• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Karlskrona Watch Company dive watch project

Interesting project!

One comment - the "bent trident" is also the symbol of the Swedish assault divers (attackdykarna) - a subset of the Coastal Rangers (KJ) where they shape their normal trident with a pair of pliers or their teeth to get it to the right shape.

Few veterans from KJ would probably like to carry the sign on a watch only the special divers have earned.

Understand that this project is probably trying to appeal a wider audience - but just wanted to add that to your considerations.

Symbols are powerful.
Is this enterprise still up and running? I have set my eyes om the orange faced Midnattsol, ant tried to ask a few enqueries via KS and fia the company's Facebook site, but no replies whatsoever. This makes me concerned as to placing an order given the present situation. Does anybody know, or has anybody dealt with KWC recently?
Is this enterprise still up and running? I have set my eyes om the orange faced Midnattsol, ant tried to ask a few enqueries via KS and fia the company's Facebook site, but no replies whatsoever. This makes me concerned as to placing an order given the present situation. Does anybody know, or has anybody dealt with KWC recently?

Did you get any answer from KWC?? or did you not place an order? Im in the same thoughts as you.. and thought to buy one of their comming projects on their site.
I was quite surprised when I saw this brand "Karlskrona Watch Company", since I’m from Karlskrona, but I have never even heard or seen this watch before.. Anyone here that owns a KWC watch? and what do you think about it?

Thinking of buying one for my dad just because he still lives there so thought that it could be a funny gift.
The new Hemlig Mil Spec Dive Watch launching in a few weeks...








I was quite surprised when I saw this brand "Karlskrona Watch Company", since I’m from Karlskrona, but I have never even heard or seen this watch before.. Anyone here that owns a KWC watch? and what do you think about it?

Thinking of buying one for my dad just because he still lives there so thought that it could be a funny gift.
Jag hade en vit ett par år. Trevlig bekantskap men mest kul då släkten har anknytning dit. Som klocka betraktat är den väl okej. Tjock och knubbig med generisk boett. Trevlig bezel och bra lume. Pålitligt Seikoverk.
Jag hade en vit ett par år. Trevlig bekantskap men mest kul då släkten har anknytning dit. Som klocka betraktat är den väl okej. Tjock och knubbig med generisk boett. Trevlig bezel och bra lume. Pålitligt Seikoverk.

Lite så jag funderade med, tack för din input. Kanske får bli en klocka till farsgubben, så kanske han kan få upp intresset för klockor. :) haha
Hello all,
The Pre-order special has officially closed but I am keeping the offer open to all Klocksnack members until November 15th. Please PM me or send me an email if interested to: [email protected].

Thank you to all of you that offered input and support on this watch.

Seems like a nice watch! From where will it be shipped? - I'm wondering if VAT (moms) is included within the EU or if a custom fee will appear?
Seems like a nice watch! From where will it be shipped? - I'm wondering if VAT (moms) is included within the EU or if a custom fee will appear?

Each country has their own VAT/customs charges. I follow my customers requests/instructions regarding how much insurance/value they choose to place on their package. If they do not designate one, I place the full price on it.
hello Klocksnack Members, The Preorder special will be closing on Sunday October 25th, If you are interested, please contact me before then.

Thank you,