produced from around 1971. Due to the gold content the bracelet was more expensive than the watch when purchased new.
As a whole i am unaware of any person receiving a bracelet with their 1158 Carrera from Jack Heuer & i would speculate whether Ronnie ( as a stylish man ) may have ordered the bracelet himself after receiving the watch from Jack Heuer.
There is unfortunately one negative to report - sorry !
The dial in the watch has never been associated with the 1158 Carrera. In fact its a "Cotes de Geneve" ( check out the metallic striped areas ) & has uniquely oval shaped black registers. This dial is a well known in another model Carrera ( with a different shaped case ) that was released later, the budget gold plated 110.515 CHN - see this page to see an original example - note that its a different case shape

As i mentioned earlier we Heuer collectors have never seen a solid gold 1158 Carrera ( the most expensive in the range ) wearing the dial of an 110.515 ( the cheapest in the range ).
It raises the question was it produced like this from the start or has it been changed out at a later stage during service. I can report that quite a number of Heuer purists ( myself included ) are not happy to see that dial in the watch & as such this could affect the bids from a pure Heuer collector.

My best guess is that someone thats a F1 focused collector is more likely to bid top in this auction. They will probably be unaware of the mis-match in Heuer executions & be grateful to get a fantastic piece of F1 history that unquestionably came from one of the all time greats.
I can tell you in all honesty i would love to own this watch ( even with the dial in place ) but i fear the final number will be eye wateringly high on this rare piece of history.
Cheers - Darren
Holy scheiiit.... :woot:
Lustigt att jag tidigare idag surrade med en klocknörd och Ronnie P "fan". Hoppas verkligen att den landar i Sverige.