• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Stora tråden om mikromärken och andra "affordables"

Jag kan posta en bild på en Steinhart om du vill?
Menar du som den här jag bytte till i kväll?
To be honest you did a sales pitch instead of acting as a watch enthusiast or answering the question honestly. You did copy a watch without adding any new elements. There is a market for these products and you did it well. Be proud of it and avoid trying to sell the product as a new refreshing design. Your action understandable but you have to be very careful when interacting with watchnerds who know their history.

You should change your reply to "To be honest I feel like you did a sales pitch". You are expressing your own opinion. You don't know me, nor my collection, nor my history with watches and I think I could talk quite a long while about watches with you if you are the nerd you say you are, I can't tell because I don't know you. With a beer (preferably Belgian :p) it could be a fun night too because I probably can teach you something and vice versa. I won't call myself a nerd, I call myself passionate. It's more like a disease than anything else.

While you say it's a sales pitch, all I've done is telling my story. And if the product is bad, it won't sell, if it's good, it will, people buy a product, not a story (at least that is my own opinion for new watches, vintage is different), but it's always good to know who is behind a certain brand, which is why I replied here. I hope you understand this and respect this. I'm part of the community and I happen to sell watches now. We both have our opinion and that's it. Feel free to hit me up if you are ever at any international watch fair. Happy to grab a beer! :D

Now let's all enjoy talking watches! Because that's what we're here for. I don't want it to get boring here. :D
You should change your reply to "To be honest I feel like you did a sales pitch". You are expressing your own opinion. You don't know me, nor my collection, nor my history with watches and I think I could talk quite a long while about watches with you if you are the nerd you say you are, I can't tell because I don't know you. With a beer (preferably Belgian :p) it could be a fun night too because I probably can teach you something and vice versa. I won't call myself a nerd, I call myself passionate. It's more like a disease than anything else.

While you say it's a sales pitch, all I've done is telling my story. And if the product is bad, it won't sell, if it's good, it will, people buy a product, not a story (at least that is my own opinion for new watches, vintage is different), but it's always good to know who is behind a certain brand, which is why I replied here. I hope you understand this and respect this. I'm part of the community and I happen to sell watches now. We both have our opinion and that's it. Feel free to hit me up if you are ever at any international watch fair. Happy to grab a beer! :D

Now let's all enjoy talking watches! Because that's what we're here for. I don't want it to get boring here. :D
All we have are opinions in this matter.

It's very simple. You enter an unknown forum to do PR, good. You get a question or two which you really don't answer truthfully? We reply and point that out. This is not unusual for salesmen, but I had hoped for more. If you haven't noticed it yet we are discussing watches, your watches.

I asked about your collection in order to get to know something about you, but you decided not to answer. And now you talk about selling your story and drinking beer?
Hehe, ja.
Vilken upplever du som bäst, den eller Squalen?
Bra fråga. När jag får Marc&Sons (som skulle skickas idag tror jag) tänkte jag göra en mer genomgående jämförelse mellan de tre, de har ju stora likheter och har ändå skilda inslag. Snabbt svar är nog att jag gillar bägge riktigt bra, bang for the buck vinner Steinharten som egentligen har alla egenskaper som grodan utom utseendet och den där sista finishen, men mest attraktiv är klart grodan, den tavlan, händer och vridring är ju nästan magiska. En kommentar kan vara att jag upplever kvaliteten på Stainharten som nästan lika hög som grodan, lite förvånande. Skulle vilja ha med en CW C65 GMT i jämförelsen också men då får det hända nåt särskilt om jag skall få in en sån.
Du som har/har haft både Squales och CW, (och Steinharts och Mark&sons) vad är din erfarenhet?
Senast ändrad:
Hmm "..utom utseendet och..." lät inte helt bra. Jag gillar utseendet på Steinharten den är riktigt snygg, Men grodan är som sagt magisk, reflektera ljuset i den....
I asked about your collection in order to get to know something about you, but you decided not to answer. And now you talk about selling your story and drinking beer?
I hope you never have to encounter a burglary where they steel 6 precious watches that are valuable. It makes you think differently about sharing a collection publicly. There's a well known big Swedish collector that quit collecting watches for exact the same reason, I knew him well.

I entered the forum to reply to people who are involved in the Kickstarter and to say thank you. I have 8 backers from Sweden, which is amazing. That's it. Thanks and good night.
I hope you never have to encounter a burglary where they steel 6 precious watches that are valuable. It makes you think differently about sharing a collection publicly. There's a well known big Swedish collector that quit collecting watches for exact the same reason, I knew him well.

I entered the forum to reply to people who are involved in the Kickstarter and to say thank you. I have 8 backers from Sweden, which is amazing. That's it. Thanks and good night.
Well, I had to stalk you on IG and seems like you own a Nautilus, killer sub and a Deepstar. Always loved the Deepstar, one of the cooles dials ever. We all live with the possible threat of watch-burglary, internet is not the main problem for us. But this is very off-topic.

Good luck with your business!
Med lite mer användning på armen nu efter ett par dagar kan jag forsatt konstatera att det är en hög kvalitet´s klocka trots sitt pris. Inget har lämnats för slumpen!

Sitter bra oavsett outfit och smiter under skjortan perfekt (tycker jag). Länken är riktigt skön och märks inte vad jag tycker på armen. Borstningen och polering är i klass med betydligt dyrare ur!
Viklåset är också riktigt bra. Tyvärr inte hunnit med Moddandet än, jag skyller på barnen, Den håller även tiden bra, inte uppmätt men än sålänge följer solen:pompus:

Urtavlan imponerar i alla ljus, Lume dock , not so much :D eftersom det enbart är massa på visarna och väldigt tunn sådan så imponerar det inte speciellt mycket men det stör inte mig, jag har ju tydligen en en telefon som visar klockan i mörkret :chicken:

