• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

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    /Hook & Leben

How many Speedmaster Tintin watches are in Sweden?

Ej öppen för ytterligare svar.
asså modellen är fan inte värd dom pengarna!

den har nästan ökat 100% i "värde" på ett år vilket är sjukt

visst det kanske inte finns så många i världen men jag ör helt hubdra på att dör ligger många kvar i japan för strunt summor!
Senast ändrad:
tycker verkligen att historien och hur många det verkligen finns är väldigt intressant

tråden på OF är rätt imponerande hur dom verkligen försöker se hur många där finns
tycker verkligen att historien och hur många det verkligen finns är väldigt intressant
It is generally understood that there are now under 1800 , but again unless you get from Omega themselves, that will always be a "gray" number. I have number 06XX, l don't think anyone has a 18XX , that l have seen in my hunt for information. The highest l have seen heard of is 14XX

tråden på OF är rätt imponerande hur dom verkligen försöker se hur många där finns
tycker verkligen att historien och hur många det verkligen finns är väldigt intressant

Sorry mixed up two messages there

It is generally understood that there are now under 1800 , but again unless you get from Omega themselves, that will always be a "gray" number. I have number 06XX, l don't think anyone has a 18XX that l have seen in my hunt for information. The highest l have seen heard of is 14XX
Modellen är varken numrerad eller tillverkad så att serienumren ligger efter varandra. Förstår inte vad som menas med 06XX och 18XX.

Det senaste jag läste på OF var att man tippade på 1500-2000 tavlor/klockor.
This just in. OMEGA didn't make a special run of Tintins. They had a lot of dials from the failed deal with Herge, and simply put them on the 2013 calibre 1861 movements, that where in production. That being said, the numbers are random....
. Bummer... we will never know
Märklig tråd med fokus på att försöka pressa upp begpriserna. Klart ovärdigt KS. Om man gillar en modell så pass mycket att man startar en tråd om det borde det handla om klockan och inte om cashen.
Som med min andra passion finns det de som är intresserade av pengarna och de som är intresserade av vinen/klockorna. Störigt då spekulation ibland driver upp priserna där de som verkligen uppskattar det inte kan vara med men inget att göra någonting åt utom att undgå att bidra till evt hype.
Som med min andra passion finns det de som är intresserade av pengarna och de som är intresserade av vinen/klockorna. Störigt då spekulation ibland driver upp priserna där de som verkligen uppskattar det inte kan vara med men inget att göra någonting åt utom att undgå att bidra till evt hype.

Again l will say that if you all think this thread is driving up prices of the Watch we are talking about, you must think that we who ARE interested in the Tintin and are major influencers in the world if horology . Thank you for it truely makes us proud that you take the time to participate with your great input..
This gives me an idea!
Why don't we all meet in Stockholm for an evenings debate and conversation on this matter.... say in a month..
Who is up for that...?
Again l will say that if you all think this thread is driving up prices of the Watch we are talking about, you must think that we who ARE interested in the Tintin and are major influencers in the world if horology . Thank you for it truely makes us proud that you take the time to participate with your great input..
This gives me an idea!
Why don't we all meet in Stockholm for an evenings debate and conversation on this matter.... say in a month..
Who is up for that...?

Never said that and seriously doubt this thread drives the price on anything. Rolex and AD are experiencing serious hype and serious price hikes lately driven by speculation and you´ll find loads of threads in different forums from people who ask "I finally got this watch that i qued for at brand x selling it immediately to highest bidder…" and making money on it. To me they are an equivalent to ticket scalpers. No passion. The Tintin? To me it´s fugly but a limited edition with a cool story though so prices will go up. Thread or no thread.
Never said that and seriously doubt this thread drives the price on anything. Rolex and AD are experiencing serious hype and serious price hikes lately driven by speculation and you´ll find loads of threads in different forums from people who ask "I finally got this watch that i qued for at brand x selling it immediately to highest bidder…" and making money on it. To me they are an equivalent to ticket scalpers. No passion. The Tintin? To me it´s fugly but a limited edition with a cool story though so prices will go up. Thread or no thread.
Completely agree.!!!!!
I good solid argument.
When it comes to timepieces, l think the world has gone stir crazy and a lot of the price standards are coming from Chrono... makes me wonder why they have more than 1/4 million unsold watches that should be selling, but for the inflated prices on that site. Just looked now and the cheapest Tintin is out of Norway! And more than 15% cheaper than the most expensive.... You wouldnt bet zero on a roulette wheel to get those odds...
At the end of the day, a watch is worth what only one person is prepared to pay for it.. and it is true, some have more money than sense
Som med min andra passion finns det de som är intresserade av pengarna och de som är intresserade av vinen/klockorna. Störigt då spekulation ibland driver upp priserna där de som verkligen uppskattar det inte kan vara med men inget att göra någonting åt utom att undgå att bidra till evt hype.
Vad gäller klockor så känner jag ganska omedelbart att jag inte vill vara med i en klubb som tar emot mig som medlem. Det vill säga, om jag köper en Rolex för statusen så är det ingen status i och med att jag kan köpa en. Har inte heller några problem att helt och hållet släppa ett visst märke eller liknande pga rådande hype/prisbild.

Av någon anledning känns det lite tristare att det är så med viner däremot. Tror helt ärligt inte det finns så mycket riktig "uppskattning" bland klocknördar faktiskt.
Again l will say that if you all think this thread is driving up prices of the Watch we are talking about, you must think that we who ARE interested in the Tintin and are major influencers in the world if horology . Thank you for it truely makes us proud that you take the time to participate with your great input..
This gives me an idea!
Why don't we all meet in Stockholm for an evenings debate and conversation on this matter.... say in a month..
Who is up for that...?
Nobody here believes that you are jack shit in terms of valuation of Tintin. What has been discussed here is that this thread obviously has no other purpose or meaning except claiming that a Tintin is worth KSEK 120+, which is bullshit, as I've already said. Not even your original post has any proof whatsoever that the watch sells for KSEK 120+, which it doesn't (not saying that it's impossible that some poor guy got scammed for such amount, everything is possible).
I think every thread that is started here is positive, then the trolls with no idea or debating skills throw in a negative word or insult and think they are cool... pity.... sheep.... with regards to this thread mate, I believe they cannot comprehend a Speedmaster being worth more than their... and quote me here..... 63000sek Submariner .. small minded , selfish and guilty of all they blame me for... fuck, as far as l know, there are less then 10 Tintins here in Sweden. Who apart from us really care ... they are Submariner sheep and until they realize that, they will be all talk and no walk. One more thing..l hate rudeness and stupidity in a person, they usually walk together..... l won't tolerate it.
I think every thread that is started here is positive, then the trolls with no idea or debating skills throw in a negative word or insult and think they are cool... pity.... sheep.... with regards to this thread mate, I believe they cannot comprehend a Speedmaster being worth more than their... and quote me here..... 63000sek Submariner .. small minded , selfish and guilty of all they blame me for... fuck, as far as l know, there are less then 10 Tintins here in Sweden. Who apart from us really care ... they are Submariner sheep and until they realize that, they will be all talk and no walk. One more thing..l hate rudeness and stupidity in a person, they usually walk together..... l won't tolerate it.
Haha you realize that you are the one throwing personal insults, right? o_O @yonsson dags att stänga detta kanske?
Haha you realize that you are the one throwing personal insults, right? o_O @yonsson dags att stänga detta kanske?

On the contrary, I threw no personal insults to you dear fellow, I merely responded to you false accusation and insults. Certainly I responded to your false statements and directions that I am some sort of con man on this thread. I mean , you said that nobody thought I was Jack shit in my opinion ,so I rightly believed that you where the representative for the whole of klocksnack. Is that the case,? it sounds like you don't actually read threads... just insult those who make them. Without any facts. Until you can talk and debate about watches, their prices and how the market is going with regards to buying or not buying "investment pieces" perhaps you should in fact stay quiet, The Speedmaster Tintin owners on this thread have learned a hell of a lot this day , including me about this watch, however, you have pretty well messed up an informative thread, by ... well..... being you. As usual... nothing to say but throwing insults on incorrect information.. Now with your permission, can we Watch people get back to talking about how many Tintins are in Sweden and how the prices have soared? Thanks so much and next time you see a thread from me , be sure to quote incorrect info to me again, now that i know who i am dealing with , i will be much more respectful of your level if intelligence.... there now , friends? Ok then.
Or prove me wrong and show me you are better than this Jack Shit l have come to love over the last 3 hours.
On the contrary, I threw no personal insults to you dear fellow, I merely responded to you false accusation and insults. Certainly I responded to your false statements and directions that I am some sort of con man on this thread. I mean , you said that nobody thought I was Jack shit in my opinion ,so I rightly believed that you where the representative for the whole of klocksnack. Is that the case,? it sounds like you don't actually read threads... just insult those who make them. Without any facts. Until you can talk and debate about watches, their prices and how the market is going with regards to buying or not buying "investment pieces" perhaps you should in fact stay quiet, The Speedmaster Tintin owners on this thread have learned a hell of a lot this day , including me about this watch, however, you have pretty well messed up an informative thread, by ... well..... being you. As usual... nothing to say but throwing insults on incorrect information.. Now with your permission, can we Watch people get back to talking about how many Tintins are in Sweden and how the prices have soared? Thanks so much and next time you see a thread from me , be sure to quote incorrect info to me again, now that i know who i am dealing with , i will be much more respectful of your level if intelligence.... there now , friends? Ok then.
Or prove me wrong and show me you are better than this Jack Shit l have come to love over the last 3 hours.
I did not write that you are jack shit in your opinion, I wrote that nobody believe that you are jack shit at valuating Tintin (which you obviously believe that you are, according with your previous statements here). You are free to provide your evidence that Tintin generally sells for KSEK 120+, since that is what you claim. I'm not the one claiming anything here, except for my actual experience from Japan march/april this year. Apparently, the price has increased about four times, or more than four times, half a year later (according to you). I saw at least four Tintins at Jackroad only, priced at basically standard Speedmaster retail price. Right about then, I also did a lot of searches for the pricing of Tintin, as this was a watch that I had on my "maybe"-list. I however dropped it due to reaching the conclusion that I, subjectively, thought the watch was too ugly to buy. And please skip the personal insults, this is not Flashback.

Truth be told, not even the ridiculusly overpriced unsold examples on Chrono24 come close to your figures.
Ej öppen för ytterligare svar.