Hi all,
Sorry English keyboard – sa blir pa Engelska.
Whatyousay ? Current holy trinity – is just a ridiculous marketing plot ! Here is the reasoning – in my book due to service issues (waiting) and costs, partly quality problems, unavailability of models, steep costs and very questionable value ratio – they are done !
The new kids on the block that should take the holy trinity mantel (maybe with renaming then – BLVW – best luxury value watches something ?) is JLC, Rolex and the third one – not to sure – you come with ideas for discussion pls. IWC, Zenith, Blancpain ?
JLC due to the value/price, especially on the second hand market, awesome watches with undisputable good calibres that also has served many other high end brands for years.
Rolex – best for bang buck luxury watch out there. I could care less about “opinions” and envy that comes with the brand - to me – make awesome workhorse watches that are versatile and somewhat affordable (now if any high end brand is that ?). Easy to flip.
My personal scenario here is based on what works good, reasonable prices and availability on the market place. Not on historical horology and other, to me, un important items/facts. Sure you have an opinion ? Svara pa Svenska el Engelska – spelar ingen roll.
Halsningar till KS fran Watchie.
För all del att alla får tycka olika och värdera olika aspekter i en klocka men bara för att man håller på Brage betyder det inte att de är ett bättre fotbollslag än Barcelona...