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Dial: Multi-part dial with:
One rotating disc turning one time in 365 days. It displays the twelve scenes of the wine grower’s work to be done over the year by a Swiss wine grower. A similar process applies for a French, an Argentinian, or an American wine grower and so forth, however it will not happen in the same month. For example, harvesting is much earlier in the Bordeaux Region than it is in Switzerland. The scenes are made by a genious miniature painter using acrylic painting methods.
Dial: Multi-part dial with:
One rotating disc turning one time in 365 days. It displays the twelve scenes of the wine grower’s work to be done over the year by a Swiss wine grower. A similar process applies for a French, an Argentinian, or an American wine grower and so forth, however it will not happen in the same month. For example, harvesting is much earlier in the Bordeaux Region than it is in Switzerland. The scenes are made by a genious miniature painter using acrylic painting methods.