• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

VARNING: TimeToWatch.dk

First and foremost, I'm not at all convinced that danish law is applicable here since you are directly advertising to a strictly swedish ad-site. I'm on the contrary quite sure that swedish consumer law is applicable, because of the Rome convention (article 5).

This is not a question of return policy, this is a faulty product since you advertised for something other than what you delivered.

All watches are sold from Denmark with danish receipt through a danish company. I do not know Swedish law but since you buy a watch in Denmark a think Danish law is counting. But I am no lawyer...



All watches are sold from Denmark with danish receipt through a danish company. I do not know Swedish law but since you buy a watch in Denmark a think Danish law is counting. But I am no lawyer...


Yes, but you are advertising to a strictly swedish adboard. And Denmark is a european country. Therefore, european consumer law applies. Since the watch was delivered in Sweden, it is possible to sue you in a swedish court. The question thereafter is which laws the swedish court must adhere to. Since Sweden has ratified the Rome convention, swedish law is applicable.
Timetowatch.dk does not advertise in the sense that they pay for putting up selling threads (nobody does). They post as any other user on the sales forum parts. For free, that is.

Small detail, but I felt that I had to clarify it.

And TimeToWatch.dk, you of course decide yourself if you want to stay or not.

Thanks... Appreciate!!! But this battle is lost and I think my time is better spend somewhere else. I will answer here just to make sure both sides have been heard.

Yes, but you are advertising to a strictly swedish adboard. And Denmark is a european country. Therefore, european consumer law applies. Since the watch was delivered in Sweden, it is possible to sue you in a swedish court. The question thereafter is which laws the swedish court must adhere to. Since Sweden has ratified the Rome convention, swedish law is applicable.

Ok... Just another reason to leave:( I am not familiar with Swedish law in this case but just offer to send the watches to customers wherever they want.



Ok... Just another reason to leave:( I am not familiar with Swedish law in this case but just offer to send the watches to customers wherever they want.


I'm simply clarifying that the legal situation is not as easy as it might seem :) Since you have already said that you will accept a return of the watch at full price, the dispute seems to have been resolved. One could always hope that disputes didn't have to be resolved in such a manner as this though :)


Thanks... Appreciate!!! But this battle is lost and I think my time is better spend somewhere else. I will answer here just to make sure both sides have been heard.


We all respect and appreciate that you are willing to give your side of the story and answer the questions of the forum members. A thread like this does not serve its purpose unless both sides are heard.
So instead you offer your customer a 1000DKK so he can go out and buy the box himself? When the box isn't possible to buy... How would he benefit from that? A fair market price today with a fullset PAM372 is somewhere between 54-58k SEK and with a non correct box somewhere around 48-50K.. A thousand DKK wouldn't solve the problem as far I can see?

Viktor did not come up with any offers so that was my offer since he refused to return it. I did not get any offers from him at any point to work with... I did not force anyone to buy at my price and also not force him to keep it without returning it after finding out the box was wrong. If unhappy just return it and get your money back. But within 14 days and in same unused condition as delivered.
Yes, but you are advertising to a strictly swedish adboard. And Denmark is a european country. Therefore, european consumer law applies. Since the watch was delivered in Sweden, it is possible to sue you in a swedish court. The question thereafter is which laws the swedish court must adhere to. Since Sweden has ratified the Rome convention, swedish law is applicable.

Just to clarify. This watch was never advertised on this forum. So further disgussions on this issue is not relevant in this case. I hope the law is counting in the country the deal is done, in this case Denmark, and not where the watch is delivered in order from buyer.



I did not at ANY point say no to a FULL refund within the first 14 days according to danish law. Viktor wrote specifically that he wanted to keep the watch at 15. april just after it arrived.

I pay commission after 14 days to seller since the return period is over. This is again normal practice. As commission seller you also expect to have your money when the watch is passed over to a new buyer.


Didn't he contact you at first when the plexi was missing and then said that he wanted to keep the watch and started to use it. After a while he contacted you again and then told you that the box wasn't correct for this watch and you then told him that you would take a look at it and contact the AD? He then stopped using it and when you didn't get back to him he contacted Panerai himself and got the information that the box was wrong and should also been delivered with the extra plexi. When that fact was presented to you he then had some options and the last of the three was for you to take back the watch and yeah, you said that you would do it but you wouldn't refund the whole amount? I really cant see why you would refund 3-5000DKK less in a refund but on the other hand pay him a 1000DKK to have him find a box for himself, especially when it's not for sale anywhere...

However. It's a shame that it ended up like this, for both of you. Hopefully we all has learned something from this, I certainly have. Good luck with future sales and I do really hope that neither of you will have to go thru something like this again.

Have a great evening.


Pledge Member
Viktor did not come up with any offers so that was my offer since he refused to return it. I did not get any offers from him at any point to work with... I did not force anyone to buy at my price and also not force him to keep it without returning it after finding out the box was wrong. If unhappy just return it and get your money back. But within 14 days and in same unused condition as delivered.
You are missing the point. The watch was confirmed to have the wrong box 6 days ago. It is the sellers responsibility to know this, not the buyers. Therefore it doesn't matter that the 14 days are up. I'm betting regardless of Swedish or Danish law, this means you as a buyer is entitled to either the fault to be fixed or a refund. In Sweden you have a "fault period" of 2 years.

Since the issue can not be fixed, the buyer is entitled to refund. It's as simple as that.


Jag kan förstå Båda sidorna utav affären. Nu är problemet löst snart antagligen Vilket är gott för alla att se. Även om det skadat timetowatch.dk så är det förhoppningsvis oxå lärdom i detta. Jag kommer fortsätta kolla hans annonser med intresse om han väljer att stanna. och jag tror detta var 1 olycklig affär utav många fler goda. Alla gör vi misstag men behöver inte vara onda människor för det. Håll höjd!


Jag kan förstå Båda sidorna utav affären. Nu är problemet löst snart antagligen Vilket är gott för alla att se. Även om det skadat timetowatch.dk så är det förhoppningsvis oxå lärdom i detta. Jag kommer fortsätta kolla hans annonser med intresse om han väljer att stanna. och jag tror detta var 1 olycklig affär utav många fler goda. Alla gör vi misstag men behöver inte vara onda människor för det. Håll höjd!

Second that!
I rest my case here... I don't think we will all agree in this case. Taking the watch back and returning the payment to Viktor solved it. I will keep my business outside Sweden for the future so don't you worry...:banghead: Enjoy your forum and peace out...:)



Ta lärdom och lägga manken till för att visa att man är en seriös säljare eller lägga benen på ryggen och fly klocksnack och Sverige?

Tycker att det visar på hur han vill göra affärer..


Tror du helt ärligt att någon på KS vill köpa en klocka av honom efter den här tråden?

Det påstod jag aldrig? Menar att det onekligen borde ligga i hans intresse att visa att han vill göra seriösa affärer. Men uppenbarligen fortsätter han hellre på samma sätt för att krama ur några extra kronor ur de klockor han säljer istället.


Tror du helt ärligt att någon på KS vill köpa en klocka av honom efter den här tråden?
Jag skulle fortfarande kunna tänka mig en handel om priset är rätt så varför inte!?
(kanske jag är blåögd) Det är ju dock bara en klocka och inte heliga Marias sköte vi pratar om. Jag tycker inte Mads verkar vara någon bedragare, men självklart kunde denna handel/dispyt kommit till en enighet tidigare enligt mitt tycke.


Just to clarify. This watch was never advertised on this forum. So further disgussions on this issue is not relevant in this case. I hope the law is counting in the country the deal is done, in this case Denmark, and not where the watch is delivered in order from buyer.


The court might still have to try the case according to swedish legislation, the Rome convention isn't that simple :/

Personligen skulle jag inte handla från en säljare som för det första är såhär ointresserad av att vara tillmötesgående vid en tvist/dispyt. För det andra är jag högst tveksam till att dansk konsumentlagstiftning, om denna nu skulle gälla, som säljaren påstår inte tillerkänner konsumenten remedier vid fel i vara. Jag får tyvärr lite får känslan att säljaren inte är helt ärlig och möjligen kanske utnyttjar köparens underläge av att befinna sig i ett annat land.


En stor nackdel med att göra affärer med fåmansbolag och deltidsbolag är att tvister ofta tenderar, att som här, bli personliga väldigt fort. Blir en tvist personlig från säljarens sida är all sans förlorad och vips för man duell mot Göran Lambertz.


Annonserar man i Sverige, så går man under de svenska konsumentlagarna.
Det går inte att gömma sig bakom sitt egna lands lagar...


Jag säger inte att Mads har rätt, men jag kan sympatisera med att han tycker att denna typ av "drev" är för mycket att hantera och därför väljer att avvika.

Är som att se en bilolycka i slow-motion. Att det sedan fanns en annan syn på vad som hänt spelar då ingen roll. När det väl sätts i rörelse så rör sig ett forumdrev snabbt, utan ansvar och bortom kontroll.