Man kan väl visst ladda radiumtavlorna? Det är väl inte radiumet i sig som lyser utan snarare ett ämne som reagerar på strålningen? Detta samma ämne reagerar även på solljus? Fast nu när jag skrev ned detta i text blev jag mycket fundersam över mitt resonemang...
Sant, men jag följer resonemanget i länken ovan.
"If you think your watch has luminous paint on the hands and numerals, the first easy test is to keep it in the dark overnight and examine it while still in the dark. Then expose it to sunlight and take it into a dark room. If it was dark after being kept in the dark overnight, and then charged up in the sunlight and glows brightly in the dark, it has a modern "light charged" luminous compound and is quite safe. Although zinc sulphide will charge up in sunlight and then glow in the dark, old radiation damaged zinc sulphide exhibits very little response to sunlight and its characteristics are very different to modern luminous paint. If the zinc suplhide doesn't glow in the dark due to radium radioactivity, but does glow when charged up by sunlight, then logic says there isn't any radium present."
Men som sagt; Jag har en källa med information i ämnet och skulle inte offra min "graal" på att jag har rätt.