• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

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    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Den stora tråden om Sinn

Saxat från facebookgruppen ”Sinn Watches” (kortat/klippt det ointressanta i texten):

”…I had the opportunity to meet Joerg Dandl, Head of Sales globally, to have a chat about our pressing thoughts…

…I had the chance to tell him that members are crying out for more dial colours in the U50 range. Good news, in the works! What I can carefully also divulge, is that another model may get a downsized brother to appease a wider audience ;)

I then spoke about the clasp. He understands the growing frustration and that this will be addressed at some point. They are extremely backed up.

What about the ceramic bezel? He said whilst this is reserved for the new 103 limited edition, they are studying the range to see where it may be suitable. I mentioned the matte ceramic bezel such as the one found on the Pelagos…. He wrote something in his notepad.

I was desperate to know what will happen in the EZM range. He confidently told me that very nice things will come in the EZM range, but next year. Many of us want a EZM chronograph I reassured him ;)

-Fler färger på U50 på gång
-Ännu en model ska bli downsizad
-De håller på och kollar på spännet till länken men inget lovat.
-De kollar på andra modeller som keramisk bezel kan passa till.
-EZM kommer antagligen först nästa år :oops:
Saxat från facebookgruppen ”Sinn Watches” (kortat/klippt det ointressanta i texten):

”…I had the opportunity to meet Joerg Dandl, Head of Sales globally, to have a chat about our pressing thoughts…

…I had the chance to tell him that members are crying out for more dial colours in the U50 range. Good news, in the works! What I can carefully also divulge, is that another model may get a downsized brother to appease a wider audience ;)

I then spoke about the clasp. He understands the growing frustration and that this will be addressed at some point. They are extremely backed up.

What about the ceramic bezel? He said whilst this is reserved for the new 103 limited edition, they are studying the range to see where it may be suitable. I mentioned the matte ceramic bezel such as the one found on the Pelagos…. He wrote something in his notepad.

I was desperate to know what will happen in the EZM range. He confidently told me that very nice things will come in the EZM range, but next year. Many of us want a EZM chronograph I reassured him ;)
Snacka om goda nyheter!
SINN 142 2.JPG
Saxat från facebookgruppen ”Sinn Watches” (kortat/klippt det ointressanta i texten):

”…I had the opportunity to meet Joerg Dandl, Head of Sales globally, to have a chat about our pressing thoughts…

…I had the chance to tell him that members are crying out for more dial colours in the U50 range. Good news, in the works! What I can carefully also divulge, is that another model may get a downsized brother to appease a wider audience ;)

I then spoke about the clasp. He understands the growing frustration and that this will be addressed at some point. They are extremely backed up.

What about the ceramic bezel? He said whilst this is reserved for the new 103 limited edition, they are studying the range to see where it may be suitable. I mentioned the matte ceramic bezel such as the one found on the Pelagos…. He wrote something in his notepad.

I was desperate to know what will happen in the EZM range. He confidently told me that very nice things will come in the EZM range, but next year. Many of us want a EZM chronograph I reassured him ;)

-Fler färger på U50 på gång
-Ännu en model ska bli downsizad
-De håller på och kollar på spännet till länken men inget lovat.
-De kollar på andra modeller som keramisk bezel kan passa till.
-EZM kommer antagligen först nästa år :oops:

Som sagt, goda nyheter :) Bortsett från den sista angående nya EZM först under nästa år😢 Men å andra sidan inte helt förvånande...
Saxat från facebookgruppen ”Sinn Watches” (kortat/klippt det ointressanta i texten):

”…I had the opportunity to meet Joerg Dandl, Head of Sales globally, to have a chat about our pressing thoughts…

…I had the chance to tell him that members are crying out for more dial colours in the U50 range. Good news, in the works! What I can carefully also divulge, is that another model may get a downsized brother to appease a wider audience ;)

I then spoke about the clasp. He understands the growing frustration and that this will be addressed at some point. They are extremely backed up.

What about the ceramic bezel? He said whilst this is reserved for the new 103 limited edition, they are studying the range to see where it may be suitable. I mentioned the matte ceramic bezel such as the one found on the Pelagos…. He wrote something in his notepad.

I was desperate to know what will happen in the EZM range. He confidently told me that very nice things will come in the EZM range, but next year. Many of us want a EZM chronograph I reassured him ;)

-Fler färger på U50 på gång
-Ännu en model ska bli downsizad
-De håller på och kollar på spännet till länken men inget lovat.
-De kollar på andra modeller som keramisk bezel kan passa till.
-EZM kommer antagligen först nästa år :oops:

Postar lite fler bilder från sjuksängen. Inser verkligen ånyo varför jag blev så kär i 103:an. Ärligt talat tycker jag att det är en fulländad design i nivå med Speedmaster, Submariner osv. Jag tror inte jag hade ändrat någonting om jag fick välja.

Passar även på att slå ett slag för Two Stitch Straps. Leveranstiden blev lång eftersom PostNord slarvade bort första batchen straps, men då skickade TSS en ny beställning utan extra kostnad. Jämfört med FinWatchStraps är detta bandet snyggare i finish (no pun intended), känns mer tåligt och rejält och är dessutom snyggare skuret. Det är också tjockare (cordovan) läder jämfört med dito från FinWatchStraps som är tunt och sladdrigt. Jag köpte också ett "vintage strap" i brunt med svart kontraststygn likt originalbandet från Sinn. Även detta är riktigt schysst.

Ja vad roligt med U50 i ljusgrönt - verkligen toppen!
Med blank bezel i topasgrönt och band gjort av mjukt bisamskinn.
Va fan- ezm då?
Men va f-n läste du inte "What I can carefully also divulge, is that another model may get a downsized brother to appease a wider audience" eller har du tappat läsglasögonen😉.