• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Korthållare, inte plånböcker!!

Jag hittade denna från Mulberry på kontoret idag om någon skulle vara intresserad. Den mäter 9,5 x 8cm ungefär.

Skicka ett PM vid intresse så hittar vi på något :).
Jag kommer mest troligt beställa från Goyard då jag ändå uppskattar de mera. Ville mest upplysa om att möjligheten finns, mailadress finns på deras hemsida och infon jag lämnade ovan kan ni använda så slipper ni inleda helt ny konversation.
Jag kommer mest troligt beställa från Goyard då jag ändå uppskattar de mera. Ville mest upplysa om att möjligheten finns, mailadress finns på deras hemsida och infon jag lämnade ovan kan ni använda så slipper ni inleda helt ny konversation.

Skulle kunna tänka mig en Goyard också. Men 900 spänn i frakt måste jag protestera mot av princip! :)
Måste bara höja ett varningens finger för Goyards korthållare, har haft två stycken över några år nu och tycker tyvärr dom håller en rätt dålig kvalite. Mönstret nöts ut och försvinner, har en orange nu och har snart inte något synligt mönster kvar,även de limmade kanterna är dåliga... (Har en LV som är ännu äldre som däremot stått pall, inte lite mycket använd då såklart eftersom jag kört Goyard).. Men har en väska från Goyard som däremot inte alls visar några tecken på användning även efter några år.. Det är balla grejer men inte den kvaliten, som jag iallafall förväntade mig.. Happy shopping!
Senast ändrad:
Var går gränsen egentligen på vad modehusen får tillverka? Acceptansen för korthållare vs klockor är tex väldigt intressant. Båda produkterna är modeaccessoarer som uppfyller individens dagliga behov. Onekligen intressant!

Sorry lite OT där :)
Fick svar på mitt mail. De kan skicka men fick ingen info om vad frakten går på, frakten baseras på volym (vilket låter vettigt). Se hela mailet nedan :
Dear Monsieur,

We would to thank you for your interest in Fauré Le Page and we hope this email finds you well.
We have the following wallets in our collection:

Men Wallets
* Portefeuille 4 CC + Monnaie
* Portefeuille 6 CC
* Portefeuille 7 CC
* Portefeuille 8 CC

Please find below the details on our different types of wallets.

* Porte cartes 4 CC
This is a credit card holder with 5 gaps. Its dimensions are 10 x 7 cm.
Its price is 155 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille Poche
This is a credit card holder that opens, with 2 gaps on one side and a bigger pouch on the other. Its dimensions are 10,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 220 € including taxes.

* Porte cartes de visite
This is a business card holder, which opens with a flap. Its dimensions are 10,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 190 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 6 CC
This is an american style wallet with 6 credit cards gaps, 3 on each side and an opening for bills. Its dimensions are 11,5 x 9,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 280 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 7 CC
This is a long wallet with 7 credit cards gaps on one side and an opening for bills on the other. Its dimensions are 18,5 x 9 x 1 cm.
its price is 290 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 8 CC
This wallet is a vertical version with 8 credit cards gaps. Its dimensions are 9 x 12,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 295 € including taxes.

Firstly, we will help you make your selection by sending you all the information and pictures on the products you wish (kindly note that pictures may differ from actual products).
All our products can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages which we update frequently.

Please click on the link below to discover more about Fauré Le Page's universe

Every item in our Scale motif comes in our five colors of canvas : Steel Grey, Paris Blue, Empire Green, Walnut Brown and Ivresse Red.

We will also give you their prices. If we ship those items outside the European Union, you will pay the prices without taxes which we will provide you upon your order confirmation.

In addition, with regards to Incoterms (DAT ICC 2010 (Delivered At Terminal)), please note that the Maison Fauré Le Page assumes the responsibility to deliver every item purchased to the destination that will be indicated on the invoice form. Payment of custom taxes/rights, once the destination country is reached (if applicable), will be at the expense of the purchaser. Fauré Le Page has no visibility on custom taxes.
To estimate the shipping cost, we will need the exact delivery address with the Zip code. The cost will depend on the size and the weigh of the package. Therefore, the expedition fee will be confirmed at the end. Our transporter is TNT.

Finally to proceed to the payment, you will receive a link from our Bank to proceed to the payment on their secured website. This link will be available for a few hours only.

As soon as the payment is complete we will proceed to the shipment.
Please find attached our General Sales Conditions for further information.

Best regards,

jag kan tänka mig haka på en beställning, i så fall Porte cartes 4 CC.
Tackar:). Kör hålen med en gaffelmejsel sen sys det för hand.Tråden är svart tigertråd.:)
Senast ändrad:
Fick svar på mitt mail. De kan skicka men fick ingen info om vad frakten går på, frakten baseras på volym (vilket låter vettigt). Se hela mailet nedan :
Dear Monsieur,

We would to thank you for your interest in Fauré Le Page and we hope this email finds you well.
We have the following wallets in our collection:

Men Wallets
* Portefeuille 4 CC + Monnaie
* Portefeuille 6 CC
* Portefeuille 7 CC
* Portefeuille 8 CC

Please find below the details on our different types of wallets.

* Porte cartes 4 CC
This is a credit card holder with 5 gaps. Its dimensions are 10 x 7 cm.
Its price is 155 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille Poche
This is a credit card holder that opens, with 2 gaps on one side and a bigger pouch on the other. Its dimensions are 10,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 220 € including taxes.

* Porte cartes de visite
This is a business card holder, which opens with a flap. Its dimensions are 10,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 190 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 6 CC
This is an american style wallet with 6 credit cards gaps, 3 on each side and an opening for bills. Its dimensions are 11,5 x 9,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 280 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 7 CC
This is a long wallet with 7 credit cards gaps on one side and an opening for bills on the other. Its dimensions are 18,5 x 9 x 1 cm.
its price is 290 € including taxes.

* Portefeuille 8 CC
This wallet is a vertical version with 8 credit cards gaps. Its dimensions are 9 x 12,5 x 1 cm.
Its price is 295 € including taxes.

Firstly, we will help you make your selection by sending you all the information and pictures on the products you wish (kindly note that pictures may differ from actual products).
All our products can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages which we update frequently.

Please click on the link below to discover more about Fauré Le Page's universe

Every item in our Scale motif comes in our five colors of canvas : Steel Grey, Paris Blue, Empire Green, Walnut Brown and Ivresse Red.

We will also give you their prices. If we ship those items outside the European Union, you will pay the prices without taxes which we will provide you upon your order confirmation.

In addition, with regards to Incoterms (DAT ICC 2010 (Delivered At Terminal)), please note that the Maison Fauré Le Page assumes the responsibility to deliver every item purchased to the destination that will be indicated on the invoice form. Payment of custom taxes/rights, once the destination country is reached (if applicable), will be at the expense of the purchaser. Fauré Le Page has no visibility on custom taxes.
To estimate the shipping cost, we will need the exact delivery address with the Zip code. The cost will depend on the size and the weigh of the package. Therefore, the expedition fee will be confirmed at the end. Our transporter is TNT.

Finally to proceed to the payment, you will receive a link from our Bank to proceed to the payment on their secured website. This link will be available for a few hours only.

As soon as the payment is complete we will proceed to the shipment.
Please find attached our General Sales Conditions for further information.

Best regards,


En till intresserad :)