• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Forumbugg Bilder läses inte in


Jag vet inte om det är en bugg eller (kanske mer troligt) ett designval men jag upplever det som ganska irriterande att bilder inte läses in förrän man når inlägget eftersom det hela tiden blir en fördröjning när bilderna ska laddas om man scrollar i en längre tråd som t.ex. vad gör du och din klocka.
Apologies for having to write in English.

What exactly is the issue currently? Is it that you don't like how the images are being lazy loaded, or are you still having issues where only part of the image is being loaded?

Some of the large threads on there have over 150MB of images on each page, so loading a single page is huge. I've browsed the site and have never experienced a partial image load. Yes, images are being lazy loaded, and looking at how they load, it's working as expected, and the image is being loaded specifically when it's entering the view port on the page.
Apologies for having to write in English.

What exactly is the issue currently? Is it that you don't like how the images are being lazy loaded, or are you still having issues where only part of the image is being loaded?

Some of the large threads on there have over 150MB of images on each page, so loading a single page is huge. I've browsed the site and have never experienced a partial image load. Yes, images are being lazy loaded, and looking at how they load, it's working as expected, and the image is being loaded specifically when it's entering the view port on the page.
My experience now is that pictures are loaded in one go, not partially but it takes forever in some threads. There's just a blank space where the picture should be until it appears completely.
My experience now is that pictures are loaded in one go, not partially but it takes forever in some threads. There's just a blank space where the picture should be until it appears completely.
The images would still be loaded via the Lazy Image Loading method, but a blank SVG is used to prevent screen shift and the layout messing up until they are loaded once they are in the view port:

Jag har tidigare inte förstått vad ni pratat om i den här tråden. Den nya plattformen har fungerat ganska fint för mig men ikväll ser det ut så här. I bästa fall riktigt seg lazy loading men ofta laddas en del bilder inte alls. Tog skärmdumpen efter två försök att ladda om sidan. Google Crome Version 87.0.4280.88 under OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6
Skärmavbild 2021-01-09 kl. 21.46.19.png
Bumpar igen då jag upplever att det blir sämre och sämre. Inlägget ovan har fått ett par likes så jag antar att fler personer upplever samma problem?

Upplever samma sak och har gjort det ända sedan nya plattformen togs i drift men frågan är om det inte den senaste tiden varit värre än någonsin. Positivt på ett sätt då det leder till att jag spenderar betydligt mindre tid på forumet och mer tid på annat :D
To be able to do anything to troubleshoot this, I'm going to need some form of error message from the browser of a user who is having this issue. I've not been able to recreate it, even on very image heavy threads, so I have nothing to work from currently.
It’s not a lack of capacity on the server. These issues have only been reported since the change to XF2.2, and during that time, the site has been moved to a different server, and has been running with and without Cloudflare.

As stated previously, until someone can actually show me an error message from their browser, there is nothing I can do to troubleshoot this, as it’s not something I’ve ever experienced while browsing the site on any device I own, and no errors are being recoded by the server.
Senast ändrad:
As stated previously, until someone can actually show me an error message from their browser, there is nothing I can do to troubleshoot this

Slow performance doesn't generate any error messages. Pictures load pretty slow for me most of the time. So much that it's become a habit of mine not to wait for them to load at all if I'm done reading the comment to that post and then just scroll down to the next post.
Slow performance doesn't generate any error messages. Pictures load pretty slow for me most of the time. So much that it's become a habit of mine not to wait for them to load at all if I'm done reading the comment to that post and then just scroll down to the next post.

Samma för mig med uppladdningen av bilder med skillnaden att jag inte ens läser kommentarerna utan hoppar ut från tråden.
@MattWServices. Picture loading must be a major forum bug ? Or lack of capacity? Have a look at Uhrforum. No lagging what so ever with twice as many members/threds/messages as KS. On top of that adds in a mass....

Their site is using different image options though. They are downscaling any image uploaded to a maximum width of 800pixels or 1600x1600 for full size images, where as this isn't done on here.


That will immediately result in much smaller images being served to anyone viewing the threads on there, compared to the much larger images on here. Some image heavy threads on here are loading over 300MB of images for a single page.

They are also using Lazy Loading for images, because it's the default option provided by the XenForo 2 software.
Their site is using different image options though. They are downscaling any image uploaded to a maximum width of 800pixels or 1600x1600 for full size images, where as this isn't done on here.


That will immediately result in much smaller images being served to anyone viewing the threads on there, compared to the much larger images on here. Some image heavy threads on here are loading over 300MB of images for a single page.

They are also using Lazy Loading for images, because it's the default option provided by the XenForo 2 software.

Well that explains a lot! Is it really necessary to push the full size images when you load a page? I suspect almost all would be happy with something like a maximum of 800 pixels for the page and then when you click the image, and ONLY then, the full-size image will load.
My guess is the pages will feel lightning fast with this method.
I've shown the 3 different ways in which images can be attached to posts.

The first one is a 300pixel wide thumbnail, which will then load the full image in the lightbox overlay

The second one is the full image, which is then scaled back down to the width of the message box (but the full image is still loaded), which you can see by looking at the page source:


and the third one is where images are attached, but not inserted in-line, so are appended as small images to the end of the message.

It's the posts where the full size images are inserted that are causing the huge page loading size.

It's down to @hook and @Leben how large the images should be, as it's their site, but there are things which can be done such as running additional optimization against the attachments to reduce the file size, but keeping "most" of the quality of the images (but required an addon to the software, and would need to be ran over 1.5million previously attached images).
Their site is using different image options though. They are downscaling any image uploaded to a maximum width of 800pixels or 1600x1600 for full size images, where as this isn't done on here.


That will immediately result in much smaller images being served to anyone viewing the threads on there, compared to the much larger images on here. Some image heavy threads on here are loading over 300MB of images for a single page.

They are also using Lazy Loading for images, because it's the default option provided by the XenForo 2 software.
I would say thats the way you should go. It works flawless in UF. You will not get a bugreport fr any browser and it has nothing at all to do with type of connection or device nor browser. Have tried on Gbit, 4g, Mac, PC, IPhone and Andriod, Safari, Google and FF. Same same.
I've shown the 3 different ways in which images can be attached to posts.

The first one is a 300pixel wide thumbnail, which will then load the full image in the lightbox overlay

The second one is the full image, which is then scaled back down to the width of the message box (but the full image is still loaded), which you can see by looking at the page source:


and the third one is where images are attached, but not inserted in-line, so are appended as small images to the end of the message.

It's the posts where the full size images are inserted that are causing the huge page loading size.

It's down to @hook and @Leben how large the images should be, as it's their site, but there are things which can be done such as running additional optimization against the attachments to reduce the file size, but keeping "most" of the quality of the images (but required an addon to the software, and would need to be ran over 1.5million previously attached images).

I believe this is the problem. The 300 pixel one is to small to use as a regular picture for the page. The full size ones are too big for the default page view.

300 (or even less) would be good for the thumbnail.
Around 800 or so would be good for default page view.
And the full size (whatever that is) should ONLY be loaded if the user clicks on it.

Does this makes any sense?

EDIT: Well actually that 300 thumbnail you attached is fine by me. (Maybe a tad bit bigger?) The problem is that the user have the option to insert the full image in the post. Makes no sense to me.
Senast ändrad:
It’s not a lack of capacity on the server. These issues have only been reported since the change to XF2.2, and during that time, the site has been moved to a different server, and has been running with and without Cloudflare.
Any idea what the cause could be since people only started experiencing issues after the switch to the new version of Xenforo? Surely something must have changed regarding how or when images are loaded since no one seemed to be having any issues before the update? Assuming size limits etc. were the same both before and after the switch of course.
I believe this is the problem. The 300 pixel one is to small to use as a regular picture for the page. The full size ones are too big for the default page view.

300 (or even less) would be good for the thumbnail.
Around 800 or so would be good for default page view.
And the full size (whatever that is) should ONLY be loaded if the user clicks on it.

Does this makes any sense?

EDIT: Well actually that 300 thumbnail you attached is fine by me. (Maybe a tad bit bigger?) The problem is that the user have the option to insert the full image in the post. Makes no sense to me.
I'd argue that the thumbnails are basically useless on modern day monitors and smartphones as you in many cases can barely tell what it's supposed to depict. However, with that said perhaps the size limit for full images could be lowered from the current whopping 25MP to a more reasonable limit.
Any idea what the cause could be since people only started experiencing issues after the switch to the new version of Xenforo? Surely something must have changed regarding how or when images are loaded since no one seemed to be having any issues before the update? Assuming size limits etc. were the same both before and after the switch of course.
The images are handled and displayed in the same way, the only change is the implementation of Lazy Loading in XF2.

However, with that said perhaps the size limit for full images could be lowered from the current whopping 25MP to a more reasonable limit.
25MP is what the server will accept, and then scales it back down to the attachment dimensions I've shown above. This still can result in very large images in terms of site in MB rather than just pixel dimensions.


Some images posted in 1 post ^^
I'd argue that the thumbnails are basically useless on modern day monitors and smartphones as you in many cases can barely tell what it's supposed to depict.
I would agree at 300pixels, but increasing to 800pixels would be better than having a load multiple large images only to have the browser scale them back down again to fit in the view.

This again is where Lazy Loading comes in, as the images are only downloaded as the image comes into the view port, rather than pulling down 200+mb for the full page.

I'm still struggling to understand what is actually being reported as the issue here, as the first posts in this thread suggested images weren't being fully loaded, but now it seems that it's a complaint that they are just "slow".