• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

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    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Dagens vintageur.

Supernice! Min säger hej! :)
Grymt, fick det här svaret från glycine om min. Tror det är samma verk som din.

thank you for contacting Glycine heritage department.

A wonderful timepiece you have there,congratulations. Black dial watches are always premium especially in original faded colour condition like yours.

Unfortunately we don't have manufacture records covering that period ( our handwritten records which were saved from floods start from 1953 only ). Whate we can say by looking at the movement and style it is a late '30s or early '40s manufacture,more leaning towards WW II inter war era.The jewel count in earlier versions are 17, so this one having 18 is an upgraded and later version.

We can also say that the number on lugs were a practise in the US, so it would have been exported to the American market. You may see a three letter import code 'BXP'on the movement, maybe under the automatic module confirming this also.

The movement may be our in-house Glycine manufacture movement,Felsa and/or FHF. Because back then Glycine's patented movements were integrated with Super Holding and helped also developing Felsa 690 Bydinator the first bi-directional automatic rotor movement.

In case if it may need service please let us know we can share experienced watchmakers contact within EU who already worked on these early automatic movements.

We hope that our response is convenient for you, please let us know if we can assist you in any way.

We remain with best wishes and kindest regards,

Emre Kiris, Documentaliste

on behalf of

Glycine Heritage

Montres Glycine SA
Maison d'Horlogerie La Glycine
Ring 18,2500 Bienne,Suisse[/QUOTE]
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