• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

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    /Hook & Leben

Dagens vintageur.

Inte längre enarmad! ;)

Trevlig! En av de allra tidigaste serietillverkade automatiska klockorna, nästan samtida med Harwood. De är riktigt sällsynta så trodde att min kanske var den enda på forumet:



Patentet på automatmodulen fick Eugene Meylan redan 1931, min klocka är från ca 1935. @eriksson850 - står det EMSA eller Glycine på din automatmodul? EMSA = före 1935, sedan förde Meylan över patentet till sitt företag Glycine så därefter är modulerna märkta Glycine. Här finns lite mer info: http://glycintennial.com/history.html
Trevlig! En av de allra tidigaste serietillverkade automatiska klockorna, nästan samtida med Harwood. De är riktigt sällsynta så trodde att min kanske var den enda på forumet:



Patentet på automatmodulen fick Eugene Meylan redan 1931, min klocka är från ca 1935. @eriksson850 - står det EMSA eller Glycine på din automatmodul? EMSA = före 1935, sedan förde Meylan över patentet till sitt företag Glycine så därefter är modulerna märkta Glycine. Här finns lite mer info: http://glycintennial.com/history.html
Tack, min är något senare. Troligtvis från precis innan, eller början av kriget.


Jo den sidan har jag varit inne på. Har försökt efterforska lite och fick det här svaret från Glycine.

thank you for contacting Glycine heritage department.

A wonderful timepiece you have there,congratulations. Black dial watches are always premium especially in original faded colour condition like yours.

Unfortunately we don't have manufacture records covering that period ( our handwritten records which were saved from floods start from 1953 only ). Whate we can say by looking at the movement and style it is a late '30s or early '40s manufacture,more leaning towards WW II inter war era.The jewel count in earlier versions are 17, so this one having 18 is an upgraded and later version.

We can also say that the number on lugs were a practise in the US, so it would have been exported to the American market. You may see a three letter import code 'BXP'on the movement, maybe under the automatic module confirming this also.

The movement may be our in-house Glycine manufacture movement,Felsa and/or FHF. Because back then Glycine's patented movements were integrated with Super Holding and helped also developing Felsa 690 Bydinator the first bi-directional automatic rotor movement.

In case if it may need service please let us know we can share experienced watchmakers contact within EU who already worked on these early automatic movements.

We hope that our response is convenient for you, please let us know if we can assist you in any way.

We remain with best wishes and kindest regards,

Emre Kiris, Documentaliste

on behalf of

Glycine Heritage

Montres Glycine SA
Maison d'Horlogerie La Glycine
Ring 18,2500 Bienne,Suisse
Emre Kiris, Documentaliste

on behalf of

Det är Emre som ligger bakom sajten jag länkade till. Jag har också kontaktat honom angående min klocka:

"Yes I would guess also about 1935‎,the caliber would be marked under the dial side of the movement so not sure about it.I would better get a watchmaker check it while servicing.It would be rather a Glycine or FHF caliber,considering Rolex back then using also FHF it is a good grade watch.
The numbers on the lugs show that it was imported to the USA,they had that practise back then.Generally there is a case-back number which may be faded in your watch and that numbers last 3 digits are the numbers on lugs.
As for the rarity of the watch ,you dont see them very often 1-2 per year in ebay.There are early automatic watch collectors and they have interest in this‎.Being one of the first 3 working mass produced automatic watches makes it attractive ( Harwood,Autorist,Glycine).They can fetch prices from 350-700 Usd depending on the market heat.
Glycine was an early adapter of shock protection so no surprise that a mid-30s watch has shock protection while many Rolex,Longines and Omega watches‎ had not,even after a decade.

I cant see the hands exactly due to refection are they all blued? I think the watchmaker can tell you after checking the pinions if they are original.Other than that I am confident tat the dial,case and movement is original.

I would defintely get this small fella serviced and I am sure it will serve you well.

Any other questions or information request,please let me know,happy to assist,
best wishes,
Det är Emre som ligger bakom sajten jag länkade till. Jag har också kontaktat honom angående min klocka:

"Yes I would guess also about 1935‎,the caliber would be marked under the dial side of the movement so not sure about it.I would better get a watchmaker check it while servicing.It would be rather a Glycine or FHF caliber,considering Rolex back then using also FHF it is a good grade watch.
The numbers on the lugs show that it was imported to the USA,they had that practise back then.Generally there is a case-back number which may be faded in your watch and that numbers last 3 digits are the numbers on lugs.
As for the rarity of the watch ,you dont see them very often 1-2 per year in ebay.There are early automatic watch collectors and they have interest in this‎.Being one of the first 3 working mass produced automatic watches makes it attractive ( Harwood,Autorist,Glycine).They can fetch prices from 350-700 Usd depending on the market heat.
Glycine was an early adapter of shock protection so no surprise that a mid-30s watch has shock protection while many Rolex,Longines and Omega watches‎ had not,even after a decade.

I cant see the hands exactly due to refection are they all blued? I think the watchmaker can tell you after checking the pinions if they are original.Other than that I am confident tat the dial,case and movement is original.

I would defintely get this small fella serviced and I am sure it will serve you well.

Any other questions or information request,please let me know,happy to assist,
best wishes,
Väldigt trevligt bemötande!
Jag förstår inte varför inte fler varumärken sköter om och hjälper till med information om gamla klockor. Klockor med historia hjälper företaget att sälja nya klockor...