• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Kläderna gör mannen

Jag är benägen att håll med, gärna kashmir i tröja men inte strumpor.
Däremot måste jag säga att bambustrumpor har varit en riktig höjdare, väldigt trevligt material som både är mjukt och andas behagligt i strumpor.
Och mössor för guds skull. Klippte två på berg&bergs rea. Bästa mössor någonsin.
Är det ok att köra "högvatten" på (afton)kostymbyxorna? Och hur långt lägger man upp dom, finns det någon magisk linje? I och med att det är rätt modernt tänker jag att det kanske inte behöver vara klassisk längd med veck men kanske ser aningen fånigt ut med upplagda
Är det ok att köra "högvatten" på (afton)kostymbyxorna? Och hur långt lägger man upp dom, finns det någon magisk linje? I och med att det är rätt modernt tänker jag att det kanske inte behöver vara klassisk längd med veck men kanske ser aningen fånigt ut med upplagda
Jag gillar "no break". Om jag står rak så nuddar byxorna precis skorna, jag gillar inte mina byxor lägger sig och bryter pressvecken. Men de flesta vill gärna ha lite längre för att undvika att byxändarna fladdrar när man går.
Är det ok att köra "högvatten" på (afton)kostymbyxorna? Och hur långt lägger man upp dom, finns det någon magisk linje? I och med att det är rätt modernt tänker jag att det kanske inte behöver vara klassisk längd med veck men kanske ser aningen fånigt ut med upplagda
"Hela skon, ingen strumpa" är en bra tumregel för längden på en byxa.
En fråga till de 350 KS:are som följer den här tråden:
Finns det fler här som gillar och bär Hollingtons kläder ?
Tänkte ge det ett försök här innan jag lämnar tillbaka, fick hem de här idag men de är lite för tajta över låren. Om någon är intresserad så finns de i stockholm och kan skickas mot porto. Storlek 48 och släpper för samma pris som jag köpte, 1400. https://www.marcusmalmborg.com/?product:trousers:Eidos+light+grey+corduroy+Sal+trousers
Det stämmer säkert. På nån nivå kanske man kan anta om man har valt fint tyg så är hantverket lika fint, eller nåt sånt.

Har du tips på vad man ska kika efter?

Bra fråga!
känns som att det beror lite på hur man exempelvis definierar "kvalitet". Är det hållbarhet eller en känsla i sömmarna/tyget? I mitt tycke handlar det mest om förväntningar, om två personer betalar 2000 kr för en varsin skjorta så har man olika förväntningar på hur hållbarhet, sömmar vid axlar osv.
Prata med försäljaren om produktionen och se vad han har att säga, vet försäljaren om hur plagget produceras så kan det i dom flesta fallen förklara priset. Eller Läs på om märket är via näthandel.
Jag gillar Napolitansk stil, tycker att tillverkarna nedan tillverkar bra rockar! :)
Massimo Alba
Bra fråga!
känns som att det beror lite på hur man exempelvis definierar "kvalitet". Är det hållbarhet eller en känsla i sömmarna/tyget? I mitt tycke handlar det mest om förväntningar, om två personer betalar 2000 kr för en varsin skjorta så har man olika förväntningar på hur hållbarhet, sömmar vid axlar osv.
Prata med försäljaren om produktionen och se vad han har att säga, vet försäljaren om hur plagget produceras så kan det i dom flesta fallen förklara priset. Eller Läs på om märket är via näthandel.
Jag gillar Napolitansk stil, tycker att tillverkarna nedan tillverkar bra rockar! :)
Massimo Alba
Kan bara instämma. Min fodrade rock från Herno är kanske det mest genomtänkta plagg jag köpt. Komfort och bra passform tillsammans som jag aldrig upplevt innan. Rekommenderas, köpte min från Linnégatan 2.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.
Hoppsan. Tråkigt.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.

En snubbe i Sverige jag hört om beställde kläder som aldrig kom. Efter mycket om och men (samt samtal med Marcus pappa som inte verkade tycka att sonen hade alla hästar hemma) fick han pengarna tillbaka.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.
Det är väl långt ifrån första gången som han har varit i blåsväder över den typen av incidenter, tyvärr.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.

Inget svar, han kan ju inte neka returer? Tråkigt då han är väldigt trevlig, bra sortiment och är duktig på måtta.
Får se om jag öppnat pandoras ask.. men va fan, finns så mycket roligare kläder till barnen än polarn o pyret som ändå kostar rätt stadiga pengar. Shoppade loss på farfetch 60% o 20% på rabatterade priset. Hittade till hela familjen. Nu får vi hoppas att nåt sitter hyfsat.

När börjar barn kolla klädmärken? Vill gärna gå under radarn nåt år till. Äldsta är 6 bast.
Får se om jag öppnat pandoras ask.. men va fan, finns så mycket roligare kläder till barnen än polarn o pyret som ändå kostar rätt stadiga pengar. Shoppade loss på farfetch 60% o 20% på rabatterade priset. Hittade till hela familjen. Nu får vi hoppas att nåt sitter hyfsat.

När börjar barn kolla klädmärken? Vill gärna gå under radarn nåt år till. Äldsta är 6 bast.
Mina kidz bryr sig inte så mycket men äldsta är 8 och spelar fotboll 99% av sin vakna tid. Allt som ser sportigt ut funkar oavsett om det är köpt på Lager 157 eller en märkesbutik.
Spontant kan jag tycka synd om de föräldrar som inte kan hålla emot när lille Gusthaph, 8 bast (deras uniiika lilla snöflinga) prompt måste ha en pikétröja med häst på. Eller en iFån modell ny. Eller nåt annat skit som jag själv inte fick förrän jag var arbetsför och betalade det själv.
Oj, blåsväder för Marcus Malmborg. Nya omdömen från senaste veckorna.... Något som gör att jag avstår att handla därifrån. Vid en eventuell retur känns det som att det kan bli problem att få tillbaka slantarna. Trist. Det är bra grejer, men någonting stämmer inte.

Har ni som handlat fått svar eller grejer?

I ordered an MTM Ciro suit by visiting Marcus’ showroom directly. It was the most pleasant shopping experience ever: he took very good care of me and he took measurements to decide the alterations needed to create the perfect suit for me. He also helped in guiding me on the ideal fit and fabric for my suit very professionally and discreetly. I was extremely happy with the resulting suit specifications!

He asked me to pay the whole sum upfront which I did as I got a really good feeling of both him and the whole process. The wait should be no more than 8 weeks and the delivery was to coincide with an important festivity.

Then began the problems. One week prior to the agreed delivery I sent him an email question on the progress. He answered that the suit should have been sent from the factory and should arrive on time. Well, it didn’t. It was then just a matter of a few extra days he said. Then a week passed. I asked, he ducked. Another week passed and he gave some weak explanation of a hospital visit - but the suit was well on its way.

It wasn’t.

After waiting some 12 weeks I stated I wanted my money back. Yes, of course I was to get them back into my bank account asap he said. Well, it never happened. Text messages, phone calls and emails followed. He always was very courteous and really fuzzy in his answers. I started loosing my temper and demanded him to return the money or I would take the next step with the authorities.

14 weeks after I paid the money a guy from the board of directors of Abbigliamento (the companys official name) suddenly called me and said he was to step in and return the money as Marcus clearly was unable to. The guy calling was apparently Marcus’ brother as they shared the last name.

So in the end I got the money back but no suit. I am still unsure why he behaved so irrationally but after reading other similar stories it’s clear he cannot be trusted unless you buy directly from existing stock off the shelf. It’s a shame as the clothes are fantastic.

I ordered a MTM suit from Marcus Malmborg during a Trunk Show in Oslo, May 2017. This has to be the worst retail/tailoring experience of my life, resulting in no suit after 6 months+ of lies and deceit.

Without going to town on MM and the appalling experience i endured; which I could easily do, I will simply go so far as to say that: MM continuously cancelled appointments last minute (more than three occasions), informed me that items had been posted including providing me with tracking numbers etc, only to discover that they were false parcels (waiting late for something to be delivered that was not even real - genius), calls were not answered, messages not returned and emails ignored, over 6 months of chasing this compulsive liar for my items. This is only a tiny snapshot of the painful process.

It sadly is a risk purchasing something from someone during a trunk show, especially when you pay immediately and, in my case ,it took over 6 months to conclude (refund only, no items ever received). I ended up having to seek legal advice.

I am not the only one who has such an experience. A true shame, as the items are great - but the man certainly is not.
Jag har alltid fått svar och han har alltid skött allt snyggt. Skrev att min senaste beställning inte passade, och ska gå förbi imorrn och lämna dem. Får se om jag plockar upp något annat par eller gör vanlig retur.
Så klart trist att många haft dålig erfarenhet, men vet att han har haft ett tufft år och vad jag vet är det på bättringsvägen.
Mina kidz bryr sig inte så mycket men äldsta är 8 och spelar fotboll 99% av sin vakna tid. Allt som ser sportigt ut funkar oavsett om det är köpt på Lager 157 eller en märkesbutik.
Spontant kan jag tycka synd om de föräldrar som inte kan hålla emot när lille Gusthaph, 8 bast (deras uniiika lilla snöflinga) prompt måste ha en pikétröja med häst på. Eller en iFån modell ny. Eller nåt annat skit som jag själv inte fick förrän jag var arbetsför och betalade det själv.
Telefonfrågan får jag av och till tyvärr. Även äpple på ska det vara. Sinnes..

Har en i bekantskapskretsen som styrt upp en iPhone 6 till sin 6åring. Sjukt o ge en så gammal.
Mina kidz bryr sig inte så mycket men äldsta är 8 och spelar fotboll 99% av sin vakna tid. Allt som ser sportigt ut funkar oavsett om det är köpt på Lager 157 eller en märkesbutik.
Spontant kan jag tycka synd om de föräldrar som inte kan hålla emot när lille Gusthaph, 8 bast (deras uniiika lilla snöflinga) prompt måste ha en pikétröja med häst på. Eller en iFån modell ny. Eller nåt annat skit som jag själv inte fick förrän jag var arbetsför och betalade det själv.
Ofta tror jag att det är föräldrarna som tittar mest på grannarna, speciellt i yngre skolåldern. Tidigare bodde jag i ett mer välbärgat område och där kändes det verkligen som att föräldrarna tävlade i allt. Det räcker inte med en glasstårta och fiskdamm på kalaset. Det skall vara ponnyridning, clowner osv. ALLA barn i alla åldrar hade piké med häst på förskolan :D
Ofta tror jag att det är föräldrarna som tittar mest på grannarna, speciellt i yngre skolåldern. Tidigare bodde jag i ett mer välbärgat område och där kändes det verkligen som att föräldrarna tävlade i allt. Det räcker inte med en glasstårta och fiskdamm på kalaset. Det skall vara ponnyridning, clowner osv. ALLA barn i alla åldrar hade piké med häst på förskolan :D

Jag hade lila manchesterbyxor i mellanstadiet :DFöräldrar som inte hade råd att köpa utan mor sydde upp grejer hemma.

Idag skulle ju det vara High end clothes. Egen sömmerska hemma lixom.