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    /Hook & Leben

DOXA-tråden - Fans of DOXA, Synchron, Aquastar, Rick Marei osv.

Sant, har för mig sharkhunter i andra serier haft den orangea minutvisaren innan men inte just 300an ?
Har funnits på bland annat T-Graph, 1200T, 750T och 750T GMT. :)
Finns några intressanta sidor i bibeln, annars finns det en del online som du säger men minns inte var :)
Då ska jag ta och bläddra lite i den sen! Den är riktigt mysig att plocka fram och läsa i. Är det förresten någon som har en 40th anniversary-bok över eller vet var man kan hitta en så tar jag tacksamt emot tips!
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Min handled är bara 16,5cm och den sitter som en smäck. FruBr testade på sin 15,5cm handled igår och jag tycker att den satt riktigt bra på henne med. Tyvärr inga bildbevis!

Jag ligger runt 17cm, men tror även "formen" på handleden påverkar om klockor upplevs stora eller inte. Har fått för mig att en del har mer platta handleder :)

Får du vägarna hitåt något får du gärna dra ett PM :)

Jag ligger runt 17cm, men tror även "formen" på handleden påverkar om klockor upplevs stora eller inte. Har fått för mig att en del har mer platta handleder :)

Får du vägarna hitåt något får du gärna dra ett PM :)
Ja, formen gör säkert en hel del. Jag vet inte om jag har en platt eller rund handled, har inget att jämföra med, haha. :D Men lug-lug är ju väldigt kort på dessa (i förhållande till diametern) så de lär passa de flesta handleder. Har tyvärr inga ärenden åt det håller inom det närmsta men jag ska ha det i åtanke!

Another article, this time from Hodinkee. James gives voice to the feelings of LE owners. I grudgingly accept that this watch is too good not to offer to anyone who wants one. Can't help but think that previous management would have released just the "new ones", divingstar, Caribbean, aquamarine, and maybe even staggered those releases, before letting the pro, sharky, and rambler come out again. If I didn't already have one I'd probably be on the side of current management, but it is fun with the buzz limited releases generate. Just my 2 c.
Exakt, värt 6000 kr extra på ett ungefär :cigar:
Att jag inte tänkte på det, det är klart den som gör att de kostar så mycket mer än 300T. :facepalm: Måste vara skitsvårt att applicera den och det görs sannolikt av små umpalumpier som har tränat i 400 år för att bemästra tekniken!
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Slightly OT, but @MaBr , how do you find Doxa compared to Squale? They're essentially made the same way, in the same places, use the same movements. Squale also has an awesome history. Is there much difference in finish between your 1200T and a 1521?
Slightly OT, but @MaBr , how do you find Doxa compared to Squale? They're essentially made the same way, in the same places, use the same movements. Squale also has an awesome history. Is there much difference in finish between your 1200T and a 1521?
It's hard to compare since the 1521 I've got is all polished and the 1200T has a ton of different finishes but I'd say that the Doxa is the winner. The bezel is fantastic with it's combination of brushed and mirror polished surfaces and the case is very nicely finished. The overall build quality is great on both and with a very good bezel action and nice feeling crown. I'd say that the Doxa is on the more expensive side for what you get and the Squale punches above it's weight. On the wrist the 1200T wears more like the Squale Matic with a greater heft and the 300 wears more like the 1521.

Speaking of the movements I've measured the 1200T since yesterday and so far it's doing +0,6spd which is fantastic. My Squale is doing +11spd but I think that I've knocked it or something because it did +0,4spd about a year ago when I did the second to last measurement.
It's hard to compare since the 1521 I've got is all polished and the 1200T has a ton of different finishes but I'd say that the Doxa is the winner. The bezel is fantastic with it's combination of brushed and mirror polished surfaces and the case is very nicely finished. The overall build quality is great on both and with a very good bezel action and nice feeling crown. I'd say that the Doxa is on the more expensive side for what you get and the Squale punches above it's weight. On the wrist the 1200T wears more like the Squale Matic with a greater heft and the 300 wears more like the 1521.

Speaking of the movements I've measured the 1200T since yesterday and so far it's doing +0,6spd which is fantastic. My Squale is doing +11spd but I think that I've knocked it or something because it did +0,4spd about a year ago when I did the second to last measurement.

Thanks for the good comparison. I suppose could add that the Squale doesn't have a bracelet, which also lowers the price. I have to get one some day. I've had a 1553, but it's not quite the real deal!
Thanks for the good comparison. I suppose could add that the Squale doesn't have a bracelet, which also lowers the price. I have to get one some day. I've had a 1553, but it's not quite the real deal!
Yeah, that's a fair point. You could get the Squale on the OEM mesh bracelet though but it's not quite the same thing. The 1553 is a pretty low quality watch and not representative of Squale as a brand in my opinion. To be fair it's not even a real Squale since it was produced by MRP SA and not Squale themselves.