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Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!
/Hook & Leben
Tack för svaret!Plus-Watch
Köpte en Speedmaster Professional av Alantino Sponta på plus-watch. Betalade via banköverföring och hade klockan hemma mindre än 24 timmar från att mottagaren fått pengarna. Allt var precis som utlovat: nytt, fullset och cert utfärdat av AD samma dag som klockan skickades.
Skulle inte tveka att handla igen.
P+s watches verkar dock vara en annan handlare, pluswatches är från Italien. Synnerligen lätt namn att förväxla dock..Tack för svaret!
Funderar på att lägga en beställning för en Rolex Submariner snart, tänkte beställa från Europa för att slippa momsen. Men hur mycket skenar det iväg i pris med allt som tillkommer? Om ja betalar 65 K för en klocka vad får ja räkna med för slutpris isch?tack för svar, ni är bäst!
ah ok super, då vet jag att de inte finns några "dolda avgifter"Så räkna med ett totalpris på ca 68 tusen med andra ord.![]()
Ja, jag köpte en 16570 där, leverans på 24 h. Rekommenderas, good guyNågon som handlat från Orologeria Roma?
David är svinbra, låter bara som att du vägrar lyssna. Tycker han ändå känns tillmötesgående. Tummen upp för David och Guardian of time!DON'T BUY FROM " GUARDIAN OF TIME "
Hej alla!
Att det finns en hel del konstigt folk där ute i stora världen är ju ingen nyhet. Men kanske tar den här handlaren, David, på Guardian of Time i England priset!?
Köpte en stål-Rolex av honom som jag fick igår och då han hade skickat fel box (boxar) till klockan och inte heller hade skickat med pris-Tagen och Rolex-Tagen, vilket jag i telefon hade fått bekräftat skulle vara med, påpekade jag det här och ville att han skulle korrigera sitt slarv/misstag. Bifogar hela konversationen och har förståelse för att ni inte orkar läsa hela, men kanske kan det ändå vara till nytta för någon som funderar på att göra affär med den här handlaren - han ligger ju väldigt bra till i pris, men pris är ju inte allt ..... Egentligen borde jag avbrutit konversationen med honom tidigare (löser ju i värsta fall ny box mm själv), men samtidigt var det väldigt intressant att se hur han hanterade ett klagomål.
Håll tillgodo och trevlig läsning
Sent: 17 May 2017 18:17:32
To: Guardian Of Time
Hi David
The watch has now arrived, and it’s very nice. That was very quick - thanks!
Unfortunately it was the wrong box (and outer box)! It should be the smallest size as it is on all stainless steel models, but it came with the medium one that is for the two tone and gold models.
It was also missing the plastic Rolex tag and the plastic price tag!
How will we fix this? Can you send me the right box and the tags (if you don’t have the price tag, I can live without that, but I really want the Rolex tag)!? And then I just return the wrong one!?
Best regards
17 maj 2017 kl. 18:27 skrev Guardian Of Time
Hi Mr
Great to hear that you have received the watch smoothly.
I am very sorry about the tags. The watch has been in the safe for a long time and since its not in the office, we have no way of double checking the tags. Normally, 99% of our watches are coming with their tags and stickers on. Its very rare that it will not come with it. Again, sorry about that.
Rolex was using this size of boxes (the one that you have received) for these models at that year. Recently, Rolex decided to use the smallest size of Rolex box to use with steel models. So the size of the box you have received is correct.
Kind Regards
Sent: 17 May 2017 19:14:26
To: Guardian Of Time
Hi David
If I buy a new unworn watch I expect it to be complete, so I must ask you please to complete the set with at least the Rolex tag!
And about the box, it's always been the small boxes for steel versions - I know for own experience and if you Google it, everything confirm this!
I have a big collection of Rolex watches and the ones I'm going to keep I want they to be complete and correct, so if you can't help me with this I have to sent it back
Hope you understand, and let me know if you can make this right or how I will make the return
Best regards
17 maj 2017 kl. 21:27 skrev Guardian Of Time
We can try to find a Rolex tag for you but the box size is correct. Google is not a good source of correct information.
If you would like to return the watch, you should not even touch it, use it, remove the stickers or any kind of modification. Otherwise, we cannot accept a return.
Have you modified the watch?
Kind Regards
Sent: 17 May 2017 21:43:36
To: Guardian Of Time
It's exactly as I got it, with plastic on it and so on
I have a Submariner and an Explorer bought from a Swedish AD 2015 with the small box and I also know that it is the one it should be on every steel model, so I go for the return option!
Which address do you want me to return it to - I saw that it was sent from Spain but I guess you want it to England!?
Please give me the right address and I will manage the return tomorrow
I will send you my bank account, bank and so on later today!
Best regards
17 maj 2017 kl. 21:50 skrev Guardian Of Time
I will take the information from our logistics department tomorrow and let you know the delivery address. We might want to have it to our London Vault.
There will be some steps to follow:
1- You would need to send the watch with full insurance to us.
2- The watch needs to be sent to the watchmaker to check if there is any modification to the watch.
These costs will belong to you if you would like to return the watch.
Kind Regards
Sent: 17 May 2017 22:02:44
To: Guardian Of Time
How much and why should I pay for your failure? Have never heard about a free return with costs!?
17 maj 2017 kl. 22:15 skrev Guardian Of Time
We insist that the box is correct, not a failure. Your previous purchases from the same year does not really mean that those boxes were from 2015 or even those watches were from 2015. They can be from a different production year with a certificate year as 2015.
We do not offer free returns due to the condition of the watches we are selling. They are unworn and would be used after a return. In that case, we cannot sell them back as "unworn" again to another customer.
As you can see the price level we are offering, we do not have enough margin, enough buffer to provide you all these services for free. You have to understand from our point of view as well. We cannot offer you the conditions of an Authorized Dealer with these price levels.
The watch you have also received is fine. Certificate as well the same.
Everything should be fine. The only missing thing is a "plastic tag".
We can either accept a return by following the steps we have mentioned or we can send you a plastic tag.
Please let us know how you would like to proceed.
Kind Regards
Sent: 17 May 2017 22:46:35
To: Guardian Of Time
I'm really surprised about your way handling complaints - I've made a return to another company in UK, Watchfinder, and even if they hadn't done anything wrong, they were very correct and service minded even if it was a return!
I guess they have the same struggle with margins as you have, but they were so professional and helpful about the return and made the payback quick and easy!
We are many Swedes trading watches and we haven't had any bad experiences about buying from you until now, but I now that many of us are talking about your good prices - but price isn't everything for most of us .....
I know what box it should be - at least that they have always had the small ones to the steel versions since that changed to this box model!
As you cant deliver the watch complete I want to return it and I will of course pay the delivery back to you, but nothing more ....
It feels really insecure after this conversation sending the watch back and waiting for my money to return, but I hope you will make a quick payback and don't charge me for any costs more than my own shipping costs to you!?
I'll let you know my bank account tomorrow when you have given me the return address!
17 maj 2017 kl. 23:23 skrev Guardian Of Time
The company you have explained about your previous return experience, WatchFinder, has 4-5 boutiques all over UK and they have more than 75 employees + their prices are higher than our prices. So you are expecting us to provide you a red carpet and champagne service but at the same time you are not willing to pay for it. It is not a good comparison.
We do not know you and since you have made another return to WatchFinder even though there was not a problem with the watch (as you said), this makes us feel suspicious about you. We would not know if you have made any modifications to the watch.
We can accept the return back but you should bare all the costs regarding return shipment (with full insurance) and watchmaker's inspection costs.
Kind Regards
Sent: 18 May 2017 00:00:12
To: Guardian Of Time
I'm not expecting red carpet and champagne, just normal civility and what you should expect from any dealer, no matter what kind of business or how small or big it is ....
Very interesting and revealing answer - really a company you want to make business with .... or not!
I'm very sorry that you send me the wrong box and that all the tags were missing. I should probably have known better when I buy a new and unworn watch from you - my mistake obviously!
You have really convinced me that sending the watch back is far too risky and nothing you should do when you're doing business with your company, so I just have to accept that I have got tricked and just let it be....
18 maj 2017 kl. 11:33 skrev Guardian Of Time
Once again, you have not got tricked. We are selling 50 watches per week and we never had an issue like this neither we had a customer like you.
Selling around 200 watches per month AND NOT EVEN 1 RETURN!
Did you receive a wrong watch? NO
Did you receive a wrong certificate? NO
Did you receive a wrong box? NO
Is your watch original? YES
Is your watch's serial number match with the certificate? YES
We are emailing Chrono24 right now and your name will be blacklisted from the system.
Since you are buying watches from different dealers and then return them ALTHOUGH THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH THEM (WATCHFINDER), YOU SHOULD BE DOING SOMETHING TO THE WATCHES!!!!!!
I will personally provide your name to the forums and related platform for the other dealers and private persons to be careful.
What you think as a correct information (box size) DOES NOT MAKE THE OTHER COMPANY (US) BAD!
Datum: 18 maj 2017 12:24:18 CEST
Till: Guardian Of Time
Man, you are really stupid .......
+1 på Show Commerce. Jag har köpt ett par Rolex av Riccardo och allt har funkat perfekt varje gång med snabb leverans efter banköverföringen.
Köpte precis en ny Speedy från Show Commerce - Orologi di Lusso efter rekommendation i bl a den här tråden.
Gick hur smidigt som helst. Snabb leverans, bra förpackat, oanvänd klocka och stämplat cert. Kommer absolut handla här igen!
Du kan köpa direkt från Show Commerce - de är 100% bra! Jag har köpt direkt från dem utan några problem.Får man fråga om du kört trusted checkout när du handlat? Känns overkill med en handlare med så gott rykte, men samtidigt funderar man om det är värt att spara in de tusenlapparna i det stora hela![]()
Körde utan trusted! Och skulle göra det igenFår man fråga om du kört trusted checkout när du handlat? Känns overkill med en handlare med så gott rykte, men samtidigt funderar man om det är värt att spara in de tusenlapparna i det stora hela![]()
Är det någon som har erfarenhet av Joyeria l'Ermitage,