• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Stora tråden om mikromärken och andra "affordables"

Notera hur han inte svarar på en enda av mina frågor.
no problem my friend, there is nothing strange going on at all, it's how I do things, as John and I do biz together,and I am enzo of enzo mechana, so thats me.
I understand if you feel uncomfortable, but this is how I've done things for years for the less expensive parts and such, the watches and more expensive items are done through bank wire to my account.
No problem at all, I feel maybe it's best not to make the dial as really I make for repeat customers and ones that know me, so i can see how this is not what you are used to, but that doesn't mean anything we are doing is not correct, yiu just don't have trust, so i dont want you you to be uncomfortable.
yiu did contact me from the official enzo mechana watches fb page, as well as my official email here., but, you should feel. comfortable with the process or else it will not be enjoyable for either of us.
i wish you well my friend, and thank you for sharing.
"My friend". Fuck you och alla som ser ut som dig.
I fart in your general direction.

Jävligt surt att han gör så förbannat snygga grejer bara.:sorry:

Jaja. Då har jag 12000 spänn att bränna på något annat.:D
Imponerande hur han lyckas vända det till att han inte vill göra affärer med dig. Men det är nog inte hans första rodeo.
Imponerande hur han lyckas vända det till att han inte vill göra affärer med dig. Men det är nog inte hans första rodeo.
Jag tyckte också att det var en snygg twist. Skickligt spelat onekligen.

Mitt svar.
Not sure what to say.
Too bad, i guess...

I really like your watches, but i don't think i could deal with all of this.
I don't think I've ever had someone turn down a job only because someone asked for an invoice, but hey, there's a first for everything i guess.
Jag hade kunnat vara otrevlig och få högre blodtryck och en större klump i magen. Men jag lämnar det vid passivt aggresiv och går vidare i livet.
Nu jävlar tog det hus i helvete!:D
I think you misunderstood me. in fact you did. where did I refuse because I wouldn't send an invoice? I did not., listen, I am a small atelier, I do hand work, I also get many orders and I cannot do them all, unless I want to non stop work only, so i take a certain amount of work per session my friend, people know me for this, as well they know I do not actively advertise or search for work, thankfully as I'm very word of mouth, so people know me, and yes trust me, I did not want to go further as you did not feel comfortable, and thus made me feel uncomfortable as well, plain and simple.
I deal in respect, and I've never taken anything from anyone and I've been doing this work for decades, so I was being quite honest with you, sorry you did not understand.
Låt oss aldrig glömma att handelsvaran är alltså respekt. Respekt.
Jag tyckte också att det var en snygg twist. Skickligt spelat onekligen.

Mitt svar.
Not sure what to say.
Too bad, i guess...

I really like your watches, but i don't think i could deal with all of this.
I don't think I've ever had someone turn down a job only because someone asked for an invoice, but hey, there's a first for everything i guess.
Jag hade kunnat vara otrevlig och få högre blodtryck och en större klump i magen. Men jag lämnar det vid passivt aggresiv och går vidare i livet.

”Då lägger vi en bajskorv på det, och går vidare”
Talesätt i släkten
Jag tyckte också att det var en snygg twist. Skickligt spelat onekligen.

Mitt svar.
Not sure what to say.
Too bad, i guess...

I really like your watches, but i don't think i could deal with all of this.
I don't think I've ever had someone turn down a job only because someone asked for an invoice, but hey, there's a first for everything i guess.
Jag hade kunnat vara otrevlig och få högre blodtryck och en större klump i magen. Men jag lämnar det vid passivt aggresiv och går vidare i livet.
Passiv aggressivitet är vi världsbäst på i Sverige :)

Lycka till med fortsatt sökande till efter graalen!
Mitt svar till Enzo.
But the invoice is the whole issue and has been since you first brought up paypal and John Janpol.
If you just would have replied "yes, I'll send you an invoice my friend", all would have been fine.
Just nu tycker jag bara att det är roligt att han är så upprörd.:D
Mitt svar till Enzo.
But the invoice is the whole issue and has been since you first brought up paypal and John Janpol.
If you just would have replied "yes, I'll send you an invoice my friend", all would have been fine.
Just nu tycker jag bara att det är roligt att han är så upprörd.:D
Vilken soppa. Tror du gör rätt som avstår. Känns inte stabilt. Hann du betala något över huvud taget?

12 papp får man mycket kul för! :)
Hämtat ut paket som legat 2 dagar på utlämningsstället...
Inte många i tråden som klarar det gissar jag!;):p
En grön och guldig Seiko var det.
Blir nog en härlig höstmörkeskompis med en rom och en fladdrande brasa!:)
Senaste från Enzo.
You are incorrect, look at your mails, this was not about an invoice, everyone gets an invoice who requests one sent., you are looking looking to make this an issue., thats a shame, we'll I'm not just an artist I'm. an engineer as well, so the fickle artist mentality is not something I do., look, in tjis day and age people have the Internet mentality, get uptight quick and make issues where there are none, as is the case here. there is not a single case where I have taken money from anyone, period, yet you were saying this is strange, etc., which is how you felt, I said OK, I understand, as i do not not do things as you may have liked, prior my attorney and account handled all payments, as I do not like dealing with monies, thats not my thing, I concentrate on my work, so that may have not been agreeable to you, but that's how I work.
Again, sorry you misunderstood me, but its better we do not go further as it is not a good feeling for either of us at this time.
Senaste från Enzo.
You are incorrect, look at your mails, this was not about an invoice, everyone gets an invoice who requests one sent., you are looking looking to make this an issue., thats a shame, we'll I'm not just an artist I'm. an engineer as well, so the fickle artist mentality is not something I do., look, in tjis day and age people have the Internet mentality, get uptight quick and make issues where there are none, as is the case here. there is not a single case where I have taken money from anyone, period, yet you were saying this is strange, etc., which is how you felt, I said OK, I understand, as i do not not do things as you may have liked, prior my attorney and account handled all payments, as I do not like dealing with monies, thats not my thing, I concentrate on my work, so that may have not been agreeable to you, but that's how I work.
Again, sorry you misunderstood me, but its better we do not go further as it is not a good feeling for either of us at this time.
Vilken pajsare. Snart får han det till att det är du som är suspekt om han får fortsätta. Han spelar rollen lite to much för sitt eget bästa.