• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

En vacker Red Sub...


Var ute i djupeste skogen med Taxarna, och fick en smärre shock när jag ser denna tråds utveckling! :/

Här är lite (om än dåliga) closeups!

Jag fick bilder av Sami med backstycket avskruvat, och boetten har ordentlig pitting, såpass mycket att jag var orolig huruvida den alls håller vatten, vilket den som tur gör.

Men här är lite bilder på Boetten mellan lugsen och lite closeup på tavlan.



Senast ändrad:
Well, there’s no way that can be seem as mkIV. Entiry different font and so on.

Yes, of course I disclosed the refinsihed bevels it and he is very happy with it. You can’t undo a bad polish and to be able be get bevels that sharp and fat requires a very good case to begin with.
Indeed it can only be a mk5 or fake. I think it is close but I am curious to hear more from @Falcone who noticed more than what I pointed out. I am leaning towards it being ok but I am as said not very good with these.
I can only comment what I see. I am not sure so I can’t say more than what I pointed out.

Kind of a bullshit description though to call a recut case mint but I am you sure also pointed it out as refinished to your buyer. Drive safe.

Naturligtvis är jag medveten om att boetten är polerad. Men denna är ju sällsynt fin, då den haft så mycket yta kvar att man kunde polera den till nästan det utseendet den hade från fabrik.

Oftast är problemet dåligt polerade och för mycket polerade boetter. Jag vägrar köpa de rolex. Jag brukar säga som Nancy Reagan... "Just say no!" :D
Indeed it can only be a mk5 or fake. I think it is close but I am curious to hear more from @Falcone who noticed more than what I pointed out. I am leaning towards it being ok but I am as said not very good with these.

Det kan vara komprimeringen av bilderna eller dyl. men det var bl.a. detaljer på kronan (logotypen) jag reagerade på. Ser gärna en makrobild på även den delen. Är av naturen skeptisk till rödsub-urtavlor utan tydliga defekter eftersom de är så populära bland de som sysslar med "nyproduktion".

Sen har vi avvikelsen med "="-tecknet som @Per noterade.

Var ute i djupeste skogen med Taxarna, och fick en smärre shock när jag ser denna tråds utveckling! :/

Här är lite (om än dåliga) closeups!

Jag fick bilder av Sami med backstycket avskruvat, och boetten har ordentlig pitting, såpass mycket att jag var orolig huruvida den alls håller vatten, vilket den som tur gör.

Men här är lite bilder på Boetten mellan lugsen och lite closeup på tavlan.





Vet fler AD's som ej skulle ge WR garanti pga den pittingen den har.

Vad säger RSC pappren?
Det finns definitivt skillnader mot referensbilden på drsd.com och i tråden på VRF. Förutom "="-tecknets position även tjockleken på kronans nedre vänstra hörn. Men isf finns det tydliga variationer inom MkV.
The reference object on DRSD is one picture of one watch. Now there's a big amount of speculation over nothing. I hope people would understand that it's my reputation that's been questioned. If someone just quickly scrolls through the thread they can get an assumption that I sold a bad watch. Which I didn't. Obviously there's some guys on this forum who are looked up and if they say something suspicious, it tends to stick.
The vintage world is a hard place and on several forums I constantly see people calling watches fakes and frankens and whatever. And this is done based on a few bad pics by people with limited insight.
I'm very sensitive and careful about my reputation and it really makes me mad when people use innuendo and mask their accusations.

The links show three same age watches with the same dial as this one. I honestly think this case should be closed by now. If DRSD would've listed this dial as the only reference of the MkV, you'd be calling the other ones fakes. The line really is very thin.
The reference object on DSRD is one picture of one watch. Now there's a big amount of speculation over nothing. I hope people would understand that it's my reputation that's been questioned. If someone just quickly scrolls through the thread they can get an assumption that I sold a bad watch. Which I didn't. Obviously there's some guys on this forum who are looked up and if they say something suspicious, it tends to stick.
The vintage world is a hard place and on several forums I constantly see people calling watches fakes and frankens and whatever. And this is done based on a few bad pics by people with limited insight.
I'm very sensitive and careful about my reputation and it really makes me mad when people use innuendo and mask their accusations.

The links show three same age watches with the same dial as this one. I honestly think this case should be closed by now. If DSRD would've listed this dial as the only reference of the MkV, you'd be calling the other ones fakes. The line really is very thin.
In one way I do understand. Truly.

Personally I posted one pick very clearly showing what I thought was off. Which was off. I did this after others expressed their doubts to it. I would never scream FAKE and run away and I do not think I did. I called you out as it is better to include you as a seller than let the thread run along with the perception you did sell a shit watch.

I can apologize if that makes you feel better but as I do not know the reference, which I made clear, I just posted the one thing my eyes got stuck on while checking it towards the most reliable source out there.

Have a good eve @SamiA
The reference object on DRSD is one picture of one watch. Now there's a big amount of speculation over nothing. I hope people would understand that it's my reputation that's been questioned. If someone just quickly scrolls through the thread they can get an assumption that I sold a bad watch. Which I didn't. Obviously there's some guys on this forum who are looked up and if they say something suspicious, it tends to stick.
The vintage world is a hard place and on several forums I constantly see people calling watches fakes and frankens and whatever. And this is done based on a few bad pics by people with limited insight.
I'm very sensitive and careful about my reputation and it really makes me mad when people use innuendo and mask their accusations.

The links show three same age watches with the same dial as this one. I honestly think this case should be closed by now. If DRSD would've listed this dial as the only reference of the MkV, you'd be calling the other ones fakes. The line really is very thin.
Visst, men detta är ett klockforum där vi diskuterar just klockor. Är detta för smärtsamt bör du nog fundera på att försvinna från nätet?