• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Ω Speedmaster tråden 🌔🚀👨🏻‍🚀

God morgon alla fartdårar! Och välkommern till klubben @hiboy. :)

Hej, min Speedmaster Professional från 2013. Ville ej gå tillbaka till noll på timvisaren, vad kan ha hänt, blir säkerligen att jag kör till Björkegren i Kalmar,
men var tror ni kan ha hänt? ock vad är det för kostnader jag skall räkna med????
Någon som kanske känner igen detta fenomen??
Hej, min Speedmaster Professional från 2013. Ville ej gå tillbaka till noll på timvisaren, vad kan ha hänt, blir säkerligen att jag kör till Björkegren i Kalmar,
men var tror ni kan ha hänt? ock vad är det för kostnader jag skall räkna med????
Någon som kanske känner igen detta fenomen??
Jag är novis men googlade mig till den här tråden: http://forums.watchuseek.com/f20/sp...nd-not-resetting-true-12-sometimes-24273.html

Har du samma problem att den inte går tillbaks exakt till noll eller rör den sig inte alls?
Hej, min Speedmaster Professional från 2013. Ville ej gå tillbaka till noll på timvisaren, vad kan ha hänt, blir säkerligen att jag kör till Björkegren i Kalmar,
men var tror ni kan ha hänt? ock vad är det för kostnader jag skall räkna med????
Någon som kanske känner igen detta fenomen??
Inte helt ovanligt. Jag hade det på min några dagar efter att jag hade köpt den ny, men det försvann igen efter ytterligare ett antal dagar. Läs mer här:
Hej, första posten här på KS. Jag har ett genuint klockintresse som var intensivt på 90-talet men har varit minst sagt slumrande de senaste 15 åren (familj och barn ni vet) men senaste månaderna har jag kommit igång igen. Skall inte ta mina andra inköp här men efter att läst den här tråden så var man ju fast, på en Speedy. Efter lite research där en vintage hade suttit fint så blev det till slut en ny efter vägt för och nackdelar. Det som är så fint med moonwatchen är ju att även en ny är ju nästa samma som en gammal vilket ju är trevligt. Hur som helst klockan landade igår så det passar ju bra med en första bild på speedy tuesday :).
Varmt välkommen hit! Vad roligt att du klippte till på en Speedy! En underbar klocka som bara blir finare ju mer man ser den! Och ett väldigt passande band med:)
Den går ej tillbaka till noll när jag nollar den, dock gjorde den det när jag tryckte på nollställning några gånger, men det känndes ju lite läskigt när jag inte behövt göra så innan.
Segt. Någon med urkoll borde svara snart!
Som sagt, är inte detta svaret?


The chronograph hand on my Speedmaster Professional doesn't sit exactly on the twelve; is my watch defective?

This is not uncommon, and it is not a major problem to worry about. Typically this occurs when a watch hasn't been serviced in a while and the remedy is to have it attended to when you choose to have the watch serviced (Cleaned, Lubricated, Adjusted, often called CLA). If your watch doesn't reset to "zero" geting this item adjusted but not getting the watch cleaned and lubricated at the same time won't necessarily prevent the misadjustment from reoccuring. If you can live with the watch being off by a couple fifth's of a second, it won't harm the watch to continue to use it until it's a convenient time for you to be without it while it's being serviced. When you take the watch in for servicing, explain all of the issues you note with the watch, so that the watchmaker can attend to each of the items noted.

The Hour Register on my Chronograph doesn't always stay on the twelve when the chronograph is not in use; have I broken my watch?
This is typically called "Hour Register Creep" and does occur on certain types of chronograph movements used by Omega (Lemania c.321 & c.861, and those using Valjoux 7750 & 7751 base movements) throughout the Omega product line as well as other companies using these movements. Thus this is not an issue that is restricted to any one product line (Speedmaster, Seamaster) but can occur with any watch using these movements. However, it seems that watches using the Omega caliber 1045 (base movement Lemania 5100), 1040 and 1041 (base movement Lemania 1341) do not seem to suffer from this malady, or suffer at a much much lower rate than the previously mentioned movements.
This problem happens because a spring that causes tension on this register gets slightly out of alignment. Sometimes carefully resetting the chronograph can minimize this problem from occurring, until you decide to have the watch serviced. Another workaround is to simply press the reset button before activating the chronograph function. Typically it's not worth the time and expense to send the watch into Service for just this problem if the watch is out of warranty. However, you should ask for it to be repaired the next time you have your watch in for periodic service... If you ask the Watchmaker to look into this the cost for repair shouldn't be much if any greater than a typical service (clean, lube & adjustment)...
Som sagt, är inte detta svaret?


The chronograph hand on my Speedmaster Professional doesn't sit exactly on the twelve; is my watch defective?

This is not uncommon, and it is not a major problem to worry about. Typically this occurs when a watch hasn't been serviced in a while and the remedy is to have it attended to when you choose to have the watch serviced (Cleaned, Lubricated, Adjusted, often called CLA). If your watch doesn't reset to "zero" geting this item adjusted but not getting the watch cleaned and lubricated at the same time won't necessarily prevent the misadjustment from reoccuring. If you can live with the watch being off by a couple fifth's of a second, it won't harm the watch to continue to use it until it's a convenient time for you to be without it while it's being serviced. When you take the watch in for servicing, explain all of the issues you note with the watch, so that the watchmaker can attend to each of the items noted.

The Hour Register on my Chronograph doesn't always stay on the twelve when the chronograph is not in use; have I broken my watch?
This is typically called "Hour Register Creep" and does occur on certain types of chronograph movements used by Omega (Lemania c.321 & c.861, and those using Valjoux 7750 & 7751 base movements) throughout the Omega product line as well as other companies using these movements. Thus this is not an issue that is restricted to any one product line (Speedmaster, Seamaster) but can occur with any watch using these movements. However, it seems that watches using the Omega caliber 1045 (base movement Lemania 5100), 1040 and 1041 (base movement Lemania 1341) do not seem to suffer from this malady, or suffer at a much much lower rate than the previously mentioned movements.
This problem happens because a spring that causes tension on this register gets slightly out of alignment. Sometimes carefully resetting the chronograph can minimize this problem from occurring, until you decide to have the watch serviced. Another workaround is to simply press the reset button before activating the chronograph function. Typically it's not worth the time and expense to send the watch into Service for just this problem if the watch is out of warranty. However, you should ask for it to be repaired the next time you have your watch in for periodic service... If you ask the Watchmaker to look into this the cost for repair shouldn't be much if any greater than a typical service (clean, lube & adjustment)...

Jag ska läsa igenom detta, tackar