• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben


11630:a på Heuerville strap.....
Tror att det bara var "the Golden Series" som Heuer gjorde i guld, massivt.
Kan ha ha fel......fin Camaro oavsett.

I think i will give a short introduction.
My name is Darren, i'm an Australian living in Denmark. I am writing in english as although i speak & read danish to a very standard but my written danish produces gramatic errors.
I can read swedish if i concentrate & use a little imagination ;)

I am very happy to see some love on this forum for vintage Heuer - these are my passion !!!!
I recognise some fellow forum members from the Heuer forum ( good to see you guys )

It wouldn't be a real intoduction without a photo so let me start with something that might be special for this forum - the only Heuer i know of that wears swedish colours.

Enjoy my Heuer Silverstone with its unique dial

I hope you enjoy it - Darren
I think i will give a short introduction.
My name is Darren, i'm an Australian living in Denmark. I am writing in english as although i speak & read danish to a very standard but my written danish produces gramatic errors.
I can read swedish if i concentrate & use a little imagination ;)

I am very happy to see some love on this forum for vintage Heuer - these are my passion !!!!
I recognise some fellow forum members from the Heuer forum ( good to see you guys )

It wouldn't be a real intoduction without a photo so let me start with something that might be special for this forum - the only Heuer i know of that wears swedish colours.

Enjoy my Heuer Silverstone with its unique dial

I hope you enjoy it - Darren

Sick patina, love it!
I think i will give a short introduction.
My name is Darren, i'm an Australian living in Denmark. I am writing in english as although i speak & read danish to a very standard but my written danish produces gramatic errors.
I can read swedish if i concentrate & use a little imagination ;)

I am very happy to see some love on this forum for vintage Heuer - these are my passion !!!!
I recognise some fellow forum members from the Heuer forum ( good to see you guys )

It wouldn't be a real intoduction without a photo so let me start with something that might be special for this forum - the only Heuer i know of that wears swedish colours.

Enjoy my Heuer Silverstone with its unique dial

I hope you enjoy it - Darren

Welcome Darren! Thats a sick Silverstone you got there. I think i recognize that watch from somewhere else, you do have some more Heuers? A Monaco with a blue dial if I remember it correct? Glad to see you here, welcome :D

Welcome Darren! Thats a sick Silverstone you got there. I think i recognize that watch from somewhere else, you do have some more Heuers? A Monaco with a blue dial if I remember it correct? Glad to see you here, welcome :D


Oh - i have a few vintage Heuer's ;)

I do have quite a few photos but they are in various sizes & formats as i've taken photos over the years with different cameras & uploaded them to various hosting sites ( i really do need to go through the photos & make them uniform )
Does this forum have a limit on photo size or preference for photo format ?

- Darren
Hörru Molle, varför har du aldrig sagt att du suttit på riktigt sköna Heuers för, eller har jag helt missat det?

Tror jag postat de jag hade förut, men kör gärna en repris :D
Hade ju en period för några år sedan då det blev några stycken plus ett hemmajox.

En Calculator, som begåvades med custom strap från ABP.​
En Diver100​
Och två Autavior​
Tvistas kanske fortfarande om tavlan på den sista var kosher eller ej.​
Mycket trevliga klockor. Synd att det mesta nya från TH inte har 12h kronograf.​