• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Vilken är den minst prisvärda klockan på Köp och Sälj just nu?

Ej öppen för ytterligare svar.
I would like you to elaborate on this. We actually try to price items attractively compared to our competitors and we know for a fact the some of our watches are amongst the cheapest listed worldwide. Of course some watches may be on the same level as our competitors, and some even a bit higher (however few it may be). Our aim is however not to have the most watches, but to have the best - and a reasonable prices. Wether or not we succeed in this is not for us to decide, but we do try - So of course with a message like this I am curious as to which watches you are refering to? We are always open to feedback and critique whenever applicable, we strive to improve whereever possible and if our pricelevels are generally percieved as being too high, we of course would like to know about it. We do however have to run a business, so of course there also has to be room for profit.


Ja, ni måste antingen ta ut en vinstmarginal på en köpare av er eller en säljare till er. Det ligger i sakens natur om man ska gå med vinst på en marknad för begagnade varor. Jag har å ena stunden fått flera skambud från egenföretagare som driver sin rörelse genom att köpa in och sälja klockor vidare och som motiverar sina skambud på samma sätt som dig, för att sen å andra stunden sälja klockorna vidare till det pris man först inte själv var villig att betala. Jag ser inte varför man i egenskap av egenföretagare som antingen säljer för överpris eller köper till underpris ska vara befriad från att utsättas för samma kritik som för en privatperson. Dina och dina kollegors priser må däremot vara motiverade på andra grunder. Exempelvis för att ni kan hålla ett större sortiment än vad en privatperson kan, att köparen står i konsumentförhållande till er och således har bättre rättigheter än med en annan privatperson, men annars inte mer än så. Nu var dock frågan om säljare här på forumet, jämför man er med liknande företag, exempelvis uretvintage, så framstår era klockor ibland som värsta kapen.
Sorry - My swedish is rusty so I might be misunderstanding parts of your post. But for the most part I gather that your opinion is that our watches are for the most part very much more expensive than others. Therefore I ask you to give me some examples because i really would like to know where we are falling short.
As for selling to a pro - You are absoluteky right! You will never experience getting full market value for your watch because it would mean that we would have to charge a price significantly higher than market value to cover costs, warranty, advertising and of course make a profit. Selling to a pro will never bring the seller full market value, this is a fact. Expecting full market value is just unrealistic - plain and simple. If a seller wants full market value, there is only one way and that is to sell it privately

Now I dont know what you consider a lowball bid, but we try to evaluate each watch individually. Unfortunately there are some brands that 1. Are more difficult to move and therefore has a longer turnaroundtime, which in turn means that we have to have a larger profit to make sense. 2. Brands that have service policies which are less fortunate for us when re-selling and offering warranty. Some brands use every possibility to pull a watch in for full service, even when this is not needed. For example changing a sapphire. We had a watch that needed a new sapphire and the service centre refused to do so without giving the watch a full service This is also something we have to calculate with thenext time we run into a watch of the same brand that might need something replaced.
On the other hand there are brands that have very solid calibers and very fair service policies. This means that we can perhaps offer a little more for the watch because we are less likely to have to service it under warranty.
So there are many different parameters that determine what we are able to offer for a watch in a trade.

I understand that you compare us to Uretvintage, and according to what I can understand we are far more expensive than them ( Correct me if I am wrong). I'm having a diffucult time understanding this since we dont have too many watches that are directly comparable. They do however have a 1655 Freccione Explorer which they are charging 118.000 SEK for. We have a similar one priced at 100.000 SEK, so almost 20.000 SEK less.....

If we charge a premium for a watch there is almost always a reason for it. Some watches are in such pristine condition, that we pay a premium to get it and of course also charge a premium for it, because it is probably something for a collector more than the normal watchnut.

So by all means, like I said we are open for critique whenever applicable, and if we are are generally pricing our watches way too high I'd like to know about it. We spend a lot of time monitoring the market, so if we are really that much off target of course we have to take it into consideration - But I honestly doubt that that is the case.

Sorry - My swedish is rusty so I might be misunderstanding parts of your post. But for the most part I gather that your opinion is that our watches are for the most part very much more expensive than others. Therefore I ask you to give me some examples because i really would like to know where we are falling short.
As for selling to a pro - You are absoluteky right! You will never experience getting full market value for your watch because it would mean that we would have to charge a price significantly higher than market value to cover costs, warranty, advertising and of course make a profit. Selling to a pro will never bring the seller full market value, this is a fact. Expecting full market value is just unrealistic - plain and simple. If a seller wants full market value, there is only one way and that is to sell it privately

Now I dont know what you consider a lowball bid, but we try to evaluate each watch individually. Unfortunately there are some brands that 1. Are more difficult to move and therefore has a longer turnaroundtime, which in turn means that we have to have a larger profit to make sense. 2. Brands that have service policies which are less fortunate for us when re-selling and offering warranty. Some brands use every possibility to pull a watch in for full service, even when this is not needed. For example changing a sapphire. We had a watch that needed a new sapphire and the service centre refused to do so without giving the watch a full service This is also something we have to calculate with thenext time we run into a watch of the same brand that might need something replaced.
On the other hand there are brands that have very solid calibers and very fair service policies. This means that we can perhaps offer a little more for the watch because we are less likely to have to service it under warranty.
So there are many different parameters that determine what we are able to offer for a watch in a trade.

I understand that you compare us to Uretvintage, and according to what I can understand we are far more expensive than them ( Correct me if I am wrong). I'm having a diffucult time understanding this since we dont have too many watches that are directly comparable. They do however have a 1655 Freccione Explorer which they are charging 118.000 SEK for. We have a similar one priced at 100.000 SEK, so almost 20.000 SEK less.....

If we charge a premium for a watch there is almost always a reason for it. Some watches are in such pristine condition, that we pay a premium to get it and of course also charge a premium for it, because it is probably something for a collector more than the normal watchnut.

So by all means, like I said we are open for critique whenever applicable, and if we are are generally pricing our watches way too high I'd like to know about it. We spend a lot of time monitoring the market, so if we are really that much off target of course we have to take it into consideration - But I honestly doubt that that is the case.


I think what he said, is that your watches are to consider bargains in comparison to Uretvintage.
In that case I apologize - Like I said. My swedish is rusty, but at least now people of this forum know a little about how we operate. Like I said we dont just buy watches and slap on 20% profit and call it a day. Everything as in EVERYTHING is evaluated individually


Sorry - My swedish is rusty so I might be misunderstanding parts of your post. But for the most part I gather that your opinion is that our watches are for the most part very much more expensive than others. Therefore I ask you to give me some examples because i really would like to know where we are falling short.
As for selling to a pro - You are absoluteky right! You will never experience getting full market value for your watch because it would mean that we would have to charge a price significantly higher than market value to cover costs, warranty, advertising and of course make a profit. Selling to a pro will never bring the seller full market value, this is a fact. Expecting full market value is just unrealistic - plain and simple. If a seller wants full market value, there is only one way and that is to sell it privately

Now I dont know what you consider a lowball bid, but we try to evaluate each watch individually. Unfortunately there are some brands that 1. Are more difficult to move and therefore has a longer turnaroundtime, which in turn means that we have to have a larger profit to make sense. 2. Brands that have service policies which are less fortunate for us when re-selling and offering warranty. Some brands use every possibility to pull a watch in for full service, even when this is not needed. For example changing a sapphire. We had a watch that needed a new sapphire and the service centre refused to do so without giving the watch a full service This is also something we have to calculate with thenext time we run into a watch of the same brand that might need something replaced.
On the other hand there are brands that have very solid calibers and very fair service policies. This means that we can perhaps offer a little more for the watch because we are less likely to have to service it under warranty.
So there are many different parameters that determine what we are able to offer for a watch in a trade.

I understand that you compare us to Uretvintage, and according to what I can understand we are far more expensive than them ( Correct me if I am wrong). I'm having a diffucult time understanding this since we dont have too many watches that are directly comparable. They do however have a 1655 Freccione Explorer which they are charging 118.000 SEK for. We have a similar one priced at 100.000 SEK, so almost 20.000 SEK less.....

If we charge a premium for a watch there is almost always a reason for it. Some watches are in such pristine condition, that we pay a premium to get it and of course also charge a premium for it, because it is probably something for a collector more than the normal watchnut.

So by all means, like I said we are open for critique whenever applicable, and if we are are generally pricing our watches way too high I'd like to know about it. We spend a lot of time monitoring the market, so if we are really that much off target of course we have to take it into consideration - But I honestly doubt that that is the case.


Curious, was it AP that had the service issues?
Det är väl inget konstigt att marknadens aktörer försöker styra upp marknaden. Det är en självklar del i en hyfsat fri marknadsekonomi. Det avgörande är att staten inte griper in med illa genomtänkta regelverk. Det stora problemet är ju givetvis att avgöra när har en säljare nått en orimlig nivå på prissättningen. Borde vi diskutera procentsatser eller hur löses det annars?

En viktig poäng med detta forum, när det gäller köp och sälj, är att inte alla försöker tjäna max pengar på varandra, utan att det finns ett ömsesidigt förtroende om att båda parter ska uppleva en affär bra. Detta ökar benägenheten att ingå avtal och därmed tjänar alla på att vara medlemmar på detta forum, som ju är en form av marknadens självreglering när den är som bäst.
Det är väl inget konstigt att marknadens aktörer försöker styra upp marknaden. Det är en självklar del i en hyfsat fri marknadsekonomi. Det avgörande är att staten inte griper in med illa genomtänkta regelverk. Det stora problemet är ju givetvis att avgöra när har en säljare nått en orimlig nivå på prissättningen. Borde vi diskutera procentsatser eller hur löses det annars?

En viktig poäng med detta forum, när det gäller köp och sälj, är att inte alla försöker tjäna max pengar på varandra, utan att det finns ett ömsesidigt förtroende om att båda parter ska uppleva en affär bra. Detta ökar benägenheten att ingå avtal och därmed tjänar alla på att vara medlemmar på detta forum, som ju är en form av marknadens självreglering när den är som bäst.
Mmm men jag har resonerat som du och sålt klockor förhållandevis billigt här. De har gått snabbt och alla vart nöjda. Även jag så jag lipar inte utan konstaterar nu bara ett faktum.

Några av klockorna har sålts senare dyrare. Och jag talar inte om att det gått jättelång tid mellan händelserna.

Så frågan är då varför vi skall lägga ut klockor billigt, när medlemmar köper dem och kort därpå säljer dem för mer pengar?
Ej öppen för ytterligare svar.