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    /Hook & Leben

History and information about Polhem brand

Good evening to everyone

My name is Diego, I write from Italy.

Let me introduce myself briefly for first. I collect vintage watches since almost 15 years, I like particular and not-often-seen watches, mainly from the 1930s to the 1950s.
When I get a new watch, I like to dig into the history of the manufacturer, or of the specific model, or of the movement if it's a particular one.
Sometimes I write my findings in the Italian forum O&P.

The reason why I opened this thread is that I am looking for information about the brand Polhem. I looked around but I found almost nothing, except the registration notes by Mikrolisk.
I have seen there was a previous thread here about the same topic, nevertheless it added quite a few information.

Does anyone have any information to share here? A location, a reference or business address of the company, any piece of the company's history, any advertising...
In other words, anything to start with for a research about Polhem company and its models...

Many thanks for everything!



A photo of mine to pump up a bit the discussion...



Mikrolisk got it wrong and it should be Sveriges Urmakare Aktiebolag – SUAB that is a Swedish company that imported Swiss made watches and watch parts from 1909. Polhem was only one of several brands they sold in the 1930-50s. There is a deregistration dated 1956 but I'm not sure if it was the end of the company or just some reorganization.

The finest brand they sold was Viking so go search form them as they were made by Cortebert and you can get them for very little money as very few know this.
Senast ändrad:
Mikrolisk got it wrong and it should be Sveriges Urmakare Aktiebolag – SUAB that is a Swedish company that imported Swiss made watches and watch parts from 1909. Polhem was only one of several brands they sold in the 1930-50s. There is a deregistration dated 1956 but I'm not sure if it was the end of the company or just some reorganization.

The finest brand they sold was Viking so go search form them as they were made by Cortebert and you can get them for very little money as very few know this.

Many thanks for your reply

I heard about SUAB, I do not own any Viking nevertheless I have a Drott that I think too was a brand distributed by SUAB:


I will try to collect some information about SUAB

Many thanks for all
