• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Citizen Chronomaster & Citizen's de Luxe modeller

Jag menar att man kanske börjar med att tycka att den är ful men sen när modellen hållt en som gisslan ett tag börjar man gilla den och försvara den
Haha, bra liknelse :D Jag skulle personligen hellre sett något som triggade köpsuget, den nuvarande är lite för mycket på något vis. Sen tycker jag inte boetten med de ganska tjocka bandhornen passar på ett tunt band, borde vara länk eller specialanpassat...
Dagens Deluxe

Denne likte jeg! Hvilken modell er dette?
Här är en länk där man får träna sin google translate lite. Historien om The Citizen som började 1995

2-3 st gratis service med packningsbyte
10 års garanti
Långt över 10 års lagerhållning av reservdelar (tidigare har jag för mig de skrev lvstids)
Lotteri för att få se fabrik och museum ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory )

Only for those who purchased.
Citizen Owners Club.

If you purchase The CITIZEN, you can register for "Citizen Owners Club". If you register, we will support the inspection and repair necessary for using your precious watch for a long time, such as "10 years free warranty" and "free periodic inspection". We also plan events and tours as a place to talk with members who have The CITIZEN. A perfect support system for long-term peace of mind and communication among members. That is also one of the attractions of The CITIZEN.

The longest * peace of mind in the clock industry .
10 year free warranty.

The longest in the watch industry *, the 10-year free warranty , was born from the desire to keep watching over your watch for a longer period than the usual manufacturer warranty . If you register with the Citizen Owner's Club, we will repair the natural failure within 10 years free of charge. In the unlikely event that a malfunction or malfunction occurs due to normal use, immediately contact the shop where you purchased the product or the Citizen Owners Club window. The CITIZEN is specialized in the Minami Shinshu Luxury Watch Studio in Iida City, Nagano, which is also the birthplace, because the structure and adjustment method of the watch are very different from those of ordinary watches, and special technology and equipment are required. The watch assembly Meister of will repair. 10 year free warranty. The CITIZEN desires to use it as long as possible.* The warranty is limited to the interior parts of the watch. Exterior parts such as bands and cases, small scratches and dirt are excluded. Valid only in Japan. If you are not registered with the Citizen Owner's Club, the manufacturer's warranty is for one year.
* As of February 2020, according to our research.

We will carry out a free periodic inspection within 10 years .
If you register with the Citizen Owner's Club, the number of times will vary depending on the model, but you will automatically receive support for "free periodic inspections" twice to three times over 10 years. When the time for regular inspection based on customer registration information is approaching, the Citizen Owners Desk will contact the customer and take the CITIZEN you have with you to the factory. Then, after checking the external appearance, checking the hand movement and operability, etc., open the back cover and take out the movement, and perform precision inspection such as accuracy and residual magnetism inspection. After completing all internal inspections, check the waterproof performance in combination with the washed case or band. Only watches that have passed various inspections will be returned to the customer. Free periodic inspection. It is the "health check" of your wrist watch so that you can use it for a long time. We will support you with The CITIZEN, so that you can keep accurate time at all times.* The warranty is limited to the interior parts of the watch. Exterior parts such as bands and cases, small scratches and dirt are excluded. Valid only in Japan. If you are not registered with the Citizen Owner's Club, the manufacturer's warranty is for one year.

Long-term holding of various parts even after 10 years .
Even after the 10-year warranty period, The CITIZEN has long-term security for customers by holding various parts necessary for repairs, such as exterior parts such as cases and bands, and small precision parts inside the movement. We have a system in place to ensure your patronage. The warranty is free of charge for 10 years, but after 10 years have passed, please feel free to request.

* Please note that exterior parts such as cases, glasses, dials, hands, buttons, bands, etc. may be replaced with different appearances.

Various benefits exclusive to members, such as factory tours .
Those who have registered with the Citizen Owner's Club will be invited by lottery to the "Citizen Factory Tour" where you can observe the assembly work of The CITIZEN. It is a special factory tour where you can see Citizen's commitment to watchmaking up close. In addition, we are invited by lottery to the "Citizen Museum Tour" which is not open to the public. You can experience the latest models and successive models born in the history of more than 100 years. In addition, new magazines, fairs, event information, etc. will be delivered via e-mail magazine. We will continue to provide exclusive benefits to members of the Citizen Owners Club, so please look forward to information.

2-3 st gratis service med packningsbyte
10 års garanti
Långt över 10 års lagerhållning av reservdelar (tidigare har jag för mig de skrev lvstids)
Lotteri för att få se fabrik och museum ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory )

Only for those who purchased.
Citizen Owners Club.

If you purchase The CITIZEN, you can register for "Citizen Owners Club". If you register, we will support the inspection and repair necessary for using your precious watch for a long time, such as "10 years free warranty" and "free periodic inspection". We also plan events and tours as a place to talk with members who have The CITIZEN. A perfect support system for long-term peace of mind and communication among members. That is also one of the attractions of The CITIZEN.

The longest * peace of mind in the clock industry .
10 year free warranty.

The longest in the watch industry *, the 10-year free warranty , was born from the desire to keep watching over your watch for a longer period than the usual manufacturer warranty . If you register with the Citizen Owner's Club, we will repair the natural failure within 10 years free of charge. In the unlikely event that a malfunction or malfunction occurs due to normal use, immediately contact the shop where you purchased the product or the Citizen Owners Club window. The CITIZEN is specialized in the Minami Shinshu Luxury Watch Studio in Iida City, Nagano, which is also the birthplace, because the structure and adjustment method of the watch are very different from those of ordinary watches, and special technology and equipment are required. The watch assembly Meister of will repair. 10 year free warranty. The CITIZEN desires to use it as long as possible.* The warranty is limited to the interior parts of the watch. Exterior parts such as bands and cases, small scratches and dirt are excluded. Valid only in Japan. If you are not registered with the Citizen Owner's Club, the manufacturer's warranty is for one year.
* As of February 2020, according to our research.

We will carry out a free periodic inspection within 10 years .
If you register with the Citizen Owner's Club, the number of times will vary depending on the model, but you will automatically receive support for "free periodic inspections" twice to three times over 10 years. When the time for regular inspection based on customer registration information is approaching, the Citizen Owners Desk will contact the customer and take the CITIZEN you have with you to the factory. Then, after checking the external appearance, checking the hand movement and operability, etc., open the back cover and take out the movement, and perform precision inspection such as accuracy and residual magnetism inspection. After completing all internal inspections, check the waterproof performance in combination with the washed case or band. Only watches that have passed various inspections will be returned to the customer. Free periodic inspection. It is the "health check" of your wrist watch so that you can use it for a long time. We will support you with The CITIZEN, so that you can keep accurate time at all times.* The warranty is limited to the interior parts of the watch. Exterior parts such as bands and cases, small scratches and dirt are excluded. Valid only in Japan. If you are not registered with the Citizen Owner's Club, the manufacturer's warranty is for one year.

Long-term holding of various parts even after 10 years .
Even after the 10-year warranty period, The CITIZEN has long-term security for customers by holding various parts necessary for repairs, such as exterior parts such as cases and bands, and small precision parts inside the movement. We have a system in place to ensure your patronage. The warranty is free of charge for 10 years, but after 10 years have passed, please feel free to request.

* Please note that exterior parts such as cases, glasses, dials, hands, buttons, bands, etc. may be replaced with different appearances.

Various benefits exclusive to members, such as factory tours .
Those who have registered with the Citizen Owner's Club will be invited by lottery to the "Citizen Factory Tour" where you can observe the assembly work of The CITIZEN. It is a special factory tour where you can see Citizen's commitment to watchmaking up close. In addition, we are invited by lottery to the "Citizen Museum Tour" which is not open to the public. You can experience the latest models and successive models born in the history of more than 100 years. In addition, new magazines, fairs, event information, etc. will be delivered via e-mail magazine. We will continue to provide exclusive benefits to members of the Citizen Owners Club, so please look forward to information.
Detta gäller väl fortfarande bara om man bor i Japan?
Jag roar mig med att tråla nätet efter kul utgångna modeller man kan försöka komma över.
Exceed med Radiosynk och Eco-Drive är något som alltid är användarvänligt och står högt på önskelistan. Just nedanstående modell med integrerad länk i titan tycker jag är riktigt smakfullt designad. Ref CB1030-51A 38mmØ x 9,7mm och med multiband 6. Den finns med svart tavla också och heter då CB1035-57E
Ytterligare en Exceed, "kontorsklocka" i antingen Duratect behandlad stål eller med Guld-Duratect.

Just denna modell har en lite annorlunda form på visarna. Båda varianterna har äkta alligatorband och safirglas och multiband 6

EAB74-2941 i stål och EAB74-2942 i guld

Urtavlan är som så ofta i glas. Denna modell har lite modestare mått, 36,7mmØ x 8mm
*alla bilder lånade
Återigen en lite äldre Chronomaster. Jag tycker faktiskt att Citizen borde låta sig inspireras av designen här så deras nuvarande Chronomasters blir lite mer "tidlösa" och rena :) i sitt designspråk. Notera att de i nutid haft en mycket liknande blå nyans på sina urtavlor på olika modeller. Lågt pris just nu, 24 USD.


Är omålad till blå, spring så långt bort du kan från den skulle jag säga.

Visst har Citizen inspirerats av äldre Chrono Masters, åtminstone när det gäller boettform.
Senast ändrad:
Är omålad till blå, spring så långt bort du kan från den skulle jag säga.

Visst har Citizen inspirerats av äldre Chrono Masters, åtminstone när det gäller boettform.
Såg den auktionen men la aldrig nåt bud men var nyfiken på vad en sån skulle gå för, okunnig som man är ser jag inte att den var ommålad, hur ser man det, tvivlar inte på det du säger. Lär oss.:)
Såg den auktionen men la aldrig nåt bud men var nyfiken på vad en sån skulle gå för, okunnig som man är ser jag inte att den var ommålad, hur ser man det, tvivlar inte på det du säger. Lär oss.:)

Rätt enkelt, tillverkades aldrig blåa.
Såna klockor kommer ofta från Korea som den där och har överpolerade boetter och glassigt redigerade bilder.
I min värld är den där klockan bara värd som en reservdelsklocka.
Men har för mig att det inte var några bilder på verket så nog tycker jag priset borde vara under tusingen.

Om man ska köpa liknande klockor fast är orolig vad som är vad kan jag rekommendera Watch CTI som bara handlar med reko grejor.
Senast ändrad: