• VĂ€lkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete Àr nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se nÄgonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli Ànnu snabbare, mer lÀttanvÀnt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en trÄd pÄ diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frÄgestÀllningar.

    Tack för att ni Àr med och skapar Skandinaviens bÀsta klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

🧾 Officiella G-ShocktrĂ„den

Lite rea pÄ Klockmagasinet idag sÄg jag. Dock ska man passa sig för deras "listpriser" som kan ligga vÀldigt högt ibland...
Tror inte det. Eftersom det stÀmmer pÄ vissa och Gshock sjÀvla listar pÄ 350 USD pÄ sin hemsida. Och 1 dollar ligger pÄ ~9,67 SEK...
Hejsan! It's Karri from Klockmagasinet (or Keskisen Kello as we're known in Finland). My Swedish is not so good, so I'll stick to English :) We've been monitoring Klocksnack very closely and tried to improve our process when it comes to the recommended retail prices. Last year, when we were just starting out, we were using the Finnish pricelists from our distributor and it turned out that there are quite big differences to Swedish prices with certain refs... We were not able to retrieve the Swedish G-Shock pricelist from our distributor, but thanks to this thread, we updated most of the models a few week ago based on Casio Europe's prices on their website.

Nevertheless, it's clear that we're still wildly mispriced in certain models still using Finnish prices (like that B5000G-2ER) and will correct that asap! If you see a model you're interested in with a not-so-competitive price, always contact us and our customer service will make their best to give you an offer if needed.
Hejsan! It's Karri from Klockmagasinet (or Keskisen Kello as we're known in Finland). My Swedish is not so good, so I'll stick to English :) We've been monitoring Klocksnack very closely and tried to improve our process when it comes to the recommended retail prices. Last year, when we were just starting out, we were using the Finnish pricelists from our distributor and it turned out that there are quite big differences to Swedish prices with certain refs... We were not able to retrieve the Swedish G-Shock pricelist from our distributor, but thanks to this thread, we updated most of the models a few week ago based on Casio Europe's prices on their website.

Nevertheless, it's clear that we're still wildly mispriced in certain models still using Finnish prices (like that B5000G-2ER) and will correct that asap! If you see a model you're interested in with a not-so-competitive price, always contact us and our customer service will make their best to give you an offer if needed.

Thanks for reaching out to us and also for correcting the prices. Much appreciated.
Hejsan! It's Karri from Klockmagasinet (or Keskisen Kello as we're known in Finland). My Swedish is not so good, so I'll stick to English :) We've been monitoring Klocksnack very closely and tried to improve our process when it comes to the recommended retail prices. Last year, when we were just starting out, we were using the Finnish pricelists from our distributor and it turned out that there are quite big differences to Swedish prices with certain refs... We were not able to retrieve the Swedish G-Shock pricelist from our distributor, but thanks to this thread, we updated most of the models a few week ago based on Casio Europe's prices on their website.

Nevertheless, it's clear that we're still wildly mispriced in certain models still using Finnish prices (like that B5000G-2ER) and will correct that asap! If you see a model you're interested in with a not-so-competitive price, always contact us and our customer service will make their best to give you an offer if needed.
Ok. Thanks for the update. It was not my intention to hunt you down in any way. Just wanted to make you aware of this as its doesnÂŽt look so good to be honest.
But thanks for your feedback and you can disgard my mail i sent asking about this previously. :)
JasÄ? Menar du att listpriset pÄ D-1000 initialt lÄg pÄ runt 8,000 kr? Som sportrolex. :-D
Yes.. Hade den limiterade med en stor vÀska med kniven ocksÄ.. Listade typ 8500kr i butik... Nu sÀljs dom för runt 12-15k...klockmaster i Globen har kvar 1, den vanliga med djupmÀtare. Listar typ 12495kr. Och vissa Frogman (fÀrger) som Àr ovanliga och, vissa som slutats tillverkas ligger runt 12-15k nu..Innan jag köpte min finkammade jag HELA nÀtet.. Chrono24, Ebay mm... Finns inga billiga lÀngre... Enda billiga stÀllet Àr hÀr pÄ ks nÀr dom sÄlts... Konstigt egentligen att folk sÄlt för mellan 3500-4000kr. Finns typ ingenstans i vÀrlden för dom priserna..

Och nu menar jag dom med djupmÀtare. Dom utan gÄr o hitta billigare..
Senast Àndrad:
Yes.. Hade den limiterade med en stor vÀska med kniven ocksÄ.. Listade typ 8500kr i butik... Nu sÀljs dom för runt 12-15k...klockmaster i Globen har kvar 1, den vanliga med djupmÀtare. Listar typ 12495kr. Och vissa Frogman (fÀrger) som Àr ovanliga och, vissa som slutats tillverkas ligger runt 12-15k nu..Innan jag köpte min finkammade jag HELA nÀtet.. Chrono24, Ebay mm... Finns inga billiga lÀngre... Enda billiga stÀllet Àr hÀr pÄ ks nÀr dom sÄlts... Konstigt egentligen att folk sÄlt för mellan 3500-4000kr. Finns typ ingenstans i vÀrlden för dom priserna..

Och nu menar jag dom med djupmÀtare. Dom utan gÄr o hitta billigare..

DÀr ser man. Svenska beg priser Àr nog dessutom lÄga jmfrt internationellt.
Knep min för 3 exempelvis.
Ok. Thanks for the update. It was not my intention to hunt you down in any way. Just wanted to make you aware of this as its doesnÂŽt look so good to be honest.
But thanks for your feedback and you can disgard my mail i sent asking about this previously. :)
Not a problem at all - public complaints are usually the biggest driver of improvement for all retail companies... We read the G-Shock and Seiko threads on a weekly basis so public shaming is welcomed:D