• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

The many faces of vintage Tissot (många bilder)

Wtf! Jäklar vad tuff! Vet du något bakom historien? Hur hittade du den? :)
Kom upp på ebay och tyckte den var fin. Bara läst det som fanns på hodinkee:

Tissot Automatic for the Horological Institute of America

To wrap things up this week, we've got a watch that's equal parts fun and important. It also just so happens to be priced accessibly, because everybody loves a happy ending. If not for one key trait, I'd be using far less flowery adjectives to describe this next piece, but it is there, so bring on the borderline Byzantine descriptors! Our last watch is a Tissot, but a special one, which was manufactured way back when for the Horological Institute of America. This is made known proudly at the centre of its dial, where you’ll find a blue and yellow graphic depicting not the Death Star, but an observatory.

For those not familiar, the Horological Institute of America was the precursor to what’s now known as the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute, which was founded with the intention of advancing horological pursuits within the United States. Though not the first horological association in the country, the efforts of the Institute and following organizations are credited with the establishment and support of watchmaking schools throughout the country. These efforts ensured the craft we celebrate so fervently had a future, which today's market would clearly indicate as a success.



This watch was likely purchased by a member with a keen eye for design, as the applied indices certainly separate this piece from the pack of more pedestrian Tissots. My single gripe with this piece is how its case lines have been polished away, though it’s one of those "find me another one" scenarios in which you really can’t complain. Therefore I’ll sing it a little praise, and deem it the coolest watch you’ll find this week for under $1,000.

Kom upp på ebay och tyckte den var fin. Bara läst det som fanns på hodinkee:

Tissot Automatic for the Horological Institute of America

To wrap things up this week, we've got a watch that's equal parts fun and important. It also just so happens to be priced accessibly, because everybody loves a happy ending. If not for one key trait, I'd be using far less flowery adjectives to describe this next piece, but it is there, so bring on the borderline Byzantine descriptors! Our last watch is a Tissot, but a special one, which was manufactured way back when for the Horological Institute of America. This is made known proudly at the centre of its dial, where you’ll find a blue and yellow graphic depicting not the Death Star, but an observatory.

For those not familiar, the Horological Institute of America was the precursor to what’s now known as the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute, which was founded with the intention of advancing horological pursuits within the United States. Though not the first horological association in the country, the efforts of the Institute and following organizations are credited with the establishment and support of watchmaking schools throughout the country. These efforts ensured the craft we celebrate so fervently had a future, which today's market would clearly indicate as a success.



This watch was likely purchased by a member with a keen eye for design, as the applied indices certainly separate this piece from the pack of more pedestrian Tissots. My single gripe with this piece is how its case lines have been polished away, though it’s one of those "find me another one" scenarios in which you really can’t complain. Therefore I’ll sing it a little praise, and deem it the coolest watch you’ll find this week for under $1,000.

Riktigt cool, grattis!
Grymt också med en referens, då vet du ju vilken boett/verk/visare du ska leta efter.
Tänkte bygga en Tissot, så nu återstår att hitta en hammarautomat med kass tavla.

Kom upp på ebay och tyckte den var fin. Bara läst det som fanns på hodinkee:

Tissot Automatic for the Horological Institute of America

To wrap things up this week, we've got a watch that's equal parts fun and important. It also just so happens to be priced accessibly, because everybody loves a happy ending. If not for one key trait, I'd be using far less flowery adjectives to describe this next piece, but it is there, so bring on the borderline Byzantine descriptors! Our last watch is a Tissot, but a special one, which was manufactured way back when for the Horological Institute of America. This is made known proudly at the centre of its dial, where you’ll find a blue and yellow graphic depicting not the Death Star, but an observatory.

For those not familiar, the Horological Institute of America was the precursor to what’s now known as the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute, which was founded with the intention of advancing horological pursuits within the United States. Though not the first horological association in the country, the efforts of the Institute and following organizations are credited with the establishment and support of watchmaking schools throughout the country. These efforts ensured the craft we celebrate so fervently had a future, which today's market would clearly indicate as a success.



This watch was likely purchased by a member with a keen eye for design, as the applied indices certainly separate this piece from the pack of more pedestrian Tissots. My single gripe with this piece is how its case lines have been polished away, though it’s one of those "find me another one" scenarios in which you really can’t complain. Therefore I’ll sing it a little praise, and deem it the coolest watch you’ll find this week for under $1,000.

Grattis, vad fett! Det där kittlar ordentligt... Tack för det ;)

Tog nu fram klockan ur samlingen som kittlar mest. Också bumper med centrumsekund (och WTkomplikation)