• Välkommen till ett uppdaterat Klocksnack.se

    Efter ett digert arbete är nu den största uppdateringen av Klocksnack.se någonsin klar att se dagens ljus.
    Forumet kommer nu bli ännu snabbare, mer lättanvänt och framför allt fyllt med nya funktioner.

    Vi har skapat en tråd på diskussionsdelen för feedback och tekniska frågeställningar.

    Tack för att ni är med och skapar Skandinaviens bästa klockforum!

    /Hook & Leben

Stora tråden om mikromärken och andra "affordables"

Avslutar jobbveckan med Eterna. Mycket trevlig pjäs med coolaste spännet jag haft! Inser att jag nog aldrig varit så nöjd med min samling som jag är för stunden, men samtidigt letar jag konstant efter nästa köp. Man är inte klok! Samui är såklart ett måste om det blir en mikroutgåva/gruppköp, sen är jag väldigt sugen på en Tusenö Shellback när den väl släpps. Trevlig helg vänner!
Avslutar jobbveckan med Eterna. Mycket trevlig pjäs med coolaste spännet jag haft! Inser att jag nog aldrig varit så nöjd med min samling som jag är för stunden, men samtidigt letar jag konstant efter nästa köp. Man är inte klok! Samui är såklart ett måste om det blir en mikroutgåva/gruppköp, sen är jag väldigt sugen på en Tusenö Shellback när den väl släpps. Trevlig helg vänner!
Gruppköp? Microutgåva? Har jag missat något?😁
Avslutar jobbveckan med Eterna. Mycket trevlig pjäs med coolaste spännet jag haft! Inser att jag nog aldrig varit så nöjd med min samling som jag är för stunden, men samtidigt letar jag konstant efter nästa köp. Man är inte klok! Samui är såklart ett måste om det blir en mikroutgåva/gruppköp, sen är jag väldigt sugen på en Tusenö Shellback när den väl släpps. Trevlig helg vänner!
Jag var som mest nöjd 1994 när jag just köpt min första Rolex. Med andra ord så följer/kommer visdom inte nödvändigtvis med åren.
Avslutar jobbveckan med Eterna. Mycket trevlig pjäs med coolaste spännet jag haft! Inser att jag nog aldrig varit så nöjd med min samling som jag är för stunden, men samtidigt letar jag konstant efter nästa köp. Man är inte klok! Samui är såklart ett måste om det blir en mikroutgåva/gruppköp, sen är jag väldigt sugen på en Tusenö Shellback när den väl släpps. Trevlig helg vänner!
Fräckt! Klickar man bara i det som ett säkerhetsbälte? Oris har också ett spänne inspirerat av säkerhetsbälten på flygplan som lämpligt nog återfinns på deras flygare.

Avslutar jobbveckan med Eterna. Mycket trevlig pjäs med coolaste spännet jag haft! Inser att jag nog aldrig varit så nöjd med min samling som jag är för stunden, men samtidigt letar jag konstant efter nästa köp. Man är inte klok! Samui är såklart ett måste om det blir en mikroutgåva/gruppköp, sen är jag väldigt sugen på en Tusenö Shellback när den väl släpps. Trevlig helg vänner!
Grym, saknar den men njuter av dina fina bilder!

Själv sitter jag blick stilla i soffan i föräldrarnas tomma lägenhet och lyssnar på vinden. Skön paus.


På tal om Yema så får gärna MN-släpp baseras på denna som är deras gamla issued-modell. Kanske med mer tooligt utförande, annan tavelfärg och visare.


Are you a discerning collector looking for a timepiece that's not only versatile for everyday use, but would also help unravel the untold history of early dive watches? If so, the Peacemaker is right up your alley.
First introduced in 2017, the Peacemaker was in fact an early design conceived back in 2014 to replace the Genesis, our first line of watches. Owing to unexpected events we never managed to put that design to production at the time.
The Peacemaker is more than a passing nod to history. It exudes a strong retro vibe, its design heavily inspired by cushion-shaped dive watches worn by Italian frogmen from the '30s to '50s. It's primarily offered with our signature dial design - one that was based on an elusive prototype from the '50s, that we've modernised and put to production for the first time in 2014. In other variants, the historic California dial was also revived but with a twist, by way of a 'Semi-Cali' dial in military stencil typeface.
Our signature caseback flange adorns the Peacemaker's posterior, making it a truly unique piece in your collection. The use of premium materials extends to the Italian leather straps as well, although being a very versatile "strap-eater" the Peacemaker is likely to feed your strap addiction.
The timepieces are powered by mechanical movements from ETA, the largest Swiss movement manufacturer in the world. Access to ETA movements by independent brands is very limited if at all possible, but we're able to acquire these movements in small quantities and back it up with strong technical expertise.


Sorry for the delay. In order to not hold up any longer, we've decided to start accepting preorders for the Mk II Peacemaker.

Watches are expected to start shipping from end July/ August 2021.

Preorder price for the ETA 2824-2 models is $599 USD for the polished steel case, and $639 for the aged steel finish.

(Just for reference, back in 2017 the preorder price for the Mk I Peacemaker, polished case, Miyota 8 Series movement, was $499 USD.)

Preorder price for the ETA 6497-1 model is $899 USD.

Preorder deposit is $299. Balance payment will be sought when watches are ready to ship.

Click here for details - https://gruppogammawatches.com/.../gruppo-gamma-peacemaker

Please feel free to ask for any info that's not published within.



Senast ändrad:


Are you a discerning collector looking for a timepiece that's not only versatile for everyday use, but would also help unravel the untold history of early dive watches? If so, the Peacemaker is right up your alley.
First introduced in 2017, the Peacemaker was in fact an early design conceived back in 2014 to replace the Genesis, our first line of watches. Owing to unexpected events we never managed to put that design to production at the time.
The Peacemaker is more than a passing nod to history. It exudes a strong retro vibe, its design heavily inspired by cushion-shaped dive watches worn by Italian frogmen from the '30s to '50s. It's primarily offered with our signature dial design - one that was based on an elusive prototype from the '50s, that we've modernised and put to production for the first time in 2014. In other variants, the historic California dial was also revived but with a twist, by way of a 'Semi-Cali' dial in military stencil typeface.
Our signature caseback flange adorns the Peacemaker's posterior, making it a truly unique piece in your collection. The use of premium materials extends to the Italian leather straps as well, although being a very versatile "strap-eater" the Peacemaker is likely to feed your strap addiction.
The timepieces are powered by mechanical movements from ETA, the largest Swiss movement manufacturer in the world. Access to ETA movements by independent brands is very limited if at all possible, but we're able to acquire these movements in small quantities and back it up with strong technical expertise.


Sorry for the delay. In order to not hold up any longer, we've decided to start accepting preorders for the Mk II Peacemaker.

Watches are expected to start shipping from end July/ August 2021.

Preorder price for the ETA 2824-2 models is $599 USD for the polished steel case, and $639 for the aged steel finish.

(Just for reference, back in 2017 the preorder price for the Mk I Peacemaker, polished case, Miyota 8 Series movement, was $499 USD.)

Preorder price for the ETA 6497-1 model is $899 USD.

Preorder deposit is $299. Balance payment will be sought when watches are ready to ship.

Click here for details - https://gruppogammawatches.com/.../gruppo-gamma-peacemaker

Please feel free to ask for any info that's not published within.

Jaha, då kom den in på listan också då. Tack för det!


Are you a discerning collector looking for a timepiece that's not only versatile for everyday use, but would also help unravel the untold history of early dive watches? If so, the Peacemaker is right up your alley.
First introduced in 2017, the Peacemaker was in fact an early design conceived back in 2014 to replace the Genesis, our first line of watches. Owing to unexpected events we never managed to put that design to production at the time.
The Peacemaker is more than a passing nod to history. It exudes a strong retro vibe, its design heavily inspired by cushion-shaped dive watches worn by Italian frogmen from the '30s to '50s. It's primarily offered with our signature dial design - one that was based on an elusive prototype from the '50s, that we've modernised and put to production for the first time in 2014. In other variants, the historic California dial was also revived but with a twist, by way of a 'Semi-Cali' dial in military stencil typeface.
Our signature caseback flange adorns the Peacemaker's posterior, making it a truly unique piece in your collection. The use of premium materials extends to the Italian leather straps as well, although being a very versatile "strap-eater" the Peacemaker is likely to feed your strap addiction.
The timepieces are powered by mechanical movements from ETA, the largest Swiss movement manufacturer in the world. Access to ETA movements by independent brands is very limited if at all possible, but we're able to acquire these movements in small quantities and back it up with strong technical expertise.


Sorry for the delay. In order to not hold up any longer, we've decided to start accepting preorders for the Mk II Peacemaker.

Watches are expected to start shipping from end July/ August 2021.

Preorder price for the ETA 2824-2 models is $599 USD for the polished steel case, and $639 for the aged steel finish.

(Just for reference, back in 2017 the preorder price for the Mk I Peacemaker, polished case, Miyota 8 Series movement, was $499 USD.)

Preorder price for the ETA 6497-1 model is $899 USD.

Preorder deposit is $299. Balance payment will be sought when watches are ready to ship.

Click here for details - https://gruppogammawatches.com/.../gruppo-gamma-peacemaker

Please feel free to ask for any info that's not published within.

PG-00 köpt. Typiskt.
På min lista ligger de här, jag vill inte ha en lista, men men så är det:

Seaforth serie IV i någon sorts färg.

Jag kan inte heller släppa denna ur huvudet, Nivada Grenchen Aviator Sea Diver, den som är med här:
och här:

Fler Yema


Are you a discerning collector looking for a timepiece that's not only versatile for everyday use, but would also help unravel the untold history of early dive watches? If so, the Peacemaker is right up your alley.
First introduced in 2017, the Peacemaker was in fact an early design conceived back in 2014 to replace the Genesis, our first line of watches. Owing to unexpected events we never managed to put that design to production at the time.
The Peacemaker is more than a passing nod to history. It exudes a strong retro vibe, its design heavily inspired by cushion-shaped dive watches worn by Italian frogmen from the '30s to '50s. It's primarily offered with our signature dial design - one that was based on an elusive prototype from the '50s, that we've modernised and put to production for the first time in 2014. In other variants, the historic California dial was also revived but with a twist, by way of a 'Semi-Cali' dial in military stencil typeface.
Our signature caseback flange adorns the Peacemaker's posterior, making it a truly unique piece in your collection. The use of premium materials extends to the Italian leather straps as well, although being a very versatile "strap-eater" the Peacemaker is likely to feed your strap addiction.
The timepieces are powered by mechanical movements from ETA, the largest Swiss movement manufacturer in the world. Access to ETA movements by independent brands is very limited if at all possible, but we're able to acquire these movements in small quantities and back it up with strong technical expertise.


Sorry for the delay. In order to not hold up any longer, we've decided to start accepting preorders for the Mk II Peacemaker.

Watches are expected to start shipping from end July/ August 2021.

Preorder price for the ETA 2824-2 models is $599 USD for the polished steel case, and $639 for the aged steel finish.

(Just for reference, back in 2017 the preorder price for the Mk I Peacemaker, polished case, Miyota 8 Series movement, was $499 USD.)

Preorder price for the ETA 6497-1 model is $899 USD.

Preorder deposit is $299. Balance payment will be sought when watches are ready to ship.

Click here for details - https://gruppogammawatches.com/.../gruppo-gamma-peacemaker

Please feel free to ask for any info that's not published within.



YES! Så svårt att bestämma mig bara. Men förmodligen handjagad. 🤌👌🎺🥰🥕