• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

En "riktig" Steve McQueen Heuer Monaco

What is your professional opinion concerning the hour markers and the sign of corrosion or other type of damage?

We see this sometimes, there may have been moisture inside at some stage ( i'm thinking steam or a super sweaty day - not shower or swimming pool ) then the dust & lume dust that is in the watch when its closed or open ( during service ) sticks to it. The gold colour could may or may not be reflection from the photographers hands BUT if its a dirty build up an experienced watchmaker can polish these blocks to make them shine like chrome again.

My 73633G Monaco had it to some degree ( not as badly ) & i had my watchmaker polish the blocks when he serviced it

They are pretty clean now but not perfect !!!

- Darren
We see this sometimes, there may have been moisture inside at some stage ( i'm thinking steam or a super sweaty day - not shower or swimming pool ) then the dust & lume dust that is in the watch when its closed or open ( during service ) sticks to it. The gold colour could may or may not be reflection from the photographers hands BUT if its a dirty build up an experienced watchmaker can polish these blocks to make them shine like chrome again.

My 73633G Monaco had it to some degree ( not as badly ) & i had my watchmaker polish the blocks when he serviced it

They are pretty clean now but not perfect !!!

- Darren

Really interesting and educational to read your posts. You should drop a line in the "presentation" thread.

You should be able to use your nativite language too, you're danish right? Du verkar inte bara vara här för business utan ha ett genuint intresse av Heuer. :)
Really interesting and educational to read your posts. You should drop a line in the "presentation" thread.

You should be able to use your nativite language too, you're danish right? Du verkar inte bara vara här för business utan ha ett genuint intresse av Heuer. :)

Thankyou babanker,
I'm an enthusiastic Heuer collector, i have spent many years learning the subtle differences in the models. Most of my "education" should be credited to the ON THE DASH website & its associated discussion. forum - chronocentric. I have had many ( well nearly all ) models along the way and enjoy some of the very fine differences which define the different executions of the same model.

I made an introduction of sorts about myself on page 6 of the Heuer thread in the vintage section. ( please check that out )
In that thread i explain that i am Australian born but have lived in Denmark for many years. I speak & read it fluently ( hence my ability to read swedish ) & write danish well but not perfectly, i feel i make too many gramatic mistakes when i write in danish so i contribute here in english.

I would be happy to write a more formal/detailed introduction for the presentation thread but it could well be a case of repeating myself.
What do you think , should i write an intro on the presentation thread ? Maybe just copy my original intro from the Heuer thread over to the presentation thread ?

Either way i'm happy to make myself available to answer questions on threads about Heuer & help forum members if they would like it.

Cheers - Darren

Thankyou babanker,
I'm an enthusiastic Heuer collector, i have spent many years learning the subtle differences in the models. Most of my "education" should be credited to the ON THE DASH website & its associated discussion. forum - chronocentric. I have had many ( well nearly all ) models along the way and enjoy some of the very fine differences which define the different executions of the same model.

I made an introduction of sorts about myself on page 6 of the Heuer thread in the vintage section. ( please check that out )
In that thread i explain that i am Australian born but have lived in Denmark for many years. I speak & read it fluently ( hence my ability to read swedish ) & write danish well but not perfectly, i feel i make too many gramatic mistakes when i write in danish so i contribute here in english.

I would be happy to write a more formal/detailed introduction for the presentation thread but it could well be a case of repeating myself.
What do you think , should i write an intro on the presentation thread ? Maybe just copy my original intro from the Heuer thread over to the presentation thread ?

Either way i'm happy to make myself available to answer questions on threads about Heuer & help forum members if they would like it.

Cheers - Darren

Som sagt, WOW!
:rolleyes: Tack för all hjälp med mitt troliga *"icke" köp denna gång. Har dock lärt mig massor om en klocka jag trodde jag var påläst om :bookworm:
Blir det inte denna Monaco blir det en annan, kanske nyare vad vet jag.
Håller dock tummarna för att säljaren ringer och säger att den är din...

Får fokusera på min jakt efter en vintage Rolex 5513 istället :happyhappy:
:rolleyes: Tack för all hjälp med mitt troliga *"icke" köp denna gång. Har dock lärt mig massor om en klocka jag trodde jag var påläst om :bookworm:
Blir det inte denna Monaco blir det en annan, kanske nyare vad vet jag.
Håller dock tummarna för att säljaren ringer och säger att den är din...

Får fokusera på min jakt efter en vintage Rolex 5513 istället :happyhappy:

Härligt med lösningsfokuserade människor som inte grämer sig! Påt igen bara och 5513 är ingen dum klocka att ha.