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How many Speedmaster Tintin watches are in Sweden?

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So after years of Speculation of the number of Tintins made, I know now that fewer than 1800 Where produced during the failed marketing alliance with the creators of Herge, which has seen the price of the Watch as a full set double in the last 6 months. Makes me curious as to how many are here in Sweden. It seems to be a seldom talked about model here , but is being classed as the new Japan racing, which are running way past the 120,000sek Mark as a fashion. Anybody care to add their input here, so it would be nice to see the numbers?
I seriously have a hard time believing that this watch has gained such a value increase. I visited Japan in march/april this year and there were loads of this watch everywhere for basically no price increase at all compared to a regular Speedy. Chrono24 is probably not a good source of information for the value right now.
I seriously have a hard time believing that this watch has gained such a value increase. I visited Japan in march/april this year and there were loads of this watch everywhere for basically no price increase at all compared to a regular Speedy. Chrono24 is probably not a good source of information for the value right now.
I only saw one when I visited Tokyo early this year, they used to be found in abundance but are getting scarcer, dealers might also be more aware of the increased popularity and interest of it.
I only saw one when I visited Tokyo early this year, they used to be found in abundance but are getting scarcer, dealers might also be more aware of the increased popularity and interest of it.
My guy in the UK says he has a waiting list ( he only deals in Speedys) so the ones he gets are prebooked. At 85k and up. Says he sees no sign if it slowing.. after all it is Omegas biggest failure in a venture, so I suppose that adds to the mystic. I mean , we legally can't even call it the Tintin, weird world
bic camera köpte in ett jätte parti men dom ska ha slut på just tintin modellen vad jag har hört på andra forum...

När jag var där var det inte direkt svårt att hitta dom ......

kändes som riktiga hyllvärmare hos gråhandlarna på nakano broadway!:confused:

har sett att där har sålts några runt 70k sek nu på sistonde internationellt så dom verkar ha stigit något otroligt i pris under ett år eftersom dom då låg mellan 32-40k sek förra vintern!
Ha funny we are talking about this today. I Have Sami from The Watchbox ( Tim Mosso's watchbox) Switzerland , ring me a few minutes ago and wants to make me an offer. This should be good... reckons he saw it on my Instagram account.. i hope he is a rich man... a very rich man for me to say yes....
Ha funny we are talking about this today. I Have Sami from The Watchbox ( Tim Mosso's watchbox) Switzerland , ring me a few minutes ago and wants to make me an offer. This should be good... reckons he saw it on my Instagram account.. i hope he is a rich man... a very rich man for me to say yes....
Håll oss uppdaterade, kul att fula ankungen äntligen får ett erkännande.
Jag har alltid tyckt att Tintin-speedy’n är läcker och jag drömmer om att äga en! Dock tycker jag att de blivit lite väl dyra... :(
Well l have to say Sami is a great guy and we talked long and hard last night, he offered a low price for the Tintin but when I pushed him he said they would probably ask for 75-78 TSEK as preowned if they had it to sell, their mark up is large which is suppose is to be expected. My dealer in the UK is easily getting 80 for his preowned. Very surprising how the price has shot up!! And 6 months ago they where way under 5 on KS.. Not any more I'm afraid..
Märklig tråd med fokus på att försöka pressa upp begpriserna. Klart ovärdigt KS. Om man gillar en modell så pass mycket att man startar en tråd om det borde det handla om klockan och inte om cashen.

I see your point and argument Clark, certainly for me ,l have been in conversation with a few on here, with regards to these prices over the last year. You can check and see that they have gone crazy, this has caused many discussions about where Tintin is at the moment. With that in mind , and there being 5 of these watches as far as we know in Sweden, I think driving up the price as a goal is redundant, because everyone has cross reference sites to get a good idea of the situation. I did a deal with Sami on another watch and he happened to bring up the Tintin. Now we have an idea. You give me way to much credit if you think l am famous enough to influence prices on a watch here in Sweden. This is in fact a forum on all aspects of watches is it not,? and more than one person has enquired about this. Where better to find the facts about watches and their prices than on here,
I, for one am calling my insurance broker to adjust my quote...
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