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    /Hook & Leben

Karlskrona Watch Company dive watch project

Thank you, gents. Great input and much appreciated! :cool:

I am definitely using the blue color for the name. I might even use a blue seconds hand to match... haven't ruled that out yet. I really like the Seiko NH35 movement. I used it in the Bombfrog Minesweeper and it is a terrific and trusty movement that is easily modified should one choose to do so. The Minesweeper test watches all ran about +2 seconds per day out of the box which is very good. The ETA movements are still experiencing supply issues and for a small guy like me, it would be extremely difficult to receive 400+ movements in the timeframe I want to launch this project.

I plan on including one of my soon to be released Avenger Water Resistant Sailcloth straps in the kit. Might use a blue stitch on it to match the watch. Here is a prototype with red stitch for reference:

I am also working on the case back design. Considering a Trident of some sort but I am considering other options as well.


That was a nice looking strap . I think one side dark blue and one Yellow stitch would look good . To look like the swedish flag .And to stick out a little from the mainstream watches .I also like the Neptun name instead of The Artic .Why not HMS Neptun
I am liking your project!
And your choices so far is far better than what it was before (Artic).
You have a lot to choose of when it comes to Karlskrona but Wasa is a big must in my opinion. It is a big part of the Swedish history of warfare and innovations. You can also go to the Wasa museum in Stockholm.
You can read about the shipyard in Karlskrona here, and since it's a divers watch I would definetly recommend naming it after Swedish vessels. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlskronavarvet

If you would ever make an aviators watch Swedens history is filled with many great aircrafts throughout it's history.

I am all for the light blue lettering on the dial, red has already been used a lot.
I'm liking it.

But do you really want it to be so similar to a Rolex?

And as said before, I would rather see it being maybe 41mm instead of 43. Just a personal opinion.

If I were you I would try using ETA movements, to make it a little bit more exclusive. But Seiko movements also works ofcourse.
Will be back cover be glass or metal?
How high are you aiming/can aim with the details and quality?
Hi Tim...
Thank you for your comments.

When I first worked on this project over a year ago, I was focused on calling the watch "Vasa". I researched the history surrounding it but decided, due to it's unfortunate fate, that I didn't want to use the name and wanted to move in a different direction. I really like the blue color font. I have always thought that black and blue on a dive watch looks good. There are many watches using red so I will not be doing that. The design I finalize will not be as "Rolex-like" as the original design I came up with. I agree with many that almost every single dive watch on the market today resembles another, likely more famous, dive watch to some degree. I will make this watch different enough, I assure you that. ;)

I am focused on the 42mm area, size-wise. I think 40mm is too small and there are too many large divers (45mm+) already on the market, in my opinion. I like the 42-43mm size.

The issue continuing with ETA is supply and demand. I am a very small company so securing 400+ movements would be difficu;t, specially in the time frame I am looking at with this project. I believe many are selling the Seiko NH35 movement short. It is a great movement which is very reliable and it's accuracy out of the box is top notch, It also allows those that want to modify the watch the option to easily do so.

The back will be a solid case back with engraving. I am currently working on the design.

I am very particular and sensitive regarding quality over quantity and I want my first project to be well received so I will be spending a good deal of time and effort in this area. Attention to detail cannot be overdone, in my opinion.

Good luck with the project, looking forward to see how it develops!

"Treudd" sounds fine, but as I did my military service as chief/gunner on the Stridsbåt 90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CB90-class_fast_assault_craft) in the Amphibious corps I would also like to suggest "Amfibie" to pay tribute to the naval history of the city and the Amphibious battalion located in Karlskrona until 2000. (Personally I would substitute the name "Karlskrona" to "Vaxholm", where my battalion was located... :p )
Hello Todd!

I understand the use of the name "Vasa" can be weird to use but I can assure you that all Swedes are proud of it. Even though it did not even make it out of the port.
Another really cool thing is the Gotland class corvettes, check those out. Gotland is also a very beautiful island.

I cannot wait to see the new design!
Something I like is when the indications on the dial isnt just painted on but instead seperate pieces bringing more depth to it.
Could that also be done with the shield? Or maybe it is just way too small.

I understand the choice of movement and I love the 6 'o clock date instead of at 3 which is pretty standard on divers.

Im waiting anxiously for the new design!

Good luck!
Hello Gents...
So, a work in progress... here are revised designs of the watch. I added a more industrial bezel and crown and widened the hands a bit. I'm not sure if I like this bezel style of the old one (last picture) better. The mesh bracelet would be a shark mesh type if I decide to offer that option. I am considering making the TREUDD font a bit more pronounced/larger. Not sure if the sizing here is correct.

Thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

Old style bezel

Hello Gents...
So, a work in progress... here are revised designs of the watch. I added a more industrial bezel and crown and widened the hands a bit. I'm not sure if I like this bezel style of the old one (last picture) better. The mesh bracelet would be a shark mesh type if I decide to offer that option. I am considering making the TREUDD font a bit more pronounced/larger. Not sure if the sizing here is correct.

Thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

Old style bezel

I would get one for sure =)

Beeing stationed at the navel base in Karlskrona I hate to say that I would not buy a watch that has been branded with the city of Karlskronas crest. Karlskrona is in the navy nicknamed "pinnan" roughly translated, "the suffering". Karlskrona is to the navy what purgatory is to sinners. A very bad place that has to be endured.

Also, I would vote for Treudd.

So why not go with a trident insteed of Karlskronas crest?
Thank you for you input... it is helpful. I am considering other logos for an assortment of reasons and you bring up another... which I greatly appreciate. I am kicking around other options and will post designs when I have paired down to a few possibilities.

Thank you for you input... it is helpful. I am considering other logos for an assortment of reasons and you bring up another... which I greatly appreciate. I am kicking around other options and will post designs when I have paired down to a few possibilities.


Hi Todd
I think you should do what you belive in not what other say . Input can sometimes be a little wrong or hard to understand . I think you are doing a great job .Some would buy it some will not .That the way humans are .That was some heavy words from me .Keep up the work .
Hello Gents...
So, a work in progress... here are revised designs of the watch. I added a more industrial bezel and crown and widened the hands a bit. I'm not sure if I like this bezel style of the old one (last picture) better. The mesh bracelet would be a shark mesh type if I decide to offer that option. I am considering making the TREUDD font a bit more pronounced/larger. Not sure if the sizing here is correct.

Thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

Nice, but the font looks a tad scrawny when stretched out like that. Have you considered doing something similar to the Armida A8 bezel? It looks quite well balanced in person.
Quite a redesign there. All to his own, but I cinda prefer the old design, without mesh and the new bezel but good luck with what ever design you decide to use.

Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk
Thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

Too similar IMHO.

And I would stay away from the official Karlskrona logo.
Det där var likt. Men alltså ser den Kemmnern ut som en Rolex också enligt det här expertforumet? ;)
That's just ignorant. All divers watches look somewhat alike, but the ones I just posted have very similar bezel and dial outlay and extremely alike cases. The market is overflowing with generic dive watches so I would hate for this project to amount to a divers watch design we have already seen at least 10 times.
That's just ignorant. All divers watches look somewhat alike, but the once I just posted have very similar bezel and dial outlay and extremely alike cases. The market is overflowing with generic dive watches so I would hate for this project to amount to a divers watch design we have already seen at least 10 times.

Du missar min poäng. Oavsett vart designen leder så är det tydligen en efterapning enligt många skribenter i den här tråden. Det tycker jag är både löjligt och tråkigt.
Det jag menar är att jag håller med om att det DÄR var väldigt likt, precis som många andra microtillverkare.
Jag har ju inte sagt emot dig en enda gång och jag håller självklart med om att allt inte ska jämföras med Rolex.

Jag citerade dig för att jag ville åt bilden :).
Texten var riktad till de som tycker att klockorna är så fruktansvärt lika en Rolex. Jag tycker din bild var ett utmärkt exempel på att så är inte fallet, annars är det som Boris säger, att jag behöver starka glasögon. :)

Jag tycker att du har helt rätt i det du skrev,jag använde din bild i ett annat syfte och lite klantigt.
That's just ignorant. All divers watches look somewhat alike, but the ones I just posted have very similar bezel and dial outlay and extremely alike cases. The market is overflowing with generic dive watches so I would hate for this project to amount to a divers watch design we have already seen at least 10 times.

The reason behind that is likely that quite a few microbrands use the same manufacturing facilities and case sources, so there's only so much variation that can be had. Look at Helson, Armida, Kemmner etc--they appear to all use the same basic cases for many of their divers.