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    /Hook & Leben

Karlskrona Watch Company dive watch project

Hello Gents...
Here are the latest design drawings with wider/larger hand set. Please let me know your thoughts.

[Images cut]


Hi Todd,
I've been following your thread with great interest. Thought I'd share my opinion as well.

Regarding the name and logo I think you've moved in the right direction. Someone mentioned the main island of the town as well, which I also think was a nice idea. (Provides a nice foundation for a naming standard.)

As for the design, The latest one looks very good. But I do prefer the previous incarnation of the hands, as seen in this post. I don't particularly like the style of the latest ones.

The crown is pretty cool looking but I'm not sure if it fits with the rest of the watch. It's not wrong, but maybe not completely right. (Yeah, useless criticism right there.)

I too join the group who would prefer a swiss made movement. Mostly because I'm a "Swiss made" fanboy.

Lastly I have two question. Sorry if you've answered these before. Will the index markers be painted on or are they raised components? And how is the water resistance ensured?

Hi Todd,
I've been following your thread with great interest. Thought I'd share my opinion as well.

Regarding the name and logo I think you've moved in the right direction. Someone mentioned the main island of the town as well, which I also think was a nice idea. (Provides a nice foundation for a naming standard.)

As for the design, The latest one looks very good. But I do prefer the previous incarnation of the hands, as seen in this post. I don't particularly like the style of the latest ones.

The crown is pretty cool looking but I'm not sure if it fits with the rest of the watch. It's not wrong, but maybe not completely right. (Yeah, useless criticism right there.)

I too join the group who would prefer a swiss made movement. Mostly because I'm a "Swiss made" fanboy.

Lastly I have two question. Sorry if you've answered these before. Will the index markers be painted on or are they raised components? And how is the water resistance ensured?


Titta på tavlan så står det 300m = 1000Ft .Rätt tätt .Annars håller med dig .Snyggare med dom gamla visarna och krona
Titta på tavlan så står det 300m = 1000Ft .Rätt tätt .Annars håller med dig .Snyggare med dom gamla visarna och krona

Jo jag såg det, precis därför jag frågade :).

Läste lite i den stora tråden om vattentäthet här på forumet (som jag inte hittar just nu och därför inte kan länka till) om olika ISO-standarder etc. Undrade lite hur denna klocka kommer att testas. Är det ISO-6425 som gäller? Vore ju riktigt coolt i så fall, men förmodligen inverka negativt på priset.

I like the old crown better, but I guess that with mesh the new one is going to be a bit cooler. So can you share a pic with the new style crown and mesh?
If I speak for myself, I embrace the current design, and could very well consider ordering one if you mount the Sellita movement. Sorry, if I missed any info about the prize range, what do you have in mind in that respect?
Så stor skillnad i pris kan det ju inte bli . Har inte hittat nåt pris på Seiko verket .Ett Sellita kostade 850:- på Ebay .Ett Eta cirka 1500:- .
I like the watch and would wear it proudly since im from and still living in Karlskrona! :) Let me know when its available and im gonna keep my eyes on this thread.
About the name, the city is build on many islands and the main Island is "Trossö" maybe that would be a option ;)
pfff! Saltö is the only real choice when talking about islands if Karlskrona.
Looking good. Treudd symbol is nice, but the text Treudd doesnt do it for me. MARINER, AUTOMATIC or - I dont know. Fat indexes at 3 and 9 would look nice and add function.

Any indication on the pricerange? Swiss Made is Always nice.
I don't know exactly why, but I don't care to much for what seems to be the Copperplate font. Maybe it's beacause it was overused some decades ago. Have you considered other fonts? A great font (though maybe overused these days?) I think is the "Obama campaign" font Gotham (bold). A strong, clear, no-fuss font that i would like to se on a dial.
image.jpg image.jpg
Treudd has a nicer ring. Keep that name for sure! The coastal ranger style trident-logo is a great idea! Maybe keep it in a golden finish too, with the treudd-text in blue. And slim the bezel slightly! :)
I love the input, gents. Thank you! I just need to be careful trademark-wise and I do not want to piss anyone off. ;)
I do like the idea of a Gold Treuss though. It is silver right now. I will think on that design point.
Hi Todd,

Fun project, and the design looks good.
I prefer the smaller handset, as the bigger looked unbalnced versus the indexes.
Not sure if it is possible; could the date be moved towards the center? I think it looks a bit crowded at 6.

The Trident in gold!
