• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben


Grymt! Tack för ett utförligt svar!
Både du och @PR1973 har kommit med initierade bidrag i diskussionen :) Vad gäller Viceroy:en som @Jensab bad om att få input om så tror jag (jag vill/kan inte påstå att jag är en expert på Heurer:s) att klockan har ett original bezel-insert. Har sett bilder på nätet på Viceroy:s med H/M insert utan lumeplupp, hittade bl.a. den här på eBay som dessutom kan ge @Jensab en indikation på ett försäljningspris: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-H...tainless-Chronograph-41mm-Watch-/262545125455
Jag tycker att här har varit en trevlig liten diskussion som jag hoppas/tror har gett lite injektion i Heuer-tråden här på KS:)
Stämmer bra att inserten från 1163 saknar lumeplupp och de från 11630 har lumeplupp. En annan skillnad är att 11630 inserten är helt plana medan 1163 har en stigning in mot mitten. Sen var det vad jag förstått så att när man köpte klockan ny kunde man välja tachy eller mh om det var så att handlaren hade det hemma, dessutom såldes säkerligen klockor ur flera generationer parallellt. Säkert därför @hassevarg har ett insert som ser ut att höra till en 11630 på en NOS 1163. Inserten från 11630 passar bättre på 1163 än det omvända. Ett 1163 insert är högre än glaset på en 11630 (som är tänkt att vara jämnhögt med insertet).
This is why KS is great :)
Både du och @PR1973 har kommit med initierade bidrag i diskussionen :) Vad gäller Viceroy:en som @Jensab bad om att få input om så tror jag (jag vill/kan inte påstå att jag är en expert på Heurer:s) att klockan har ett original bezel-insert. Har sett bilder på nätet på Viceroy:s med H/M insert utan lumeplupp, hittade bl.a. den här på eBay som dessutom kan ge @Jensab en indikation på ett försäljningspris: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-H...tainless-Chronograph-41mm-Watch-/262545125455
Jag tycker att här har varit en trevlig liten diskussion som jag hoppas/tror har gett lite injektion i Heuer-tråden här på KS:)
Med tanke på vad forumet och dess medlemmar har givit mig försöker jag bara ge tillbaka det lilla jag kan. Jag gillar skarpt den här typen av diskussion och hoppas på fler liknande inlägg :)
Original BOR kostar en hel del, ligger nog ganska när 15k SEK har jag för mig. Fick tips av @Darren Cal.11/12 om att söka på Chronocentric efter "HLF" (end-piece för Autavia 1163, 1163V, 73463 or 73663), sökte nyss och hittade bl.a. denna: http://chronocentric.com/forums/chronotrader/index.cgi?md=read;id=57095
Den BOR jag har är inte en GF vilket är helt korrekt för sena Viceroys (är märkt "Hong Kong", saknar Heuer-loggan på spännet samt "låset").
Original BOR kostar en hel del, ligger nog ganska när 15k SEK har jag för mig. Fick tips av @Darren Cal.11/12 om att söka på Chronocentric efter "HLF" (end-piece för Autavia 1163, 1163V, 73463 or 73663), sökte nyss och hittade bl.a. denna: http://chronocentric.com/forums/chronotrader/index.cgi?md=read;id=57095
Den BOR jag har är inte en GF vilket är helt korrekt för sena Viceroys (är märkt "Hong Kong", saknar Heuer-loggan på spännet samt "låset").
Ok, svettigt men grymt läckert.
Hi all, well what an interesting discussion to land on. Great to see you boys delving into the finer details of vintage Heuer. It can be a little cloudy but i promise you its an enlightening experience :D

Ok lets spit out some basic facts
There are NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to which insert the 1163/1163V/73463/73663 family of cases should wear ( this case series all use the same size bezel and insert ) !! We've seen so many exceptions over the years that its now accepted that you could choose your bezel style when you purchased your watch !!

Ok now lets look at some of the examples you guys have linked above.
The one Jens has linked wearing the MH bezel - there's a very high chance that the case is an 1163, not an 163V. Before the Viceroy run in 1972 the majority of 1163 black dials wore MH bezels ( please note - just because it has a MH bezel does not make it an absolute that its an 1163 case )

Hasse Varg's lovely NOS Viceroy - yes it has a lume dot at the top & this usually indicates that its one of the last run of the Viceroy ( usually serial number over 270xxx ).
We also often see these lume dot bezels on the 7734 & 7736 manual wind versions - but this makes sense as these manual winds were often produced at the same time as the last of the Viceroys.

Hope i've made it clearer for you guys - cheers - Darren
Hi all, well what an interesting discussion to land on. Great to see you boys delving into the finer details of vintage Heuer. It can be a little cloudy but i promise you its an enlightening experience :D

Ok lets spit out some basic facts
There are NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to which insert the 1163/1163V/73463/73663 family of cases should wear ( this case series all use the same size bezel and insert ) !! We've seen so many exceptions over the years that its now accepted that you could choose your bezel style when you purchased your watch !!

Ok now lets look at some of the examples you guys have linked above.
The one Jens has linked wearing the MH bezel - there's a very high chance that the case is an 1163, not an 163V. Before the Viceroy run in 1972 the majority of 1163 black dials wore MH bezels ( please note - just because it has a MH bezel does not make it an absolute that its an 1163 case )

Hasse Varg's lovely NOS Viceroy - yes it has a lume dot at the top & this usually indicates that its one of the last run of the Viceroy ( usually serial number over 270xxx ).
We also often see these lume dot bezels on the 7734 & 7736 manual wind versions - but this makes sense as these manual winds were often produced at the same time as the last of the Viceroys.

Hope i've made it clearer for you guys - cheers - Darren
Thank you, Darren! I might not be able to afford a vintage Heuer today, but knowledge like this is golden.
Hi all, well what an interesting discussion to land on. Great to see you boys delving into the finer details of vintage Heuer. It can be a little cloudy but i promise you its an enlightening experience :D

Ok lets spit out some basic facts
There are NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to which insert the 1163/1163V/73463/73663 family of cases should wear ( this case series all use the same size bezel and insert ) !! We've seen so many exceptions over the years that its now accepted that you could choose your bezel style when you purchased your watch !!

Ok now lets look at some of the examples you guys have linked above.
The one Jens has linked wearing the MH bezel - there's a very high chance that the case is an 1163, not an 163V. Before the Viceroy run in 1972 the majority of 1163 black dials wore MH bezels ( please note - just because it has a MH bezel does not make it an absolute that its an 1163 case )

Hasse Varg's lovely NOS Viceroy - yes it has a lume dot at the top & this usually indicates that its one of the last run of the Viceroy ( usually serial number over 270xxx ).
We also often see these lume dot bezels on the 7734 & 7736 manual wind versions - but this makes sense as these manual winds were often produced at the same time as the last of the Viceroys.

Hope i've made it clearer for you guys - cheers - Darren
Thanks for your input Darren :) Hope you do not mind that I referred to you and quoted you in our discussion! About Jens's case, mine has this inscription (Abel Court's picture):
Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 09.24.58.png

I guess Jens can check his and see if it also has "1163 V" or just "1163"? My apologies if my assumption that all Viceroys have "1163 V" is wrong...
Hi all, well what an interesting discussion to land on. Great to see you boys delving into the finer details of vintage Heuer. It can be a little cloudy but i promise you its an enlightening experience :D

Ok lets spit out some basic facts
There are NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to which insert the 1163/1163V/73463/73663 family of cases should wear ( this case series all use the same size bezel and insert ) !! We've seen so many exceptions over the years that its now accepted that you could choose your bezel style when you purchased your watch !!

Ok now lets look at some of the examples you guys have linked above.
The one Jens has linked wearing the MH bezel - there's a very high chance that the case is an 1163, not an 163V. Before the Viceroy run in 1972 the majority of 1163 black dials wore MH bezels ( please note - just because it has a MH bezel does not make it an absolute that its an 1163 case )

Hasse Varg's lovely NOS Viceroy - yes it has a lume dot at the top & this usually indicates that its one of the last run of the Viceroy ( usually serial number over 270xxx ).
We also often see these lume dot bezels on the 7734 & 7736 manual wind versions - but this makes sense as these manual winds were often produced at the same time as the last of the Viceroys.

Hope i've made it clearer for you guys - cheers - Darren
Fantastic as always :) Its great to learn from the best @Darren Cal.11/12
Fantastic as always :) Its great to learn from the best @Darren Cal.11/12
Thanks for your input Darren :) Hope you do not mind that I referred to you and quoted you in our discussion! About Jens's case, mine has this inscription (Abel Court's picture):
Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 09.24.58.png

I guess Jens can check his and see if it also has "1163 V" or just "1163"? My apologies if my assumption that all Viceroys have "1163 V" is wrong...

Well in fact all Viceroys do have a V marked case - its just that there is a series of 1163's that were released before the Viceroy promotion - the dials& hands look the same but the cases are marek 1163 & have serials upto 223xxx & we generally refer to these as pre-Viceroys. No biggie in terms of price difference but nice to know if they were intended as part of the Viceroy promotion or not.
Well in fact all Viceroys do have a V marked case - its just that there is a series of 1163's that were released before the Viceroy promotion - the dials& hands look the same but the cases are marek 1163 & have serials upto 223xxx & we generally refer to these as pre-Viceroys. No biggie in terms of price difference but nice to know if they were intended as part of the Viceroy promotion or not.
Thanks for the info Darren :) Ok, I guess Jens has to take a look at the other end of the case where the serial number can be found, mine looks like this (again, Abel's picture, serial number masked by Abel)
Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 09.24.49.png

It would be interesting to see Jens's case ends so we can get an answer to this "mystery" :D @Jensab - can you share some pictures with us, it would be very interesting (for me at least) :)
Ja, den ser verkligen fin ut :) Med tanke på att säljaren bor i USA så tillkommer ju även moms, landar väl runt 92k SEK vad jag kan se...
Well in fact all Viceroys do have a V marked case - its just that there is a series of 1163's that were released before the Viceroy promotion - the dials& hands look the same but the cases are marek 1163 & have serials upto 223xxx & we generally refer to these as pre-Viceroys. No biggie in terms of price difference but nice to know if they were intended as part of the Viceroy promotion or not.
Oh, i will check My watch tomorrow.
Thanks for the info Darren :) Ok, I guess Jens has to take a look at the other end of the case where the serial number can be found, mine looks like this (again, Abel's picture, serial number masked by Abel)
Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 09.24.49.png

It would be interesting to see Jens's case ends so we can get an answer to this "mystery" :D @Jensab - can you share some pictures with us, it would be very interesting (for me at least) :)
Yes, of curse, tomorrow.